Is broccoli good for dogs? Broccoli is good, but it's not all good and no harm


Broccoli, also known as broccoli, is a highly nutritious, low-calorie combination and deserves to be the king of healthy vegetables.
It is rich in dietary fiber, carotenoids, protein, vitamins, fat, carbohydrates, and the antioxidant isothiocyanate compound, and is also one of the foods that contain the most flavonoids, making it highly valuable for food and health.
It is also known for its anti-aging and cancer-preventing properties, making it a "long-lasting" dish on most family dinner tables.

I. About broccoli's anti-cancer theory:

Broccoli is rich in carotenoids, which can be converted into vitamin A after entering the body and can organize and inhibit the reproduction of cancer cells and restore normal tissues to function. Vitamin A, with the synergistic effect of VC and VE, can make the carcinogenic chemical oxidants in the body ineffective thus playing a role in cancer prevention. Vitamin C promotes the growth of fibrous tissues, forming a dense network around tumors to prevent them from spreading.
Researchers say that broccoli is an excellent food source of carotenoid, a natural anti-cancer compound and that its black mustard enzyme is critical to the anti-cancer effects of carotenoid, which can reduce the incidence of rectal cancer when consumed over time.

Broccoli is a healthy and tasty quality ingredient that has a great nutritional value not only for people, but also for dogs, and studies have shown that feeding broccoli to dogs in moderation is also beneficial to their health.

The following is a breakdown of broccoli's nutritional content, and the pros and cons of broccoli for dogs.

II. Key Benefits of Broccoli for Dogs

Rich in dietary fiber, promotes digestion and improves your dog's gastrointestinal function
Broccoli is rich in dietary fiber. Although this type of nutrient cannot be absorbed by the body, it can absorb a lot of water, increase the volume of food in the digestive tract and enhance the feeling of satiety, while promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis, adsorbing harmful substances from the gut and discharging them, improving the intestinal flora and protecting the digestive tract, thus making the dog's gut healthier.

Control blood sugar and cholesterol levels, prevent diabetes and cardiovascular disease in dogs
Broccoli is high in fiber and low in fat. Soluble fiber slows down digestion and rapidly excretes cholesterol, thus keeping blood sugar and cholesterol levels in the blood within the ideal range. Secondly, the flavonoid compounds in broccoli can prevent infection, is the best vascular cleaners, can stop cholesterol oxidation, prevent platelets from clumping together, reduce thrombosis, and have a protective effect on the dog's cardiovascular.

Rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, strengthen the dog's immunity
Vitamins are a class of organic substances necessary to maintain the normal metabolism of dogs, although the need is minimal, it plays an important role in regulating physiological functions. For dogs, most vitamins must be obtained from the diet.

Broccoli is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, and vitamin B1, B2, etc. These vitamins are antioxidant components, and some are closely related to the body's blood clotting function, which is very helpful to improve the dog's immunity.

In addition, broccoli is also rich in mineral trace elements such as magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, chromium, potassium, and manganese, which are essential for your dog's nervous system, immune system, and cardiovascular health.

III. Broccoli is good, but not harmless

The adverse effects of broccoli on dogs are reflected in the adverse consequences of overconsumption for two main reasons.

1, broccoli such cruciferous plants in common is rich in isothiocyanates, the appropriate concentration of isothiocyanate solution to improve the body's immune system, and enhance antioxidant, anti-mutagenic and anti-cancer ability, but its high concentration (overconsumption) will release the toxic components of thiocyanate, detrimental to the health of dogs.

2, broccoli is rich in a variety of fibers. Fiber is not easy to digest, excessive consumption may cause stomach bloating, stomach pain, and vomiting acid phenomenon.

Therefore, when feeding broccoli, you must not let your fur child eat it indiscriminately and control the intake, which is generally 5%-10% of your daily diet is most appropriate.

Is broccoli good for dogs? Broccoli is good, but it's not all good and no harm

IV. Precautions for feeding broccoli to your dog

Try not to feed raw broccoli
Raw broccoli cooked may cause some active ingredients to fail, such as some vitamins that are broken down by high temperatures. Also, because raw broccoli is crisper and more watery, some dogs may prefer the taste of raw broccoli and disdain-cooked broccoli.

However, considering that raw broccoli may have pesticide, fertilizer, and certain germ residues on its surface, and may easily cause indigestion in puppies, it is better not to feed raw broccoli as much as possible.

Steaming and boiling are the main cooking methods
Steaming is the best way to minimize the loss of nutrients. Generally, steaming for 20 minutes or microwaving for 3 minutes until the broccoli is soft. Boiling broccoli for 3 minutes is the best way to minimize nutrient loss, such as thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin C, and vitamin B. However, it also increases the level of carotene, tocopherol, and lutein, and enhances the ability of broccoli to bind bile acids, thus improving its ability to lower cholesterol. It is best when broccoli is cooked and then mixed with other foods before feeding it to your dog.

When feeding broccoli for the first time, pay close attention to your dog's condition
If it is your dog's first time eating broccoli, keep an eye on your dog for a few hours after eating. If your dog has stomach upset or allergies, seek medical attention and avoid broccoli for subsequent feedings.

Don't eat too much, moderation is important
Broccoli is rich in a variety of fibers is not easy to digest, too much consumption, and is easy to cause bloating, and abdominal pain, causing vomiting dogs. Secondly, because of the isothiocyanate in its composition, the concentration is too high when consumed in excess, easily releasing the toxic component of thiocyanate, causing the thyroid gland to be iodine-deficient, which in turn leads to goiter and is detrimental to your dog's health.

V. How to make homemade dog food with broccoli and other ingredients

Ingredients: half a broccoli, one carrot, a small number of cabbage leaves, one potato, the right amount of beef, a little olive oil, two eggs, a little cornmeal and white flour mix (1-2 meals. (Adjust the number of ingredients according to the amount of dog food)

Cooking method.

1, beef cut into pieces, carrots cut into pieces, boiled together cooked and chopped, and set aside.

2銆乄ash the broccoli and steam it quickly for about 20 minutes underwater. Then take out the chopped and set it aside.

3銆丼teamed potatoes, chopped, and set aside.

4銆丮ix all the above ingredients, beat two eggs, add cornmeal and white flour mixture, drizzle a little olive oil and mix well.

Add the cornmeal and white flour mixture, drizzle a little olive oil and mix well. Shape the mixture into a ball and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Note on this method.

Carrots must be oiled before consumption, otherwise, they will cause indigestion in dogs.
Broccoli is an excellent food source of the natural anti-cancer compound, carrot sulfur. To protect the carrot sulfur in broccoli, so choose to steam the broccoli underwater. Secondly, broccoli also contains a large number of glycosides, which are produced by the action of the black mustard enzyme to produce radish sulfur, so cabbage is chosen as a match. (Chinese cabbage belongs to the cabbage family of cruciferous vegetables and is rich in black mustard enzyme)
Soft food can be briefly one or two meals, for the sake of the dog's dental health, so do not eat more.

A little broccoli, a lot of benefits. Feed it in moderation and it will be very beneficial to your dog. From the experience of our own dogs who often eat broccoli and have not experienced any adverse symptoms after consumption, we recommend that you do not feed broccoli alone, but together with other ingredients, dogs will like it more and will be more nutritious.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:353 Views
  • Release Date:2022-06-22 17:30:17
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