How to get rid of cat urine smell?


Why does the room always smell like urine, and it's getting more and more foul?

Why does the cat have to pee on the sofa/clothes even though it is clean and odorless?

Is there a way to remove the smell of urine completely?

Cat urine has a half-life of up to 6 years, and as it dries out, it becomes more and more unpleasant.

Stale urine stains, frequent messy urine during rut... To completely remove the smell of urine, master the method + choose the right tools + follow the steps, one can not be missing.

1, why does cat urine smell testy?
Cat urine is mainly composed of these components: urea, urochrome/urochlorogen, uric acid, sodium, creatinine, other electrolytes, bacteria, etc.

Why does cat urine slowly become dry, and the longer it takes instead, the testier it becomes?

The urine is first broken down by bacteria, making it smell like ammonia.

Then, as it breaks down further over time, it releases mercaptans, making the smell worse.

In addition, the urine of older cats (reduced kidney function) and male cats (testosterone) will be relatively more slutty...

2, Why is the urine smell still there even though it has been cleaned?
Water-soluble ingredients are easy to clean

Urea, urochrome/urochlorogen, creatinine, and pheromone in urine are water-soluble and can be cleaned with white vinegar, baking soda, detergent, etc.

But it's the water-insoluble urates that are the problem

Uric acid salts are insoluble in water but can bind tightly to any contact surface. None of the various cleaning agents commonly used every day can break down the uric acid in urine.

And when dry urate crystals come into contact with moist air, they re-form uric acid and release the odor.

Therefore, in various studies, the half-life of cat urine can range from 2 to 6 years.

There is no urine smell, so why do cats still come here to pee?

Is there no smell? A cat's sense of smell is at least 6 times more sensitive than a human's (after all, there are 2 sets of olfactory systems and multiple plow nosers). Just because a small amount of uric acid releases an odor that people can't smell, doesn't mean cats can't smell it.

How many parents stick to the smell, thinking "I can't smell it is no smell," when in fact the cat smells very strong picture from eHow

3, obviously sprayed deodorant, why is it still useless?
To get rid of the smell of urine, many poopers will choose to use deodorizers, air fresheners, avoidance agents, and other things, but why sprayed or useless?

The vast majority of deodorants are "germicidal deodorants", that is, to prevent the "bacteria stink". This type of germicidal deodorant product can only.

neutralize some of the water-soluble components in urine (white vinegar, and baking soda can also do the job).

Temporary masking of unpleasant and irritating odors (currently no product can mask 2-6 years, and urates to fight a "permanent war").

Here we recommend white vinegar/baking soda Photo from wikiHow

Avoidance agents are used to preventing pets from entering a certain area after being sprayed on, and most of their ingredients contain odors that cats hate (citronella, citrus).

It works as a "masking" agent and should be sprayed after the smell of urine has been eliminated.

Here is a recommended brand, Nature's Miracle, a treasure search can also be used directly with a lot of orange peel or grapefruit peel Figure from eHow

Air fresheners, parents who have used them know: unnecessary, really unnecessary. Because it just adds a strong new smell in the room in vain. When it doesn't dissipate, the smell of urine + air freshener is sensational; after it dissipates, the smell of urine remains.

(There is no picture here and no brand recommendation)

All of these things can only remove and cover up the urine smell for a short time. To eliminate the urine smell, especially the stubborn urates, you have to use bioenzymes!

Biological enzymes / enzyme cleaner, is really can remove uric acid / urate crystals of the effective ingredients.

The principle of action is to use protease molecules to break down the uric acid in urine and make it evaporate.

Biological enzyme products are most commonly sprayed and also added to laundry detergents.

How to completely remove urine odor from cats? Just follow these 6 steps
Here are two more recommended brands Nergle (made in the UK, cost-effective + stain removal and yellowing) urine-off (made in the US, old brand, price increase and out of stock) Photo from: eHow

How to get rid of cat urine smell?

4, What is the most important thing you need to do when plagued by urine odor?
While it's important to choose the right tools/products to completely remove urine odor, it's even more important to find the cause if you want to get rid of it once and for all!

(1) cat litter box urine smell

It is only natural that cat urine has a bad smell (Lu Xun did not say "if a fart doesn't smell bad, it's for nothing").

If the smell of urine from the cat litter box, parents need to do is: diligent shovel diligent cleaning!

If the smell of urine comes from the litter box, parents need to do: shovel and clean up! Attention

When using any odor eliminator, avoidance agent, or urine solver, try to dry the urine first, and do not spray directly on the surface of the urine or urine mass.

(2) Urine odor outside the cat litter box
Must be the first to rank the disease problem

Almost all urinary system and some reproductive/neurological/endocrine system diseases may cause changes in urine volume and painful urination in cats. Cats may refuse to use the litter box because they "can't hold the urine" or because they think that "peeing in the litter box hurts".

When urinary disturbance occurs, the first step is to check for medical problems through urinalysis (additional X-ray + ultrasound).

Marking behavior? Heat? Anxiety?

The first step to address urine spraying in heat, or behaviors that develop over time, is always: de-sexing.

Also, just as humans scratch their hair or pick their fingers when they are nervous, cats will mark to relieve anxiety.

Various environments, improper setups, stress/anxiety triggered urination

Against the 17 possibilities listed, first target 3 to 4 possibilities and make adjustments and changes one by one.

Cat urination is not a revenge, the 17 causes and solutions are attached!

The most complete list of 17 causes and solutions is attached! Note

Very often, the solution to behavioral problems is to determine the cause only after "eliminating multiple possibilities locking a small number of possibilities trying to change problem solving".

So, you have to try.

In addition, keep the number of factors that change at the same time to 1~2, to prevent the cat from becoming anxious due to too many changing factors and massive changes in the environment.

1. Clean up cat urine at the first time

As mentioned earlier, "the longer the wine, the more alcoholic, the longer the urine, the more testy", and "all kinds of products are ineffective against direct urine clusters".

Therefore, first use absorbent paper towels/towels to dry the urine on the surface.

Don't rub back and forth, use absorbent paper/towel, and press to absorb dry

2銆丱ld "urine", find and lock with the help of equipment

If you don't catch your cat urinating, you will have the situation of "the house smells like urine, but I don't know where it is"...

It is necessary to have a Wood's lamp (the one used for skin exams and ringworm) and check the house. Urine stains will appear fluorescent blue under the Wood's lamp (turn off the lights throughout the house for a more pronounced effect).

How to completely remove cat urine odor? Just follow these 6 steps to do it right
We tried the 9.9 package of money-checking lamps, no fluorescent effect, not good to distinguish Photo from: Cat Research

3銆丼pray/spray urine detergent on urine stains

How to completely remove the smell of urine from cats? Just do it according to these 6 steps
In the test, wiping off after spraying is to verify its effectiveness and facilitate observation and recording. Figure from: Cat Research Institute

For normal parental use, for better effectiveness, do not wipe off after spraying the bio-enzyme on the surface of the urine stain! Wait for it to combine and react and evaporate by itself!

For clothes and bedding, after spraying the bio-enzyme, you can leave it outside to dry and wait for it to combine and evaporate naturally.

4銆丆heck whether you need "consolidation" or not

Although bio-enzyme can effectively decompose urine stains that are more than 1~2 years old. However, most of the products inquired will indicate that "old stains may need to be sprayed 2~3 times to be completely clean".

5銆乀imely clean the litter box & investigate the cause of cat urination

From the source to investigate, improve and prevent the next "hit".

6銆丆hoose the avoidance agent according to the situation

Very few cats may still urinate near the original urination point after they have been cleaned up due to their fixed behavior. However, this probability is very low (after all, cats love cleanliness, have a comfortable litter box and clean litter, are unwilling to leave urine stains messy urine).

At this point, you can choose a cat-specific tendency avoidance product with natural ingredients and safe and healthy ingredients depending on the situation. Of course, if the cat itself is sensitive to the smell of citrus, put an orange peel or grapefruit peel, it is enough.
  • Category:Cats feeding
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  • Release Date:2022-08-04 11:05:40
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