How long should dog nails be?


Sometimes we will want to touch the dog's paws, but some dogs always do not let us just touch, when touching will shrink away, do dogs not like us? Why not touch it? The following is to analyze the role of some meat pads and dogs, after reading the editor silently shrinks back to my outstretched hand, or does not touch better.

Why do not let the dog's paws touch? The 6 roles of meat pads, after reading silently shrink back to my hand

I. Components of dog paws

The foot and paw pads have a shock-absorbing effect and help protect the bones and joints of the foot.
The carpal pads, on the other hand, act as brakes to help the dog navigate slippery, steep slopes.
For today's dogs, the wolf toe can be considered a redundant toe. But when the dog was a wolf, the wolf toe played an important supporting role in hunting and especially in pouncing.

II. What do meat pads do for dogs

1. Maintaining balance
Dogs walk on their paws and rely on their paws to support the entire importance of their body, which requires a lot of pressure, so the dog's meat pads are an important presence that can help the dog maintain balance and withstand the pressure on the body. Dogs in running and jumping, the moment of landing need to rely on the meat pad to help the body maintain a state of balance, to avoid injury, so the role of the meat pad is still very large.

2銆丷educe the noise of walking
Imagine, if the dog does not have foot pads, so walking on the road, toenails rubbing the ground sound in the end how harsh, the thought is unbearable. And the dog's meat pad can play a muffling role, which plays a big role in capturing prey.

3, as a "shoe rubber sole"
Dogs do not have shoes, only paws walking, and meat pads are equivalent to rubber soles, to increase the friction on the ground, to avoid them slipping. So the dog even if sometimes running very fast, but always very stable Oh, in general, will not slip.

4, to bear the weight of the dog
Animals walking on all fours, their feet are bearing the full weight of the body pillar, their small meat pad to bear all the weight to contact with the ground, so be a little softer and thicker to ease their weight and the impact.

5, heat and sweat
I don't know if the pooper scooper has found if the summer is very hot, the dog stepped on the ground will have watermarks, touching the soles of their feet also feel wet? That's right because dogs are relying on the soles of their feet to sweat. Dogs' heat dissipation function is relatively weak, although the body has sweat glands but is not able to effectively dissipate heat excretion sweat glands, basically considered to be furnished.

6, "cute tool"
One of the most common roles of a dog meat pad is to show off to the master! See the dog and soft and cute meat pad, really attractive, but if you are not familiar with the dog, do not rashly touch, after all, some dogs are more sensitive.

Don't forget to reward your dog with tasty and healthy snacks to promote bonding, and by the way, you can sharpen your teeth and clean your mouth.

How long should dog nails be?

Three, how to care for the dog meat pad

1, regular haircut and toenail trimming
Dog nail length makes a big difference to your dog! For pet dogs that need to walk on smooth tiles frequently, it is even more important to pay attention to the nail length from time to time and trim it regularly. The correct length of a dog's nails should be at least 0.5cm above the ground!
Too long, or too much hair in the paws of the feet will affect the dog walking, easy to slip and fall, there will be cross finger cysts and other terrible problems, so regular trimming of foot hair is also a very important thing!

2, do a good job of cleaning
For the dog meat pad, keeping clean is necessary, in addition to bathing, but also to independently clean the part of the foot pad with dirt. You need to be regular and long-standing persistent, the dirt between the toes will be reduced.

3銆丳revent scalding
In the hot summer weather, the owner had better not easily take the dog out for a walk, the temperature of the road is much higher than the air temperature. At this time the dog walking on the road will easily burn the meat pad, resulting in swelling, redness, and blisters. Owners should pay attention to the temperature of the road before going out, to choose a shady road to walk on or to go out for a walk in the evening.
Usually, we need to know about dog paws, and meat pads in addition to knowledge, daily diet is also worth our attention Oh. Many owners like to feed their dogs human food or some leftovers, dogs also like to eat. But dogs like to eat is not necessarily good for them. Human food is generally too salty and greasy, and long-term eating can easily lead to dog tear stains, rough hair fading, hair loss, and other situations.

Fourth, how to cut your dog's nails

What happens if a dog doesn't cut its nails?

鈶燦ails are too long and can easily hurt people and damage furniture.

鈶ogs don't retract their nails into their paws as cats do. Too long nails can cause dogs to walk very painfully, with distorted posture, and affect bone development.

鈶t can easily lead to nail infections and infections.

How about counting nails as too long?

Normal nail length is not touching the ground, if your dog walks on the floor tiles or floor at home with a crisp and pleasant sound, then it is time to cut his nails.

The normal length of dog nails: not in contact with the ground

The frequency of nail clipping?

Depends on the rate of nail growth, usually once every 2-3 weeks.

Dogs that are more active outdoors will have their nails worn out normally and will have their nails clipped less frequently; dogs that like to stay indoors will have their nails clipped more frequently!

Is it normal for nail clipping to bleed? What can I use to stop the bleeding?

It is relatively normal because the nails of dogs and cats have blood vessels above the blood supply (the so-called "bloodline"), close to the tip of the nail, and if you do not cut nails for a long time, the bloodline will become more and more forward, so the easier to cut to bleeding; conversely if the frequency of nail cutting is higher, the bloodline will slowly recede.

If bleeding, you can use special hemostatic powder or corn starch to stop the bleeding; of course, the use of cotton dipped in the art of Likang also works, there is an anti-inflammatory effect, and will not fly around to get the dog's eyes.

Of course, in general, the bleeding will stop quickly so it does not matter, but this will make the dog very afraid of nail clipping. So when operating it is still recommended to keep close to the bloodline and trim regularly.

What if the nail is too long and you can't handle it?

Just go for minor surgery to break the bloodline.

How to cut nails?

Tools: special nail clippers hemostatic supplies (hemostatic powder, corn starch or cotton, surgery Likang)

Key points: bind the dog, find the bloodline, and cut off the part before the bloodline.

The first step: the preservation of the dog

One person can not be two people on, two people can not go out and turn right to the pet store to find a professional it ......

Step 2: Find the bloodline

In the following chart, the white nails of the dog is easy to find; the dark nails of the dog are a little difficult: the

Step 3: Avoid the bloodline, use a special nail clipper to cut the nail, the point: fast and accurate

How to help dogs that do not like to cut nails? Don't worry! The vet will teach you
A few tips.

1, to let the dog get used to the feeling of paws being held. Nothing to pick up the dog's paws to play with, over time the dog will not be so vigilant.

2, novice prepared snacks, cut once to feed the dog a little snack so that it has a good association with nail clipping.

3, if the dog is particularly sensitive and afraid, you can cut only one nail a day, cut and feed snacks spend more than a week cutting all the nails.

4, if bleeding, you can use a special hemostatic powder or corn starch to stop the bleeding; of course, using cotton dipped in the art Likang is also OK, there is an anti-inflammatory effect, but also will not fly around to get the dog's eyes.

5, if you think the cutting surface is very sharp, you can buy a nail grinder to grind round and smooth a little.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:351 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-08 09:31:45
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