How old is my cat? How to see the age of a cat


I. Age period of cats

Juvenile period: 0-6 months old cats
This stage of the cat is very naughty and lively, but also a relatively cute time, while the teeth have been replaced, but this time the cat's resistance is weak, try not to go out, and there are some precocious kittens even about to enter the estrus period and remember to regularly deworm and vaccinate the cat Yo.

Youth period: 7 months-2 years old cats
Most cats at this stage have been arranged to be de-sexed, but what the pooper scooper needs to pay attention to is the diet of the cat after de-sexing, the most common problem caused by de-sexed cats is obesity, so the diet needs to be adjusted.

Mature stage: 3-6 years old cats
Cats in this stage are already considered a middle-aged people, this time the cat will be more mature, and we can hardly see them running like crazy, at the same time their body will also have some problems, especially the oral area needs our attention, so the pooper scooper must let the cat develop a good habit of brushing teeth.

The prime of life: 7-10 years old cats
Cats at this stage will be very well behaved and obedient, while their bodies may go downhill, and the cat's fur starts to lighten, weight is gradually reduced, sleeping time becomes longer, and diseases such as stomatitis may break out.

Middle-age: Cats between 11 and 14 years old
At this stage, cats are already very old and their bodies are gradually deteriorating, their coats are not as shiny as before, their eyesight is also deteriorating, and many cats begin to show obvious physical diseases, especially heart, kidney, and urinary system diseases are entering the outbreak period. The environment must also pay attention to avoiding overweight, hypertension, and hypertrophic heart disease, and bone problems can be very frequent at this stage.

Old age: Cats aged 15-18 years
Cats in this age group are equivalent to old grandparents, they may not be able to climb on a short sofa, and a taller litter box is a bit of a struggle for them to climb up. This time it is recommended to replace the top-entry litter box with a bottom-entry one, which is also convenient for cats to enter.

II. How to see the age of the cat

1. Look at the eyes
The cat's eyes will open slowly only after it is born about 2 weeks later. If the cat has not opened its eyes yet, it means it was born less than 2 weeks ago. If the eyes are open and the ears are standing up and there are small teeth, the age is about 1 month.
When cats are young, their eyes are clean and clear, and they are cute and soulful. However, as the cat enters old age, the cat's eyes will change significantly and they will begin to become dull and cloudy.

2銆丩ook at the weight
The cat's weight can also be used as one of the references to determine its age.
An average size cat has 100~120g when it is first born.
1~2 weeks about 170~230g; 2~3 weeks about 300~350g
3~4 weeks is about 350~400g; 4 weeks~2 months is about 400~700g; 3 months is about 2~4 pounds.
The standard weight of adult small cats is about 5~10 kg; the standard weight of medium-sized cats is about 8~13 kg; the standard weight of large cats is about 10~25 kg.

3. Look at the behavioral response
From birth to 2 weeks, the cat eats breast milk and sleeps every day, and the cat's mother helps with defecation.
When the cat opens its eyes after 2 weeks, it slowly begins to learn to crawl and walk a little wobbly.
From 4 weeks to 2 months, the catwalks a little more steadily and gradually learns to run, play, climb, sharpen its claws, hunt, and jump.
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When a cat is 3 months old, it is weaned, eats solid food, has a very strong curiosity, is unusually clingy, and likes to bite things.
When the cat is 6 months old, it starts its first estrus period, showing signs of estrus such as howling, urinating indiscriminately, and leaving the house.
When the cat is 1 year old, it is very energetic, likes to run around, likes to interact with other cats, and eats a lot.
When the cat is 7 or 8 years old, its personality gradually becomes stable, its daily behavior decreases, its appetite and spirit will change, and it starts to enter old age.

4銆丩ook at the teeth
A cat's teeth are one of the most accurate ways to determine the age of a cat.
Cats begin to grow teeth around 14 days old, with irregularly arranged teeth of varying sizes.
At 2 to 4 weeks, the milk teeth are complete, with a total of 26 teeth.
At 6 to 8 months of age, all the milk teeth are replaced with permanent teeth. All of the permanent teeth are in place, 30 in total.

How old is my cat? How to see the age of a cat

Three: How to tell the age of a kitten in its early years

Young kittens grow very fast, so even if two cats are born only one month apart, their appearance will be very different.
Let's start with kittens that have only been born (two weeks of birth is a node).

Fluffy and thin fur.
May not have opened their eyes yet.
Cannot hear anything.
Cannot defecate on their own.
Sleeps all day long.
For kittens born two weeks after birth, their eyes will start to open, their ears will not be very sensitive and they will try to walk; on the contrary, if kittens do not walk and open their eyes, they are less than two weeks old.
Next are kittens that are 1 to 2 months old.

Begin to learn to walk with more effort.
mammary teeth begin to grow at 1 month of age.
will be able to solve their urination and defecation.
The most important feature of kittens in this period is the "milk teeth". If the milk teeth start to grow, it means they are already 1 month old; if the milk teeth are almost all grown, it means the kitten is about 2 months old.
Kittens that are 3-5 months old have the following characteristics.

A change in eye color from blue to yellow-green.
A change in milk teeth.
Gradual enlargement of the ears (usually standing up).
From birth to about 3 months of age, the color of the kitten's eyes does not change much. Of course, some kittens may not have blue eyes at birth due to genetic influences.

Therefore, if the kitten's blue eyes become yellow-green eyes, it means that they are at least 3 months old.

Kittens between 6 and 8 months of age have these changes.
When kittens reach 6 months of age, their milk teeth will fall out and permanent teeth will start to grow.
Playing, eating, drinking, and sleeping well.
The fur will gradually become shiny and oily.
The body becomes larger and the face becomes more mature.
The permanent teeth are the most unique sign of a kitten in this period. If your kitten has permanent teeth, it is at least 6 months old.

In addition, although there are individual differences among cats, they will reach "sexual maturity" between the ages of 6 and 10 months.

Finally, the 9-12-month-old kitten.
They still look soft and cuddly, but their body size is already similar to that of an adult cat.
The female cat will start to come into heat, and the male cat will respond to the female cat in heat (wailing).
There is a "sad" thing here, if a cat does not grow much in this period, it will not change much, except for obesity.

2銆丠ow to identify the age of adult cats
Unlike kittens, adult cats do not change much in appearance and can only be distinguished through some small details.
First of all, for cats aged 1~2 years old, male cats that have never been in heat may become unpleasant because they start to come into heat, and their white teeth will start to turn yellow. The bones are almost formed, and there will be no more major changes in the adult stage, and the character will gradually form and like to entertain itself.
Next are the 3 to 5-year-old cats, their fur will become more and more oily and tartar will stick to their teeth. If the male cat is not neutered during this period, he will easily fight with other cats and is considered the most "energetic" period for cats.
For 6-year-old cats, it is the equivalent of going "downhill", not only do they not like to play games much anymore, but they also tend to get sick and gain weight ...... uh, but become quite quiet.
How to know the age of the cat? Each age stage has these characteristics, how old is your cat?
All in all, since cats are quite different individuals, we can identify their age by observing their oral environment and dental condition.
However, this does not apply to stray cats, as they do not receive enough nutrition and will age faster than domestic cats.

3. How to identify the age of senior cats
For older cats of 7 years old, the tips of their teeth are rounded and their bite force gradually decreases; their facial expressions will become soft and not as high and cold as some adult cats; they prefer to spend each day more leisurely.
When the cat reaches 8 to 9 years old, its teeth become more worn, and more pigment is deposited on the gums; it will inevitably become fat, after all, cats usually spend more time sleeping during this period; and the coat will not look so smooth, because older cats do not have so much time to groom and have more time than they need.
If a cat lives to be 10-15 years old, its teeth are very badly worn, pigmentation is very obvious, and some old cats even lose their teeth; the shine of the fur disappears, and it spends most of the day sleeping because of the inconvenience of legs and feet.

In addition to the above, the whiskers of older cats may become fewer or shorter, the number of nails may decrease, and the eyes become increasingly cloudy.
In fact, in many cases, even a professional veterinarian cannot observe the age of a cat, but only its rough age can be observed.
  • Category:Cats feeding
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  • Release Date:2022-07-08 09:36:55
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