Can cats eat apples? The benefits of cats eating apples


Apples are rich in vitamins and calcium and other nutrients, and the pectin in apples can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, so cats have some benefits from eating apples. However, the cores of apples contain cyanide, a substance that can poison cats, so when feeding apples to cats, it is best to cut the apples into pieces and pick out the cores and seeds.
Many cats love the taste of apples. Apples contain many vitamins and nutrients, such as calcium, vitamin C, and pectin, which are all beneficial to cats and can also help regulate their intestines and aid in digestion.

I. Benefits of apples for cats

After knowing the answer to "Can cat eat apples", you probably want to know what are the benefits of eating apples afterward, right? Here are the nutrients and ratios of one serving of apples (about 100 grams).

Calories (Energy): 52

Protein: 0.3 grams

Fat: 0.2 grams

Carbohydrates (Carbs): 13.8 grams

Sugar: 10.4 grams

Fiber (Fiber): 2.4 grams

Malic acid brush teeth

A special substance called "malic acid" is found in apples.

When cats bite into apples, malic acid helps to clean the dirt on their teeth and has a similar effect to brushing.

Vitamin and mineral supplementation

Apples are rich in.

Vitamin C - A vitamin with antioxidant properties that moisturizes your cat's skin and maintains health, as well as strengthens the immune system.

Potassium - is extremely important for acid-base regulation, muscle contraction, and oxygen transport in the body. Deficiency can lead to paralysis or stunting, and hypokalemia.

Resists oxidative damage to the body

The body is subjected to oxidative damage for a long time and prolonged exposure to high oxidative stress may induce various chronic diseases such as skin inflammation, which is common in cats. Taking foods that are rich in antioxidants will help the body fight these damages.

Apples contain high levels of antioxidants that can help fight oxidative stress:

Quercetin - is a substance found in many fruit and vegetable foods. According to animal studies, quercetin may have important benefits in helping to fight inflammation, viruses, cancer, and depression.

Catechins - Antioxidants commonly found in green tea, which is why green tea has been called super healthy in recent years! In animal studies, catechins have been found to help improve brain and muscle function.

Chlorogenic acid - Another antioxidant commonly found in coffee, which may be important for lowering blood sugar and weight loss.

Extra fiber may help with digestion

The fiber contained in apples may help some cats with digestive problems pass stool out of their bodies. If your kitten has recently had trouble pooping in the litter, giving some apples may help.

Can cats eat apples? The benefits of cats eating apples

II. Bad effects of cats eating apples

Although apples are not harmful to cats, they do have a few disadvantages.

High carbohydrate and sugar content

Apples are made up of carbohydrates and sugar. Cats' bodies are not suited to eating excessive carbohydrates and have no taste for sweetness.

Studies have shown that carbohydrates are not a necessary element in a healthy diet for cats.

Moreover, excessive carbohydrates are associated with overweight and diabetes in cats.

Therefore, care must be taken in the number of apples given.

It May affect fat and protein digestibility

One study suggests that adding apple crumbs to a cat's diet will greatly reduce protein digestibility and slightly reduce fat digestibility.

The higher the apple content in the diet, the lower the protein and fat digestibility, so it is best not to feed apples with other meat foods.

Residual pesticide concentration

Apples are one of the fruits that are most affected by pesticide residues. These pesticide residues are left on the surface and cannot be washed away with water.

Although there are no studies on the direct health effects of eating pesticide residues, it is not good to think about it logically.

If possible, it is recommended to choose organic apples.

Apple seeds contain potassium cyanide

Because potassium cyanide is harmful to cats, apple seeds should not be fed to cats. Although a small amount of seeds is not enough to cause a toxic reaction, it is always bad for cats, so be careful.

Apples are nutritious, sweet, and healthy food for people, as well as for cats. Many cats love the taste of apples, which contain a variety of vitamins and nutrients such as calcium, vitamin C, and pectin, all of which are beneficial to cats and can also help regulate their intestines and aid in digestion.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages for cats to eating apples, and they should also pay attention to the right amount when eating. Small amounts of apples are perfectly safe for cats, and eating them in moderation can also help maintain your cat's health.

Apples are good but you can't eat too much of them.
Not any fruit cats can't eat, some fruits can be eaten in moderation, such as apples, strawberries, watermelon, blueberries, etc. These fruits are rich in nutrients that cats need and can be absorbed by cats. However, cats can not eat a lot of apples, too much will lead to indigestion and affect the health of cats. In particular, cats with diabetes should not eat apples.

Also, cats should not eat apples on an empty stomach, this may cause problems such as diarrhea, and diarrhea, and can use apples as a snack only.

How to give cats safe apples?
Cats should not eat more than half a small mini apple at a time.

When feeding apples to cats, try to cut them as small as possible, too large may cause the cat to choke.

Be aware that the cores and seeds of apples are harmful to cats, and feed your cat only the pulp of the apple.

Benefits of eating apples for cats.
1. malic acid will help clean the dirt from the teeth and has a similar effect to brushing.

2銆丼upplementing vitamins and minerals, which have a strengthening effect on the cat's immune system.

3銆丷esist oxidative damage to the body and reduce the incidence of various chronic diseases.

4. The fiber contained in apples helps to enhance the digestive function of cats.

Bad effects of eating apples for cats
1, cats are not suitable for eating excessive carbohydrates, and excessive carbohydrates are associated with overweight and diabetes in cats.

2. The higher the apple content, the lower the protein and fat digestibility, so apples are best not fed with other meat foods.

Due to the special stimulating smell, many fruits cats do not eat, apples taste sweet they will eat
3, apple seeds contain traces of bitter amygdalin, a compound containing cyanide, and potassium cyanide are harmful to cats, so do not feed apple seeds to cats. Although a small amount of seeds is not enough to cause a toxic reaction, be more careful.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages to cats eating apples, and care should be taken when eating in moderation. Small amounts of apples are perfectly safe for cats, and in moderation can help maintain their health. If too much is eaten it can cause indigestion in cats, especially cats with diabetes, so don't eat apples. In addition, cats should not eat apples on an empty stomach, which can cause problems such as diarrhea and diarrhea and can use apples as a snack only.
  • Category:Cats feeding
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  • Release Date:2022-07-07 17:50:51
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