Can dogs eat onions? Why are onions toxic to dogs


Can dogs eat onions

Dogs cannot eat onions. Onions are too irritating for dogs and can easily make them diarrhea. And onions contain n-propyl disulfide, which destroys the hemoglobin in your dog's body and can lead to poisoning, which can cause your dog to urinate blood and, in severe cases, kill him.

Dogs can not eat onions
Dogs are not allowed to eat onions, although onions are very nutritious, onions are too strong for dogs to stimulate, and the dog's stomach is usually weak, so it is easy to diarrhea. Onions also contain n-propyl disulfide, which can destroy hemoglobin in dogs and make them anemic, and can even be very damaging to their bone marrow. After a dog eats an onion, it will urinate blood and give it to the dog often enough to cause chronic poisoning, which can lead to death in severe cases.

Can dogs eat onions? Why are onions toxic to dogs

Why onions are toxic to dogs

Onions are among the foods that contain irritants and contain a toxic ingredient called n-propyl disulfide, which can cause acute hemolytic anemia and damage your dog's bone marrow when accidentally ingested. One or two slices of onion per week are enough to damage the dog's red blood cells and not provide the dog with an adequate amount of oxygen.

Dogs that eat too much onion can cause acute poisoning, mostly within 1 to 2 days, with red urine and, in severe cases, coffee- and soy sauce-colored urine. Dogs will show loss of appetite, diarrhea and vomiting, and lack of energy, which can be fatal if not treated in time.
And dogs fed small amounts of onions over a long period of time will exhibit signs of chronic poisonings, such as mild anemia and jaundice.

Understanding first aid for dogs that have accidentally ingested onions

1. For mildly poisoned dogs, feed the dog more water for diuretic, and the dog can metabolize and recover on its own in 1~2 days. When the dog's urine color is normal, you can properly feed the dog a little probiotic to regulate the stomach.

2. For dogs with severe poisoning, you can go to the hospital for routine blood tests, blood biochemistry, and urine tests to help the doctor confirm the diagnosis and treat the symptoms, and if necessary, blood transfusion therapy is needed.

In addition to not eating onions, garlic and other stimulating vegetables can not be eaten, even after cooking and processing still contain sulfide, the shovelers must pay attention to avoid allowing dogs to eat these foods.

Is it okay if your dog eats a little bit of cooked onion

Vegetables that dogs can eat include broccoli, cabbage, spinach, carrots, cucumbers, etc. Vegetables that cannot be eaten are onions, garlic, leeks, chives, scallions, raw potatoes, wild mushrooms, etc.
Dogs are not allowed to eat onions. Whether cooked or raw onions, dogs eat onions, which easily lead to the breakdown of red blood cells in the dog's body, resulting in hemolytic anemia in dogs. Because onions contain N-base dioxide, it can cause excessive oxidative damage to red blood cells, causing them to become less damaged, resulting in a decrease in their oxygen-carrying capacity and the formation of Heinz's vesicles, causing the dog's body to attack the red blood cells itself, resulting in acute hemolytic anemia and possibly damage to the bone marrow.

The amount of poison in the dog's onion is related to the dog's weight, and a very small amount of onion consumed by a dog of small weight can be fatal. Generally, dogs after eating onions will appear vomiting or panting, have a rapid heartbeat, and blood in the urine occurs, the owner should promptly notice how much onion the dog ate and observe the dog's performance symptoms, if there are abnormalities, need to promptly take to the hospital for treatment.

Dogs eat little cooked onions how to detoxify
If the dog ate a little cooked onion can use soapy water, or diluted hydrogen peroxide to detoxify the dog. If a dog accidentally eats an onion, first check the dog's mouth to see if there is still a cooked onion that has not been swallowed and if so it needs to be cleaned out. These actions are designed to prevent the dog from digesting more cooked onions and thus reduce the symptoms of poisoning. What should be done after that is to contact the vet and recall when the dog swallowed the cooked onion, this information, which can help the doctor save the dog. It is also necessary to take pictures of the dog's blood and urine, as well as vomit as a reference for the doctor to see.

Is it okay if the dog ate a little cooked onion

Is it okay for a dog to eat a little cooked onion? Dogs should not eat onions, whether cooked or uncooked. When dogs eat onions, they tend to break down the red blood cells in their bodies, causing hemolytic anemia in dogs. Because onions contain N-base dioxide, it can cause excessive oxidative damage to red blood cells, causing a decrease in their ability to carry oxygen and form Heinz's vesicles, causing the dog's body to attack the red blood cells itself, resulting in acute hemolytic anemia and possibly damage to the bone marrow.

The amount of onion poisoning in dogs is related to the weight of the dog, and a small amount of onion in a smaller dog can be fatal. Generally, dogs will vomit after eating onions, or panting, rapid heartbeat, blood in the urine, the owner should promptly pay attention to how much onion the dog has eaten, and also observe the dog's performance symptoms, if there are abnormalities, need to promptly take the dog to the hospital for treatment.

How long do you have to observe your dog after eating a cooked onion to make sure it's okay?
Dogs will show symptoms 1-2 days after eating onions, and if the symptoms are severe, dark brown hemoglobinuria, vomiting and diarrhea will occur. Mental and poor, palpitations and enlarged spleen. In your case, only this time to eat, then if it is poisoning should be "acute". The dog's symptoms are not very serious, it should be considered moderate poisoning. So you have to give it some fluids, which will speed up the recovery, otherwise, the time will be delayed causing the dog anemia and yellow bile.
It is best to give some glucose, Ringer's solution, while subcutaneously giving injections of sodium anhydrous plus 2 ml, tachyphylaxis to 1 kg of body weight 1 mg, after it slightly recovered, appropriate to give some blood tonic.
If you do not take measures in this way, for your dog this symptom will not appear again as a great manifestation of the disease but will cause different degrees of anemia and yellow bile to the dog.

Methods to induce vomiting in dogs

Once a dog has accidentally eaten something toxic such as rat poison, the first thing to do is to induce vomiting in him. If the dog does not appear unconscious and the accidental ingestion is not caustic, you can give it an emetic such as an infusion of warm soapy water or hydrogen peroxide.
Give the dog soapy water to induce vomiting, you can use a larger syringe to pour soapy water into the dog's mouth, after filling the hand close the dog's mouth, so that the dog can swallow the soapy water by itself to achieve the purpose of inducing vomiting. After feeding soapy water the dog does not vomit for a long time, you can speed up the speed of vomiting by promoting the dog's movement, and after inducing vomiting you can give the dog some water appropriately.

You can also use a certain percentage of diluted hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting, but hydrogen peroxide has strong oxidizing properties, and the amount must be strictly controlled to avoid aggravating the dog's condition. Immediately after vomiting, the dog should be gavaged with plenty of water to flush the residual hydrogen peroxide from the digestive tract. If you do not know how to operate, you can take your dog to a veterinary hospital and ask a professional to induce vomiting.

The vomiting reaction can damage the stomach lining to some extent, so careful consideration must be given to whether or not to induce vomiting.

  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:447 Views
  • Release Date:2022-06-17 18:01:45
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