Why does my cat always meow? Why do cats meow?


I believe that everyone in the process of raising cats will find that cats sometimes often meow, just like singing and singing. But perhaps many pets do not know what the cat meowing wants to express, after all, the kitty can not speak, the following will take you to see the meowing kitty what it wants to say!

I. Why do cats meow

1. Having a hard time
Although cats are relatively cold and independent animals, sometimes when they encounter difficulties they can't solve, they will look for their owners to help them. For example, when it can't find its toy, it will meow to seek its owner to help it find the toy.

2. Sensing danger
Cats have a sensitive sense of hearing and smell, plus cats have a relatively strong sense of self-protection and wariness. So when cats feel danger nearby, they may meow to warn each other, and also used to call their owners to come over to protect themselves.

3. Finding prey
Although people have now domesticated cats into domestic pets, the hunting nature is hidden in the bones of cats still exists. When it finds mice, birds, bugs, or even strange toys nearby, it will treat them as prey and meow at them!

4. It's rutting time
If your cat is not spayed or neutered, it will meow all day long when it comes into heat, because this is one of the ways they attract the opposite sex. If you don't plan to breed your cat, it is better to get it spayed or neutered as soon as possible, because it is very painful to be stuck at home during heat, and it will try to escape and complete its mating mission.

5. Wants to play with its owner
I don't know if you've ever experienced your cat coming around you when you're working at home on the computer or doing homework, meowing at you, this is the cat wanting its owner to play with it.
If the owner is too busy, and often left out of the cat, the kitty will be very sad, the owner can give the cat some freeze-dried snacks to eat, so that it first relief, and then play with it after the work is busy.

6. Hungry
If your cat is hungry and its food bowl is empty, it will use meowing to remind you to feed it.
If the pooper scooper finds the cat meowing to call himself to feed the estimated hungry, then we should pay attention, even if the cat is hungry again, you can not feed it too much food at once, should give a little bit of it to eat, so that the cat's intestines adapt to slowly increase the amount, if fed too much at once, the cat will happen to vomit Oh.
7, the cat is in heat, when the cat is in heat, it will be purring in an attempt to attract the attention of the opposite sex, which is also called "spring". The heat period of cats usually starts from about 6 to 10 months. Male cats generally come into heat every other week, lasting seven to ten days each time. Female cats come into heat every 2-3 weeks and the heat period lasts 3 to 6 days. The number of heat episodes may vary depending on the breed, environment, body type, and age.

Solution: Stroking the cat and playing with it to divert its attention can alleviate the heat to a certain extent, or feed the inhibition powder. If you do not intend to let the female cat have a kitten, you can wait for the end of the heat period and bring it for de-sexing surgery, because it is not possible to do de-sexing when it is in heat.

8, unfamiliar with the environment, if it is moving to a new environment, or just bought a cat to a new environment, will be because of the unfamiliar feeling, uneasy, scared and keep calling.
Solution: At this time the pooper scooper needs to accompany the cat more, gently pet it to help reduce anxiety, and give it a quiet, warm, more secluded, secure cat nest. Give the cat some time and space to adapt, and after a few days of contact with the environment and people, this irritable mood will be naturally eliminated, and the noisy purring will follow to reduce.

9. Sickness leads to an unusual purring sound. The cat's breathless purring and atrophy may prove that it is sick and weary and unwilling to move. The large eyes have also lost their luster and do not look in very good condition.
Solution: If the cat is sick and cannot judge for itself, it is best to send it to the vet for examination and treatment.

11銆両njury causes, if the cat is injured, it will suddenly make a purring sound and will scream very exaggerated, a hearing will know that it is not comfortable, if it is ordinary sick instead of screaming, will look very unhinged.
Solution: The pooper scooper should pay attention to see if the cat has been injured, or if it has not been pressed, then gently touch to check if there is internal injury and send it to the doctor in time.

12. Older cats, older cats may be affected by mental confusion or cognitive dysfunction due to their age. They will become easily disoriented and often cry or howl in frustration for no apparent reason.

Solution: It can be treated by medication and non-medication. Medication should be given to the cat with vitamin E/C and L-carnitine, and in caring for an elderly cat with dementia needs to be given a simple space to move around, not too much clutter, more companionship, maintain familiarity and trust with the cat, and helping the cat to do simple cleaning.

13, kittens, kittens just weaned, leaving the mother cat is still not adapted. Even kittens that have just arrived at their new home do not know how to use the litter box. If you find that the kitten is anxious while screaming and turning around. This means that it wants to go to the toilet and should be carried to the litter box to guide it to the toilet.

Why does my cat always meow? Why do cats meow?

II. Cat keeps barking solution

The cat keeps barking to try to distract
Cats in heat keep barking also because it is instinctively prompted, and cats will generally be relatively focused on this matter, then the cat owner can appropriately think of some ways to divert the attention of the cat so that the cat can temporarily stop this rutting behavior.
For example, use some fresh toys, cats love to eat snacks, etc. to tease the cat and divert the cat's attention.

Cats keep barking can feed meow quiet emotions
After all, cats will also always lose interest in food and toys, but the estrus period will not end so quickly, so cat owners still need to pay attention to the cat, after all, has been troubled the cat owners will also have an impact, and now most cat owners are working people. Then the cat owner can give the cat to take some other measures, such as mixing some meow quiet love into the food to feed the cat and prepare more clean warm water for the cat.

Cats keep barking can be mated
There are also ways to help the cat is to let the cat go with the flow, that is, the cat owner can find a suitable object for the cat to conceive their female cat to give birth to kittens.
However, the cat owner should be mentally prepared to accept a litter of kittens and pay attention to the object of selection, after all, the cat owner does not want to see his cat infected with any hidden dangers.
Finally, cat owners can choose to de-sex their cats, although this can permanently solve the cat's heat problem, it is recommended that cat owners choose after the cat is mature and heat is over, otherwise it may have an impact on the cat's body and so on.

Cats keep purring to consume too much energy
Some cats may just have too much energy and like to purr at night. To change this vice of cats not sleeping at night
It is necessary to cultivate the living habits of cats from a young age. Arrange more activities for your pet cat during the day, such as playing with toys, doing sports, etc., to help burn its energy, so that the cat will be tired and down at night and just want to sleep.
This method of conditioning is a long-term process, there may not be significant results for some time, but as long as the owner persists, the cat will be very according to the owner's work and rest time adjustment.
  • Category:Cats feeding
  • Views:342 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-08 10:15:13
  • Link to this article:https://www.petzuo.com/Cats-feeding/Why-does-my-cat-always-meow-Why-do-cats-meow
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