Can dogs eat peanuts? Possible hazards to dogs


Dogs are allowed to eat peanuts. Peanuts can be found everywhere in our daily lives, and the nutritional value of peanuts is also very good. Peanuts can not only nourish the stomach but also is a blood tonic. Therefore, dogs eating peanuts is also conducive to the physical growth of dogs. Dogs eating peanuts can also help dogs clean their teeth and remove the smell from their mouths. The nutrition contained in peanuts is also can be a better help for the dog's coat. However, owners who raise dogs should give their dogs peanuts in moderation. Just like we humans are the same, eat in moderation. If you eat too much is not good for your health. Therefore, you can not give your dog too many peanuts, or eat too much, but to the dog's body.
In many of the dog food, we will also see the composition of peanuts. Because peanuts contain protein, they supplement the lack of nutrition for dogs, but also increase the taste of dogs. Although the nutritional value of peanuts is good, the owners of the dog to eat peanuts, remove the peanut shells, and then mash the peanuts, so that the dog will not cause indigestion. If the dog eats shelled peanut shells, is very easy to block the dog's intestines, which is very dangerous. So, don't give your dog whole peanuts to eat either, it will cause your dog gastrointestinal discomfort.

I. Components of peanuts

Potassium plays a role in maintaining cellular osmolarity and maintaining cellular activity, as well as producing unwanted salt in the body. Although the body will also excrete potassium quickly when excessive amounts are consumed, it should be noted that the ability to excrete potassium may be reduced by decreased kidney function.
Dietary fiber
There are two types of dietary fiber: insoluble fiber, which improves stool quality and promotes bowel movements; and water-soluble fiber, which excretes waste products from the intestinal tract. Peanuts contain more insoluble fiber than water-soluble fiber.
Phosphorus is an important mineral that replenishes calcium in the bones. Depletion weakens bones and adversely affects growth, but excessive intake may lead to kidney disease.

Dogs are not allowed to eat raw peanuts. Although peanuts are very rich in protein, usually eating peanuts is also very helpful to the dog's coat, but can not eat raw peanuts, because the dog's intestines can not be fully digested, especially can not eat the whole peanut, which may accumulate in the dog's throat area, causing an intestinal blockage, which can cause choking.
The nutritional content of raw peanuts will be higher than cooked peanuts, dogs eat raw peanuts are not easily digested by the intestinal tract, easily cause abdominal distension, there may also be vomiting symptoms, and the seriousness of the situation will induce tracheal swelling and thus make breathing difficult; so in order to avoid the adverse symptoms of the dog, do not give it to eat raw peanuts.

II. Possible hazards to dogs

1. Asphyxiation
Raw peanuts are relatively small in size. If dogs eat raw peanuts, they usually do not chew them. If they swallow the whole peanut, it will block the intestine. If they eat too much, it will accumulate in their throat, leading to poor breathing and choking to death.
2, cause bloating
The nutritional content of raw peanuts will be higher than cooked peanuts. Dogs that eat peanuts are not easily digested by the intestines and can easily cause bloating. There may be vomiting symptoms. Serious cases will induce swelling of the trachea, making it difficult to breathe; so in order to avoid adverse symptoms, do not give dogs raw peanuts.
Dogs can eat peanuts?
Dogs can eat peanuts but eat less. Peanuts are rich in nutrition, dogs can eat them properly. But peanuts are too fat, and not suitable for eating more. At the same time, feeding peanuts should be peeled first, ground, and boiled in water, which is the most suitable for dogs to eat and digest peanuts.
Can eat but eat less
Peanuts are rich in vitamins and nutrients, moderate consumption can promote the healthy growth of dogs. But the fat content of peanuts is also very high, a large number of peanuts will increase the burden on the dog's body.
Also, if the peanut shells are eaten by the dog, the hard shells can scratch the dog's stomach; but if the whole peanut bean is eaten, it may block the dog's esophagus or trachea, posing a choking hazard.

Can dogs eat peanuts? Possible hazards to dogs

III. Precautions for dogs eating peanuts

1. Crushing and grinding
To prevent the dog from being scratched, peel off the peanut shells before letting the dog eat the peanuts. Also, grind the peanuts into small particles for your dog to chew, and to prevent your dog from getting clogged with peanut beans.
2. Clear cooking
Many people like to eat salty peanuts, but it is too salty for dogs to eat. At the same time, raw peanuts are difficult to digest, boiled peanuts with water can effectively prevent the loss of nutrients.
Dogs can eat raw peanuts?
Dogs can not eat raw peanuts, because raw peanuts are not easily digested by the intestinal tract, especially dogs eat raw peanuts without chewing, which can easily lead to blocking the throat and thus cause the risk of choking; there will be bloating and vomiting phenomenon, which will seriously make the trachea swollen and feel difficult to breathe, so for the health of dogs, do not give it to eat raw peanuts.
Although peanuts are very rich in protein, usually eating peanuts also have great help to the dog's hair, but can not eat raw peanuts, because the dog's gastrointestinal can not be fully digested, especially can not eat the whole peanut, which may accumulate in the dog's throat, causing an intestinal blockage, thus triggering choking.
3, leading to choking
The size of raw peanuts is relatively small, if the dog eats raw peanuts generally does not chew, raw swallowed whole will block the intestinal tract, eat too much will accumulate in the throat area, thus forming respiratory distress, causing asphyxiation leading to to death.
4, causing abdominal distension
The nutritional content of raw peanuts will be higher than cooked peanuts, dogs eating peanuts raw is not easy to be digested by the intestines, easy to cause abdominal distension, there may also be vomiting symptoms, the situation is serious will induce swelling of the trachea and thus make breathing difficulties; so in order to avoid adverse symptoms in dogs, do not give it to eat raw peanuts.
Peanuts do not contain ingredients that cause addiction in dogs. However, the peanuts we often eat are processed and made with sugar or salt. Therefore, I do not recommend feeding processed peanuts to dogs.
In addition, even if it does not contain salt or additives, you must be careful. Because peanuts contain a lot of lipids, excessive consumption can cause indigestion and may cause diarrhea, and vomiting. In addition, peanuts also contain allergens, so if this is the first time you are giving them to your dog, then you should start with a few and be sure to check for any abnormalities after eating them.

IV. Processed peanut foods.

Peanut butter.
Peanut butter should not be mentioned because it contains excessive amounts of sugar and salt for dogs. However, sweet and fragrant peanut butter is a necessity for dogs. Because it is a great complementary food as an aid to your dog's medication, it is good to try after consulting your veterinarian.
Peanut shells
Of course, peanut shells should not be given to dogs either. Sometimes dogs will eat peanut shells that are accidentally dropped on the floor or eat peanut shells left on the table. If your dog eats a lot of peanut shells, consult your vet immediately. Because the dog cannot digest it, it may lead to intestinal obstruction.

Peanut bread
Beware of allergies because they contain peanut ingredients, even if they are small. In addition, salt, sugar, and lipids are excessive for dogs, and they are not good for digestion, so it is best not to give them.

Although the peanut thing for the dog's health, very good, dogs should not eat too much, because after eating too much is easy to indigestion, especially some puppies if you eat too much, for its gastrointestinal system is a very serious burden, and may even cause some gastrointestinal discomfort. Then there are the feeding dog peanuts when not a whole peanut directly into the dog's mouth, because if the whole dog is easy to get stuck in the throat can not swallow, that will cause the risk of choking, for dogs is very scary. Of course, do not add some other condiments to the peanuts and so on, for the dog is not good.
So dogs are able to eat peanuts.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:517 Views
  • Release Date:2022-06-17 18:03:58
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