How to bathe a cat? The benefits and disadvantages of bathing cats


Bathing is something that not only cats are afraid of, but also pooper scoopers... Before the bath or meow meow cute, a bath immediately becomes a beast, said to turn the other cheek, parent-child relationship directly broken!
If you're not careful, you'll be bruised and battered, and the cats who bathe well are other people's cats!
Bathing cats is too difficult! Today we will teach you how to give your cat a scientific bath at home!

I. Why do cats hate bathing

Why do cats hate bathing so much? Is it because they are afraid of water?
Cats love to play with water, especially flowing water. Otherwise, why does it always have to come up to the water in your cup to wash its feet, and when you are washing your feet there, it has to go up to hula the foot wash water.
It is too difficult to bathe a cat! Handy to teach you to wash the cat at home science
In fact, for cats, bathing hates not the water, but the lack of security when being manipulated. When bathing jiojio steps in a slippery bathtub or tub, plus by our artificial control. Most cats cannot accept this unsafe scenario, so cats will struggle to resist, and may even act aggressively!
Bathing cats is too difficult! Hands-on scientific cat washing at home
Another reason cats hate bathing is the hair dryer!
Some cats are barely acceptable when bathing, a hair dryer on, directly scared to pop up. Because a cat's hearing is six times greater than ours, the sound of the hair dryer sounds a little louder to us, but to a cat, it sounds like thunder! Rumble! So cats can not be afraid?
Some pooper scoopers are forced to choose a pet store with a drying box, and some kittens will be stressed when they go out for a bath, so there are also pooper scoopers who choose to buy a drying box directly and heavily
First look at a formula for bathing cats.

Fear of water cat + claws + teeth = injury

A person, a cat, being in the bathroom, four eyes facing each other.

If your cat is like me, they do not like water, much less the feeling of being forced into it.
If, like me, you don't want to spend too much money taking your cat to the pet store for a bath, or you want to enjoy the process of bathing your cat.
Some of the methods mentioned in this article may be able to help you.

What "equipment" should I have before bathing my cat?
A set of qualified equipment can protect you and your cat to the greatest extent possible.
Cat bathing tips: How to safely bathe a cat? What are the precautions?
About bathing solutions for cats
This thing is very important, of course, bathing with a bathing solution, otherwise, it can only be considered a "shower".
When choosing a bathing solution, we should choose a bathing solution for cats because their skin is more sensitive to external products than human skin.
Think about how it feels when soapy water accidentally gets into your eyes: it hurts! It's so uncomfortable!
Remember, an unsuitable bathing solution can make your cat's skin feel the same way.
Also, when we use a bathing solution on a cat, we should not let it get into the cat's eyes, as the stinging sensation in the eyes can make the cat very nervous. The cat's response to nervousness is "fear" and "retaliation".

How to bathe a cat? The benefits and disadvantages of bathing cats

II. The benefits and disadvantages of bathing cats

Benefits of washing cats.
1, It can keep your cat clean, and good bathing products can also soften the cat's fur to some extent.
2, can help cats in the hair change period to quickly remove the floating hair, relieve hair loss and reduce hairball disease.
Bathing your cat is too difficult! Handy to teach you the science of washing cats at home
Bad effects of washing cats.
1, frequent bathing may destroy the protective layer of cat skin due to excessive cleaning, and cats with low immunity will increase the probability of getting ringworm.

2. Bathing can easily cause stress in cats, almost all cats will have more or less stress reactions when bathing, each cat is different and the degree of stress reaction is also different.

The degree of light hiding and not eating, serious may be urinary shutdown, urine blood, acute enteritis, etc.! Therefore, I generally recommend not to wash the cat too much as a last resort!

How often do cats take a bath?
We all know that the body odor of cats is very light, so there is no need to bathe frequently, dogs are generally once a week, while cats are different, about 1 to 2 months to wash once it does not matter.
After all, cats are often active at home, so they rarely get dirty, and cats themselves are especially clean!

Three, the correct way to wash the cat

1. Cultivate the habit of bathing from a young age
First, put the cat into the water basin, wipe it with a wet towel, add more water next time and let the bathing time gradually become longer; the hair dryer blows for 10 seconds at first, slowly increase the length, so that the cat slowly adapt to the bathing thing. Bathing is a gradual process, do not rush, each time the cat with the reward can be given snacks after.

2銆丩ay a towel on the bottom of the water basin
Cats do not like the feeling of Jojo being out of control, so it is recommended that when bathing in the water basin under the towel bottom, not slip, to reduce the sense of loss of control.

3銆乄hen washing the cat must let the cat's back to you
Never let the cat face you so that it does not struggle to pounce on you because of fear, scratching you hard, it is easy to be scratched... Gently talk to it during the process to relieve its anxiety.

4, do not use water to dislike the face
Face with a towel wet and gently wipe it, the chin place to focus on the treatment.

5, try to choose a quiet high-powered hair dryer
After the shower first with an absorbent towel, suede towels such as dry as possible, and then on the hair dryer. If it is summer, you can also choose a particularly good day in the sun and let the cat lick itself dry. Only for cats with relatively short hair, parents of long-haired cats must blow-dry, wet hair is easy to catch a cold as well as get skin disease!

6, it is recommended to choose a special bathing gel for cats
Do not choose those very fragrant bath gels, cats do not like strong smells and may be anxious because of it.

IV. When can't cats take a bath

1. You can't wash it when you just pick it up. The cat has just arrived home and has not yet adapted to the new environment, so you cannot bathe the cat at this time, and the cat will easily have a stress reaction. If you feel dirty, you can use a towel to wipe.

2, just after the vaccination can not be washed. After vaccination, the cat's immunity will be reduced in the short term, so you can't bathe at this time.

3, the age is too young and can not be washed. Many people will give a bath to the newborn kitten, this practice is not good, because the kitten was born too fragile, the bathing method is not correct, and it is easy to die.

4, the cat is sick and can not be bathed. Cats sick can not take a bath, because sick resistance is poor, more likely to have more disease (in addition to medication bath for cat moss).

What to prepare for a cat bath
Pet-specific body washes, never use human bathing products, which can damage the cat's skin.
A few large towels to wipe the water off the cat's body.
A non-slip mat to prevent the cat from stepping unsteadily.
Comb, you can comb the cat's hair before bathing, and comb it afterward.
Hair dryer, conditional on buying a dryer, cats are less likely to resist.

Cat bathing times
Short-haired cats about 3 or 4 months to wash once is good because the cat usually licks their own hair to clean the body, frequent bathing instead of good. Long-haired cats can be washed once every 2 or 3 months because their hair is longer.
  • Category:Cats feeding
  • Views:359 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-08 09:37:58
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