Why do cats sleep so much? How long do cats sleep in a day? Cats' sleep cycles, sleep habits, and dreaming


One of the most important things a cat does throughout the day is - sleep!
The bed, on the couch, on the floor, in the cat's nest, on the table, and even on your lap, all places, to name a few, are great places for them to sleep.
Yes, cats always play without two on the sleep, eat on the sleep, after combing hair on the sleep, not a moment to sleep ...... really "lazy cat" undoubtedly.
Every time you see a cat without thinking or noticing what the cat is doing, they are sleeping.
I can't help but wonder.

How long do cats sleep in the end?

Why do cats sleep so much every day?

Do they sleep and dream like us?

The point is, how do we make them sleep better at night, so as not to affect our sleep?

Today we will understand the problems associated with cats sleeping well ~ ~ ~ ~

Humans can stay up late, and insomnia and lack of attention to the quality of sleep may cause some health problems, which prompted us to pay attention to sleep as a routine but can not be ignored human activities.

The vast majority of people may not have paid proper attention to the topic of cat sleep, for example.

I. How long do cats actually sleep in a day?

Cats are always lazy and have a sleepy look on their face, except when they want to eat and play.

How many hours of sleep does a cat get in an average day, when it sleeps most of the day?

From experience, and related information, cats, unlike humans, sleep in small pieces, and an adult cat sleeps 13.2 hours a day, which is between 12 and 14 hours during this stage.

Unlike humans who fall asleep at once, cats do not fall asleep at once but sleep in small, repetitive segments.

The quality of a cat's sleep can be influenced by age, amount of food, room temperature, noise, brightness, and quality of the bed. Kittens, older cats, or on rainy days, cats can sleep up to close to 20 hours a day!

Kittens need to sleep that long because, like human children, they have to grow and carry out the accumulation of energy needed for growth.

Older cats, on the other hand, need to sleep more to preserve their energy because their body functions are declining.

The indoor temperature and brightness are lowered a bit on rainy days, and cats are likely to sleep more.
In addition to sleeping, cats have to spend the rest of the day eating, drinking, playing, grooming, fighting, walking, and other activities.

The total time for all of these activities does not add up to as much as sleeping, so -

II. Why do cats sleep so long?

There is a reason why cats sleep for so long, and we have to start with the natural nature of cats.

1. Natural nature determines
The cat's ancestors lived in the wild, and life in the wild is dangerous, and felines need speed and strength in hunting activities.
As swift and fierce wild predators, their hunting activities require some hunting skills, but also the speed, as well as high sensitivity, mobility, etc., all of which are supported by good physical strength.
Each time the hunting operation, the body needs to provide a lot of energy and water for consumption, all felines need to sleep to replenish this water and physical strength.
Or, like lions and tigers in the wild, they need to sleep to conserve energy and prepare for the next "explosive" hunt.
How long do cats sleep a day? Why do they sleep so long? Do they dream? How do make cats sleep well?
In addition, felines are pure carnivores, and a cat on a high-calorie diet needs to spend extra time sleeping because it does not need to eat anything else after eating.
Until now, even though cats have been bred by humans, they still retain their natural nature and need to sleep for a long time every day to replenish their physical energy, "eating and sleeping" is a very healthy way of life.

2. High alertness
As we know, cats are highly alert and will immediately react to any movement in the house.
Such habits make them sleep, but will always be alert to the surrounding environment, even if their eyes are closed to rest, they will wake up from time to time to inspect the surrounding environment.

Only when they have observed and found no danger will they continue to sleep.

This is an instinct in the cat's bones -

Ancestors of cats in the wild to survive must face the fierce environment, even sleep has to be alert to the outside world at all times.

In addition, felines see prey and immediately make a hunting action, without a moment's delay, which also highly cultivates the high vigilance of cats.

This vigilance requires a high level of physical energy consumption, and even today's pet cats have the same innate high alertness, so cats need to sleep many times of varying lengths to supplement this part of the body energy consumption.

3. Weather reasons
On rainy days, the environment will be dimmer and the temperature will be more suitable, so the cat will sleep better.

Why do cats sleep so much? How long do cats sleep in a day? Cats' sleep cycles, sleep habits, and dreaming

III. Sleep cycles, sleep habits and dreaming in cats

We know that we humans sleep in fast-wave sleep (REM, also known as rapid eye movement sleep, a phenomenon in which the eyes move rapidly during sleep and dream) and slow-wave sleep (SWS, also known as slow eye movement sleep, a kind of deep sleep), which can be transformed into each other and can alternate for 1 to 2 hours, with a sleep duration of 6 to 8 hours, while asleep cycle will be formed.

And what about cats?

Cats wake up 20 to 30% of the day, while the remaining 70 to 80% of the time is in a state of sleep.

Like humans, cats' sleep is divided into fast-wave sleep and slow-wave sleep, and they have their sleep cycle, except that cats divide their sleep into many small chunks.

Humans are awake for long periods during the day and will sleep for 6 to 8 hours at night, while cats are.

Waking up for 26 minutes and sleeping for 78 minutes alternates the cycle.

In these 78 minutes of sleep, cats have an average of 2.6 times of rapid eye movement sleep, each lasting 6 to 7 minutes, this fast-acting eye time with humans, but also a shallow sleep, it is easy to wake up, dreaming.

Then there are the cat's sleep habits, cats prefer to get up at night, vision will be sharper, cats spend more time sleeping during the day, and their sleep is carried out from shallow to deep after they feel safe.

Kittens prefer REM sleep because they are in REM sleep for 10 days after birth until 28 days when it drops to 50%.

This explains why kittens prefer to sleep with their eyes rolled up, it's because they are dreaming!

Although cats sleep long enough, it is also important to create a good sleeping environment for our fur babies, it is also our responsibility as pooper scoopers to let them rest better!

Fourth, how can we get our cats to rest better?

Cats also need a good night's sleep.
Cats also need a good sleeping environment to promote their physical development and health.
The best of both worlds is that by getting the cat to sleep, the cat owner can also sleep.

1. Maintain a certain room temperature
An indoor temperature of about 22 degrees Celsius is probably the most restful for cats.
And in summer, it is best not to exceed 36 degrees Celsius, otherwise, the cat may suffer from heatstroke.

2. Reduce the brightness of the room
Like most humans, cats do not sleep well in too bright a place, they sleep better in a dark environment.
If exposed to a bright environment all day long, including at night with lights on all the time, cats are not able to sleep well.
So if you want your cat to be quieter at night and rest well, it is best to turn off the lights at night.

3. The cat's nest has its own rules
Cats prefer soft blankets, feel better, and sleep better, so our family will prepare more such blankets for cats to sleep on, cats like it.
Of course, it is worth noting that the blanket should be cleaned frequently and the mat should be washed regularly, remembering that cats also love cleanliness, and a small blanket with a fresh aroma is my cat's favorite!
In summer, if the temperature is high, then you can prepare boxes, ice mats, and other good places for cats to sleep.

4. A certain massage is comfortable for cats
Before the cat sleeps, we can gently touch the cat's body, from the head to the tail, so that the cat will feel more secure Oh!
With the owner's smell of the air and the surrounding environment, cats will feel more comfortable and safe, than easier to sleep.

5. Play with your cat more during the day
Cats who sleep for a long time after sufficient rest will be energetic, jumping up and down, sometimes entertaining themselves, playing with small balls of fur, back and forth parkour, and appearing to be full of energy.
Then we can play more with cats during the day when they want to play, accelerate their daytime exercise consumption, especially in the evening, you can use teasing sticks, ropes, and other things to consume their energy, and let them exercise more before bedtime, so they will soon sleep well at night Oh.

In short, cats sleep so long for innate reasons, only when they have slept enough do they have enough spirit to play and respond to all the changes in the outside environment.

Cats also have slow-wave sleep and fast-wave sleep. During fast-wave sleep, i.e. light sleep, cats will involuntarily twitch their bodies, which may be dreaming!

Finally, we can help cats get better rest by keeping the room temperature appropriate, reducing the brightness of the room, preparing more small blankets, playing with cats more during the day, giving them massages before bed, etc.!

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