What fruits can dogs eat? What are the fruits that dogs can eat?


We all know that fruit is important for keeping humans healthy, but did you know that fruit is equally so for dogs?
While providing enough dog food, adding fresh fruit not only benefits your dog's health, but also regulates their diet and adds to their enjoyment of life, as well as providing more vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and extra hydration.
But the important thing to remember when feeding fruit to dogs is that while many fruits are good for dogs, not all fruits are okay. A detailed list of fruits not to be given to dogs is at the bottom of this page.
Make sure that you give your dog no more than a third of his normal daily diet of fruit each day.

I. What are the fruits that dogs can eat?

1. Apples
9 fruits that are good for dogs With 6 fruits that dogs can't eat
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away from me." This saying may not keep dogs away from the vet, but small pieces cut into thin slices or other shapes will make excellent snacks. Just be sure not to feed your dog any apple seeds - as they contain small amounts of cyanide and have the potential for choking.
Helps clean teeth and freshen breath.
Contains vitamin A, vitamin C, and fiber, and the peel also contains a certain phytochemical that has been found to fight the growth of cancer cells.

2. Banana
9 fruits that are good for dogs with 6 fruits that dogs can't eat
Bananas also have many benefits for dogs. And they are inexpensive and available everywhere. They are soft and easy to process and can allow dogs to experience different textures, such as made into ice cream.
Bananas are good for the dog's digestion as well as for the heart and muscles.
Contains a lot of potassium, fiber, and vitamin C.

9 kinds of fruits that are good for dogs With 6 kinds of fruits that dogs can not eat
This crunchy texture of the fruit is very popular with dogs, they can chew it while cleaning their teeth in a delicious taste.
Peaches are rich in healthy vitamins and nutrients.
They contain fiber and antioxidants that are good for dogs.

4. Blueberries
9 fruits that are good for dogs With 6 fruits that dogs can not eat
How to say this, dogs like blueberries very much, but the small expensive price so that many people can not eat themselves, so the appropriate for the dog to taste as a reward. If the blueberry is very large or the dog is very small, please cut the blueberry in half before eating, otherwise, it will swallow it whole.
Low sugar content blueberries are the best snack for dogs with diabetes.
Contains vitamins C and K, as well as calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, and antioxidants.

5. Cantaloupe
9 kinds of fruits that are good for dogs with 6 kinds of fruits that dogs can not eat
Cantaloupe is a safe and healthy fruit for dogs, but do not feed the skin, because the rough texture can lead to intestinal damage.
Rich in beta-carotene, which is good for a dog's vision and immune system.
Contains vitamins A, B-6, and C, as well as fiber, potassium, folic acid, and niacin.

6. Papaya
9 kinds of fruits that are good for dogs With 6 kinds of fruits that dogs can not eat
Don't worry, papaya will not make dogs plump. And there are many more benefits for dogs, as long as you do not feed the rind and seeds, dogs will enjoy eating them very much and harmless.
Helps everything from heart health and immune health to eye health and digestion.
Contains vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as folic acid, fiber, calcium, and potassium.
7. Raspberries

9 fruits that are good for dogs With 6 fruits that dogs can't eat
This stuff is now a delicacy that many city dwellers have a hard time tasting, let alone dogs. If you see fresh raspberries, be sure to buy a little to try.
Can help fight cancer and circulatory disorders and with slowing down aging.
Contains vitamin C, folic acid, copper, magnesium, fiber, and antioxidants.

8, strawberries
9 kinds of fruits that are good for dogs with 6 kinds of fruits that dogs can not eat
Like most other berries, strawberries are rich in antioxidants. To be on the safe side, cut off the top leaves, and cut smaller pieces is better.
Greatly enhances immune system health helps regulate blood sugar, and acts as a natural anti-inflammatory.
Contains vitamins C, B-6, K, and E, as well as folic acid, potassium, and manganese.

9 kinds of fruits that are good for dogs With 6 kinds of fruits that dogs can not eat
There's nothing more satisfying than a juicy watermelon on a hot day, and dogs agree. Just don't feed the rind or seeds that are hard for dogs to digest.
High in lycopene, an antioxidant that protects against cell damage.
Contains vitamins A, B-6, and C, as well as thiamin, which helps convert fats, proteins, and carbohydrates into energy.
High moisture content, incredibly hydrating.

What fruits can dogs eat? What are the fruits that dogs can eat?

II. Fruits you can't give your dog

There is a long list of fruits that dogs can eat, and only the 9 most beneficial to dog health are provided above, but as a responsible pet parent, you should keep in mind the fruits that dogs cannot eat. These include

Grapefruit (grapefruit, grapefruit)
When feeding for the first time any type of fruit, please keep in mind one rule, always try a small amount and observe for 4 hours after the dog does not have any abnormalities before giving it to the dog normally later - even if these fruits or foods are harmless to the dog, you should do so because being harmless does not mean that your dog will not be allergic to these fruits or food.

III. Precautions for dogs eating fruit

1. Control the amount of fruit fed

The fruit may be good but it is not a meal. Regardless of the absorption and obesity burden that may result from the high sugar content, the water content of the fruit alone can make your dog dilute.

2. Do not eat the seeds and core
If the pet owner can not take down the seeds and cores, then this fruit should not be given to the woof to eat, because the woof will most likely chew these small things, but many fruit seeds and cores contain highly toxic (such as apple seeds).

3. It is best not to eat dried fruit

It is best not to feed your dog dried fruit food, especially peanuts, and chestnuts such as eating fragrant chewing easy rot dried fruit, eating too much is easy to indigestion.

What are the precautions for dogs to eating fruit?

2. If the dog choked how to do

Dogs unfortunately choke, and must be sent to the doctor as soon as possible, to avoid fruit stuck in the trachea, rescue and treatment is not urgent and cause misfortune, but can be sent to the doctor on the way to simple first aid. The following two methods pet owners should keep in mind.
1. If it is a small dog: the pet owner with one hand picks up the dog, lets the dog lie on the small arm, the other hand patting the dog's shoulder blade out, you can also use the method of medium and large dogs gouge out foreign objects.

2. For medium and large dogs: the owner pinches the dog's temporomandibular joint with one hand with the thumb and index finger, forcing the dog to open its mouth, and the other hand reaches into the dog's mouth to pick out the foreign object.
Parents must pay attention when feeding their dog fruit, the amount of fruit can not be too much, because if you eat too much, the dog is particularly likely to cause diarrhea.
Some rotten fruit should not be given to the dog to eat, because it is particularly easy to cause indigestion, but also easy to cause poisoning.
Never give your dog eat some fruit seeds or fruit with kernels, so eating, it is also very easy to lead to the phenomenon of dog poisoning.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:355 Views
  • Release Date:2022-06-22 17:33:20
  • Link to this article:https://www.petzuo.com/Dogs-feeding/What-fruits-can-dogs-eat-What-are-the-fruits-that-dogs-can-eat
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