Can dogs eat honey? What are the benefits of honey for dogs?


Honey is a sweet gift from nature to mankind. Many people see honey as a portion of healthy food and honey water is one of the most common ways people consume honey.
Not only does honey taste sweet, but it also has nutritional properties that improve health conditions. So can such a great food be fed to dogs? Should we be indifferent when furry pups look at honey with eager eyes, or should we let them have a taste of honey too?
The truth is that honey is as good for dogs as it is for people. Most of the time, honey is safe and nutritious for dogs. Honey contains many important nutrients such as pollen, enzymes, minerals, sugars (fructose and glucose), vitamins, and more. These nutrients are also needed to maintain your dog's healthy body.
By controlling the amount of honey you feed your dog, he will be able to get quality nutrients from the delicious honey.

I. What are the benefits of honey for dogs

The first thing we want to remind you of is that we are talking about raw, unprocessed honey here. That processed honey is usually made with corn syrup that is high in fructose, and this honey is not very beneficial for dogs.

Helps relieve your dog's allergies
If your dog is experiencing seasonal allergies, then he may benefit from ingesting honey.

Honey contains trace amounts of pollen. When your dog ingests honey he also slowly introduces these trace amounts of pollen into his body, and this pollen helps your dog develop antibodies to pollen.

When warm spring days arrive, these antibodies in your dog's body will be able to stop the autoimmune response triggered by the pollen in the air.

Therefore, it is best to feed your dog locally produced honey, as this honey has a higher probability of containing local pollen.

Pollen also contains a substance called quercetin, which is a bioflavonoid that contains antihistamine properties. Quercetin can reduce tearing and itching triggered by allergies.

Honey can help heal wounds in dogs
Honey can be used as an antiseptic and disinfectant on your dog's wounds, like the usual less serious scratches, bites, and burns. Just apply the honey directly to the wound and then wrap it with a bandage.

The reason why honey can be used to heal wounds is due to its properties.

Applying honey to the wound forms a protective film, which is insulated from external contaminants.
Honey contains a mildly acidic substance. Most bacteria cannot survive in this environment.
The water content of honey is very low (around 20%) and bacteria do not like such conditions.
The high sugar content in honey causes bacteria to dehydrate and die.
Honey contains antibacterial properties, which help heal wound infections.
Honey accelerates the growth of body tissues and speeds up the healing of wounds.
Despite all the benefits of honey in wounds, we need to remind you that treating wounds with honey should only be used for less serious wounds. If your dog has a deep wound, do not consider treating it with honey; it is only right to take your dog to the vet first.

Is honey good for dogs? Raw honey is good, honey made from syrup is useless
Honey can relieve your dog's cough
I'm sure you can relate to this yourself from first-hand experience. Drinking honey water when we have an upset throat will often help to relieve it.

In this regard, the same is true for dogs. Honey relieves the pain and discomfort in the throat.

When your dog is experiencing coughing symptoms, we recommend that you can feed your dog 1 teaspoon or 1/2 teaspoon of honey at a time, twice a day.

Honey can improve your dog's digestion
When your dog is experiencing digestive problems such as indigestion, constipation, or diarrhea, you can also try giving him a little honey to ease his gastrointestinal discomfort.

Honey contains prebiotics and probiotics, both of which can play a beneficial role in the digestive tract.

Honey can help control your dog's weight
Some studies have shown that honey can slow down hunger pangs. Honey is a simple sugar, but it is broken down differently than table sugar (such as white sugar).

Less insulin is needed to break down honey and it is absorbed more slowly by dogs. This means that it slows down the digestion and conversion of glucose, which keeps blood sugar levels relatively stable.

If your dog is prone to gaining weight, try adding a little honey to its diet.

Can dogs eat honey? What are the benefits of honey for dogs?

II. Precautions for feeding your dog honey

1. Honey has a high sugar content
The main component of honey is sugar and water, accounting for 97:3. The body structure of dogs is different from that of humans and is not able to eat too sweet. Dogs can become lactose intolerant after drinking honey, leading to problems such as diarrhea and vomiting, and even death in severe cases.

2. Easy contamination during manufacturing
Because honey is susceptible to contamination by Clostridium botulinum during the brewing, transportation, and storage process. The dog's resistance is weak, after eating botulism, it will reproduce in the intestinal tract, reach a certain number, and produce toxins, and the liver's detoxification function is poor, thus easily causing botulism food poisoning.

3, honey contains allergenic substances
Honey is honey made from nectar harvested by bees from the flowers of flowering plants in the hive. Honey contains a variety of plant nectar, and some dogs that are allergic to nectar are prone to poisoning if they eat it.

Note for dog breeding.

Honey is high in sugar and has a laxative, laxative, and other effects. The dog will have diarrhea after eating. If you've got a lot of money to spend, you'll be able to get a lot of money to spend.

Puppies do not feed honey, not at all, poor gastrointestinal, constipation, and diarrhea can be regulated with probiotics. It can be used for dogs' bacterial or intestinal flocculation caused by enteritis diarrhea, vomiting constipation, indigestion bad breath, and bad breath. It can be licked directly, given with warm water, or mixed into the food and fed.

Although honey is good, dogs may be poisoned if they eat too much of it, what is going on?
2. raising dogs must not be leftovers as the main food, dogs eat for a long time, puppies will be malnourished, underdeveloped, adult dogs, it will lead to serious hair loss, tear marks, picky eating, and other problems.

The truth is that not every dog is suitable for honey, and if your dog is diabetic, then honey would not be a good choice. Here are some things you should keep in mind when feeding honey to dogs other than those in a special condition

It is important to control the amount of honey you feed your dog. Too much honey can not only cause diarrhea, but also obesity. (Specific feeding recommendations will be mentioned later)
It is not recommended to feed honey to dogs under 6 months of age. Puppies' digestive tracts and immune systems are not fully developed and honey is not a good choice for them.
Raw honey may contain some naturally occurring bacteria and it is not suitable for puppies.
Is honey good for dogs? Raw honey is good, honey made from sugar syrup is useless
Recommended Feeding Size for Dogs on Honey
Honey can be a great food to add to your dog's diet, but you shouldn't forget that honey is a high sugar food and too much of it can cause a host of negative effects on your dog.

Three: What can happen when you feed your dog too much honey?

Too much honey can cause gastrointestinal problems in dogs, such as botulism, diarrhea, bloating, stomach cramps, and more. Because honey is high in fructose, too much honey may also interfere with your dog's ability to digest other nutrients.

Excessive amounts of honey may also cause dental problems in dogs. This is because the high levels of sugar in honey may attach to your dog's teeth and become a nutrient for bacteria, which can lead to the formation of tooth decay.

IV. Reasonable Recommended Feeding Levels

Is honey good for dogs? Raw honey is great, honey made from syrup is useless
Remember, when your dog first eats honey, try to give as little as possible. On the one hand, you need to watch to see if your dog is allergic to the honey itself, and on the other hand, this helps the dog get used to the smell, texture, and taste of the honey. Once he starts to get used to the honey, then slowly increase the amount until you reach a feeding amount that is appropriate for his size.

Watch your dog's bowel movements and mental state after the first few feedings of honey, and if there are any abnormalities, do not give him any more honey.

  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:361 Views
  • Release Date:2022-06-22 17:15:44
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