Can dogs eat apples? What are the benefits of apples for dogs


Can dogs eat apples

Dogs can eat apples, which are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, of which fiber is not usually absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, and can effectively increase the peristaltic function of the dog's gastrointestinal tract, help the dog's absorption of nutrients, increase the utilization of food, help the reproduction of beneficial intestinal flora, and maintain the function of the intestinal tract. However, the apple cores should not be given to dogs together, as they contain cyanide, which may cause poisoning in dogs if used in excess, and once the cyanide poisoning reaction occurs, it is easy to cause death in dogs. The actual fact is that you will be able to get a good deal on a lot of the things that you need to do in order to be able to get a good deal on a lot of the things that you need to do.

What are the benefits of apples for dogs

Apples are highly nutritious and can effectively help supplement your dog's nutrition, as well as strengthen the stomach and appetite, promote your dog's gastrointestinal motility and enhance digestion. The many vitamins and dietary fiber in apples are also very beneficial to your dog's health, so it's good for your dog to eat some apples properly.
The nutritional value of apples is very high, each kilogram of pulp contains 15g of sugar, 2g of protein, and a rich variety of vitamins, while the fat content of apples is low, so dogs can properly eat some apples to supplement nutrition, and will not gain weight.
The pectin, or water-soluble dietary fiber contained in apples, can help dogs digest their intestines, strengthen their stomachs and promote the reproduction of beneficial bacteria in their intestines, so dogs can properly eat some apples for the benefit of their spleen and stomach.
Apples are rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals for the growth and development of dogs. In addition, apples can also act as a flavoring agent to improve your dog's appetite and promote better eating.

Dog's contraindicated diet

1, macadamia nuts, pecans : Macadamia nuts can lead to deficiency, muscle spasms and paralysis. Other nuts are also bad for dogs, nuts have a high phosphorus content may lead to kidney stones, should be avoided. Peanut butter is an exception, but such as feeding peanut butter, organic unsweetened peanut butter should be used.
2, raw eggs: vitamin H can promote dog growth and fur health, raw egg protein contains a protein material anti-vitamin H, it will prevent the absorption of vitamin H in the dog's body, causing vitamin H deficiency, resulting in dog diarrhea, oral ulcers and skin diseases, must be cooked eggs and then give dogs to eat. Raw eggs can lead to salmonella poisoning, heat it up and then give the dog the most appropriate.
3, raw or cooked liver: a small amount of liver is good for dogs, but too much can cause problems. Because liver contains a lot of vitamin A, it can cause vitamin A poisoning. A week of 3 chicken liver (or a corresponding amount of other animal liver) or so can cause bone problems.
4, chai, coffee beans, tea and bags of tea : Caffeinated drinks, food is as deadly to dogs and chocolate.
5, milk : Many dogs have lactose discomfort, if a dog drinks milk after farting, diarrhea, dehydration or skin inflammation, etc., should stop feeding milk. Dogs with lactose discomfort should consume milk that does not contain lactose ingredients. Puppies can be fed goat's milk or goat's milk cake, as goat's milk or yogurt is well absorbed and utilized by dogs.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:474 Views
  • Release Date:2022-06-17 17:05:28
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