Can dogs eat crab?What is the danger of dogs eating crabs?


Seafood is rich in high-quality protein, and more fatty acids can make up for the nutrition that can not be supplemented in dog food. The fish, shrimp, and crab in seafood can certainly be given to your dog to eat
Can dogs eat crab?
Crab, like shrimp, contains vitamins and minerals that are essential for dogs, including vitamin B12, the mineral zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids. However, because crab is naturally rich in iodine and cholesterol, iodine can easily cause allergies in dogs, and can even cause dogs to suffer from allergic dermatitis. In addition, crab also contains sodium, so if your dog eats too much crab, it may increase the amount of salt in the body, which can lead to an electrolyte imbalance. Therefore, crab meat should be chosen more carefully compared to shrimp.

I. Is there any danger of dogs eating crab?

If a dog eats crab and nothing bad happens, it is not relevant because some dogs are just fine with seafood some dogs only eat a little and get allergic poisoning, etc.
Crab is a portion of big cool food, the dog's digestive and absorption system is different from the human's, eat crab, some dogs are extremely susceptible to digestive tract infections. For example, indigestive vomiting and diarrhea, and food poisoning digestive symptoms. In severe cases, it can be life-threatening.
If diarrhea alone, give the dog some mommy love on it, if the vomiting is serious, it means that it may be poisoned, this situation should immediately go to the hospital to do laboratory tests, to hunger and water infusion.
The actual crab eats other animals, other animals may also eat crab, for example, humans will crab as a gourmet delicacy, there are water birds also eat crab, some fish also like humans like to eat crab feet. When young and immature crabs float in the sea in groups, they may be preyed upon by other marine creatures, and for this reason, crabs have to lay a lot of eggs when they lay their eggs to ensure their survival rate.
Dogs eating crabs can be fatal.
Seafood can cause diarrhea, then blood in the stool, fine, and crisis the dog's life, so be sure to pay attention and not eat seafood.

II. Puppies can't eat crabs

The main reasons are considered from these two aspects.

First, the shell of the crab is too hard and can scratch the dog's gut.

Second, crabs contain a lot of allergic substances, and dogs are also prone to allergic reactions when they eat them.

The owners should remember not to crab to the dog to eat, or the consequences are very serious.

First of all, the crab is no stranger to people nowadays, their shells are very hard, and if the dog eats with the shell, not only will the dog not chew smoothly enough, but even eat into the stomach, it is very likely to scratch the dog's stomach, there will be indigestion, so the dog is not allowed to eat crab.
Secondly, many people are allergic to crabs, and dogs are no exception. Because crab contains many allergic substances, like allergenic dogs, they are likely to be allergic to crab, thus the skin redness, swelling, itching, and even face the possibility of death.

Finally, owners should not give their dogs anything that people can eat, there are some things that they can't digest, after all, their gut is not the same as ours.

Can dogs eat crab?What is the danger of dogs eating crabs?

Three, can dogs eat fish and shrimp in addition to crab?

Can dogs eat fish?
Many owners have little doubt about fish, but raw or undercooked fish may still have bacteria or parasites, so it's best to cook it before giving it to them. Also, be careful not to give your dog fish with too many fine bones to avoid fish spines getting stuck in the throat. In addition, not all fish are suitable for dogs to eat, some longer-lived fish, like tuna, because of the long life cycle, the body of the fish will accumulate a lot of mercury and other heavy metals.

As you may know, salmon is good for dogs because salmon is rich in a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids, OMG-3, which can effectively promote hair growth and keep your dog's coat soft and smooth, and can also accelerate metabolism. But if you are eating salmon sashimi, it is best not to give your dog, because raw salmon may contain salmon suckers inside, and these worms carry the new rickettsiae that make salmon poisoning in dogs, but as long as the fish is cooked can be inactivated.

So can dogs eat shrimp?
Shrimp is rich in nutrients that dogs need, such as vitamin B12, niacin, phosphorus, and antioxidants.

Vitamin B12 is important for your dog's metabolic processes and plays an important role in gastrointestinal health; niacin, known as vitamin B3, boosts your dog's immunity throughout the day and promotes proper cardiovascular activity; phosphorus is vital to the formation and health of your dog's bones and teeth, and it works in tandem with vitamin B. It also helps with kidney function, nerve signaling, and maintaining a normal heartbeat.

In addition, shrimp is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. omega 3 fatty acids are an important component of cell membranes and they help regulate blood pressure and relieve inflammation in the dog's body. Shrimp is also low in fat, calories, and carbohydrates, so if your dog is on a diet, shrimp is a good choice.

So it seems that shrimp is good for dogs, so is it okay to give them more? The answer is no. Because of the high cholesterol content of shrimp, dogs eating too much shrimp may lead to high cholesterol in dogs. If the dog itself suffers from high blood lipids or is older dogs, it is not suitable to eat shrimp.

In addition, shrimp contains many high-quality good proteins, but these good proteins are not necessarily suitable for dogs, too much intake may lead to allergies to protein, but also the dog's skin oil overproduction, is prone to cause skin disease. If the dog is allergic to seafood or if the gastrointestinal function is not so good, the owner should not let the dog eat shrimp.

If you want to give your dog shrimp, remember to help them remove the shells, heads, and tails of the shrimp first. Because the shell of the shrimp is very difficult to digest, and the head and tail of the shrimp, are very sharp. If the dog eats the whole shrimp, it is easy to make their throat and gastrointestinal tract injury, serious cases may also let the dog to choke, or internal bleeding. In addition, shrimp, like fish, should be cooked before giving them to eat. Because raw shrimp may carry some germs and parasites, cooking the food eliminates these concerns.

If you are not sure if your dog is allergic to shrimp, you can feed your dog a little shrimp to see if they have any allergic symptoms such as redness, itching, vomiting, or diarrhea. If they do, take them to the doctor right away.

Fourth, what are the precautions for giving your dog seafood?

First, refuse raw food.
If you feed your dog seafood that has not been cooked or steamed, your dog can easily become infected with various parasites or bacteria. Some of the parasites or bacteria can be easily transmitted to us during the contact between our dog and us.
At the same time, it should be strictly deboned, de-spined, and de-shelled before feeding and there is no need to add any seasoning.
Dogs can certainly eat fish, shrimp, and crab, but there are a few points to focus on when eating seafood

Second, pay attention to allergies.
Seafood contains substances that can highly trigger skin allergies in dogs, and some dogs can cause allergic dermatitis, producing a reddish skin rash.
At the same time, because of itching, dogs will keep scratching to form wounds.
When feeding your dog seafood for the first time, feed a small amount to make sure your dog does not have any allergies.
Dogs can certainly eat fish, shrimp, and crab, but there are a few points to focus on when eating seafood

Third, cause poisoning.
If the dog's gastrointestinal digestive function is not good, feeding seafood will appear vomiting and diarrhea symptoms.
At the same time, the high content of vitamin A in seafood, the dog is unable to absorb all of it, is likely to cause dog poisoning.

Fourth, pay attention to the amount of feeding.
Although seafood is rich in protein, the salt in it compared with dog food, has long exceeded the basic body needs of dogs.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:619 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-08 09:02:36
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