Can dogs think?


I. What goes on in a dog's head?

Dogs can think like humans, but what they think is not as complex as humans. What they think in their head is related to emotions and reactions, such as wanting to eat when they are hungry, wanting to sleep when they are sleepy, barking when they are angry, etc. Their thoughts are simple and direct, and many of them are obvious. Dog: It depends on whether you understand me or not!

"I'm jealous"
We all know that the dog's possessiveness is very strong, it belongs to their things will be closely guarded, do not let others easily violate, of course, including the master, the master is its most important "thing", it does not allow others to occupy, not allowed to see the master to other dogs, or it will be jealous, let the master to coax it.

"Master, I love you very much"
Dogs are very direct animals, they never hide their feelings, the face of their beloved master will try every way to express their love, and show all their enthusiasm, such as your return home from work, only to see a dog shadow quickly pounced on you or play outside, will give you the things it found.
"Master, I hate you."
The dog's feelings are very rich, there will be love and hate, when the master did something to anger it or touched its bottom line things, then it will hate the master, and not simply hate you in the heart, but will take actions, such as deliberately urinating and defecating at home, demolition of the home, etc.

"I want to go out and play"
Dogs are naturally lively and active animals, they need to go out every day, to maintain the amount of exercise, if the owner is busy with their things, and neglects it, the dog's head should be filled with the whims of how to let the master take it out to play, the owner should remember to take time to go out with it to play yo, playtime can also reward some dog snacks to it to eat, so it will be more satisfied, and also enhance your feelings.

"It's time for a dry meal."
Many dog owners say that there is never a dog that does not love dry food, there is not unless it is sick and very sick. A dog's desire for food is strong, and one of the happiest times of his life is eating, even if it's just for a minute, it's worth it, and every time it's dry meal time, he'll remind you with his eyes and body language.
Do you know what goes on in your dog's head?

Can dogs think?

II. What goes on in a dog's head?

Dogs are smarter than most people think, they have their thoughts, they decide to do things, and they are even filled with guilt, joy, sadness, frustration, and many other diverse emotions.
When you are reprimanding your dog, no dog will look at you with a smile on their face, they turn their heads and show an innocent expression.
When you are hurt and deeply frustrated, the dog stays by your side and keeps you company, not asking for things, just snuggling.
So dogs are strange creatures, their world is far more complex than we think. So what do dogs think about all day long?
Next, let's put ourselves in the dog's shoes to answer the answer to this question.

"Hey! I love you so much!"
Unlike cats, dogs never conceal their feelings. When faced with their beloved master, they are always showing their passion.
When you come home and open the door, the dog will rush over to you, circling your feet and wagging its tail hard.
It will look at you sincerely, and all the love is conveyed between the eyebrows: "Pooper scooper, you're back! Remember I love you!"

"You hurt my feelings!"
Dogs are sensitive to criticism, and this is especially true for some dogs. When dogs are reprimanded, they may show a hint of anxiety, such as finding a place to hide or lying motionless on the ground.
Criticism can trigger anxiety and sometimes hurt a dog's feelings. If you find that your dog's anxiety doesn't heal itself, then you may need to help him get out of his rut. And on the next occasion, fierce criticism may not be appropriate.

"Just trying to play with the bird."
Dogs are naturally curious, and when they are outdoors, they are always interested in birds, kittens, and other animals.
Dogs want to know why these animals are here, who they are, and if they can play with themselves.

However, the way dogs invite other animals to play is often rude, which may cause many animals to misunderstand the dog's good intentions.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect the baby."
Being protective is a trait that all dogs possess and that their owners take pride in.
Those dogs that have lived with their young owners since childhood tend to build a good relationship with their young owners.
If the little master is in danger, the dog will step up and repel the incoming attack!

"It's dinner time, time to serve."
There is no such thing as a dog that doesn't like to eat! Unless it is very sick.
A dog's yearning and love for food are so strong that, as you know, the happiest time of the day for a dog may be when it's time to eat, even if it's only for a short minute.
The dog will watch you at mealtime and remind you with his eyes and body language that it's time to feed the food.

"The owner has been gone for an hour."
Dogs miss you terribly when you leave the house and leave them alone. For some dogs who suffer from separation anxiety, the situation can be even worse.
Some dogs have a hard time adjusting to time alone, they suffer from separation anxiety, and they may exhibit a range of unusual behaviors such as barking, chewing furniture, and sometimes even going so far as to make their voices hoarse.
From their performance, we can draw a simple conclusion that they are unhappy, lonely, and bored after their owners leave. They are filled with anxiety and worry about when their owners will return home.

"This is the way to the square dance!"
Dogs are required to go out for daily walks, and they have experience going outside to play.
As soon as he leaves the house, they'll know where to go, and he's very familiar with the walking route out there!
Sometimes, when you take your dog to a new park, you can even let the dog lead you and see where it will eventually take you.
These are just some of the things that dogs often think about regularly. Will your dog have any other ideas?

Three: Dogs have minds too and need some mental stimulation

Just like people, dogs are animals that breathe, think, and feel. Their thoughts and emotions may not be as complex as we humans, but they still need to exercise their minds. As we all know, physical exercise is necessary for your dog's body, but it is equally important to promote an active mind.

Remember, all dog breeds have minds of their own, whether they are purebreds or mixed breeds. If you have a purebred dog or know your mixed breed, it is important to consider their history when deciding how much mental stimulation your dog needs. Hunting, herding, or pinching working dogs were created to help their owners do their jobs, which means they need a lot of physical and mental exercise, both physical and mental.

If the dog is always bored at home, you'll soon find that lack of mental stimulation usually doesn't make them perform too well. Dogs need an outlet for their thoughts, and if they are not provided with the proper channels, then they will figure it out on their own, usually in the form of chewing on items like shoes and furniture, uncharacteristic and excessive barking, digging and other destructive behaviors. This may usually be due not to a lack of training per se, but a lack of mental exercise.
There are many different ways to engage a dog's mind. Any form of training - from basic obedience to fancy tricks - can get your dog thinking positively. Training is a great way to exhaust your dog physically and mentally, it's also a great activity for you and your dog to spend time together, and dogs who are successfully trained usually do well in life. If you or your dog is bored, then consider taking an agility or obedience course where you both learn together.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:334 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-08 09:27:06
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