How smart are cats? Do cats have intelligence or not


How smart are cats

How intelligent are cats really? This is probably a question that every pooper scooper likes to discuss. Usually we can often see cats doing something silly, looking dumb and nerdy, although cute, but always feeling silly. We can't help but wonder, do cats really have intelligence?

In fact, cats may be much smarter than we think! Let's analyze it scientifically.

First of all, a cat's brain is only nine percent of its body weight, which is far less than a dog's twelve percent. However, brain volume does not tell us anything, because a cat has more than twice as many brain cells as a dog to grasp information. So, in terms of brain structure, the cat is a complete victory over the dog. It can even be said to be very intelligent.

Cats also have certain social skills, they will be very modest when they first arrive at their new home, they will be extremely pleasing to the original indigenous cats, they know that they are foreign cats, when they first arrived must be low-key, so they will often give the indigenous cats patronizing, such as will often lick the indigenous cats hair, do not compete with them for cat food, every moment respectful, until the indigenous cats accepted them. And they will also behave very well with their owners, and will take the initiative to pick up and drop off when their owners go out or go home, expressing their welcome or unwillingness to leave. Always sitting obediently in front of the door, quietly waiting for their owners. It is evident that their social skills are really very good.

Cats have a very good memory and learning ability. Some things once remembered will never be forgotten. Kittens will learn how to lick fur and hunt with their mother, and kittens often learn from each other. Cats will also learn some of their owner's actions and behaviors, such as jumping up and opening the door latch, opening the faucet to drink water, opening the refrigerator to steal the contents, etc. Moreover, cats are extremely sensitive to sound and will remember many sounds that are beneficial to them. For example, the sound of the owner feeding them, the sound of bathing them, and the response to calling their name will be remembered very clearly. Trained cats can also easily learn many actions, such as shaking hands with their owners, sitting, lying down, etc. Although sometimes cats are not very cooperative, it's not that they don't know how to do it, they are just too lazy to cooperate with us.

Cats can clearly express their emotions. From time to time, they will express their happiness or dissatisfaction to their owners, such as their litter should be changed, there is no water, or you are disturbing their sleep, they will express their anger to you by patting, huffing, or even staring at you with dead eyes. If they are happy, or need the company of their master, they will sneak up next to you and gently rub their face against your arm, grunting to express their need for comfort from their master. They know that this kind of regular pampering can get them more benefits. Although cats can't talk, much less be coquettish to enchant people, but they are good at pampering, good at being cute to drive us to serve them, no wonder they have all become our cat masters.

Cats are very alert. In ordinary life, as long as a little wind and grass can always be quickly captured, and timely response. As if anything can not escape their sight, everything wants to get involved. If a familiar person comes to them, they will raise their tails and go around next to you, making "meowing" sounds, and their pampering actions will begin to perform. If a stranger calls them, they will glare their eyes wide and lower their body, making a "whimper" sound as a warning, don't come near me.

This is a great way to get the most out of your cat's life.

How smart are cats? Do cats have intelligence or not

Do cats have intelligence or not

Of course they do. First of all, I think that the IQ of cats and dogs cannot be simply compared. The first thing that I think is that the IQ of dogs and wolves are strictly hierarchical pack animals, so they are more able to understand and cooperate with their masters' intentions, while cats and tigers and leopards are self-centered and do not cooperate or understand people does not mean low IQ.
銆€銆€1: Superb speech perception ability
銆€銆€Perhaps as a child sick picked up stray cats, there is a psychological shadow so not relatives, plus castration plus moving after more withdrawn personality, never see a stranger, will certainly find a place to hide. After a guest into the community will generally telephone communication, and then in the balcony to direct the guests to walk to the door of the unit, but the cat can know from subtle words and actions is a stranger to come, will run wildly in advance to hide. And I wandered on the balcony to call my girlfriend, the cat absolutely titanic. Guests know my home unit door, direct ring the doorbell or direct knock on the door, the cat even if you can not see the door, but also from my subtle movements to know that I am going to open the door for people rather than downstairs to get the newspaper to pick up the courier. And there is absolutely no way this big deaf guy could hear the doorbell.
銆€銆€2: The ability to transform things to your own use (a bit of a low-level use of tools)
銆€銆€I do not let the cat on the couch, but once I put a very soft plastic map on the couch, folded into 64 open. The cat went over and struggled to turn the map over to 16-page size and then laid down on it to sleep. (I ended up angrily kicking him off)
銆€銆€3: Know how to cheat
銆€銆€Similarly I can't tolerate cats going to bed (this long-haired cat shedding is just horrible). I don't fold the covers but lay them flat. Then the cat often into the quilt to sleep inside, the quilt was drilled to a mess. After several physical punishment, this one actually learned to drill the quilt but never messed up the quilt. I saw a volcano-like bulge on the outside of the quilt, but I could not see what route the cat took to get in. Although this is a cover-up, it already shows that the cat understands the purpose of eliminating traces of its own activity in order to deceive its opponents. (Perhaps an innate ability evolved from natural survival)
銆€銆€4: Knowing how to respect the owner
銆€銆€When there is no more cat food in the bowl, this one will not meow and meow or come to rub people to beg for food, but stand at the bowl and watch my family of three, if we are eating or busy with our own things, it will keep watching but never disturb. Once the busy meow will know and start barking. (The senses are really good)
銆€銆€So although the meows think they are gods, but in fact this guy still knows how to respect and understand the master.
銆€銆€5: Use the owner as a super Swiss army knife
銆€銆€Before moving to a low floor, summer home often fly into the dragonfly, flying against the ceiling. The cat was very anxious to see that it couldn't catch them, so it ran over and barked at me. I tied a sponge tatami mat to a plastic bench (the cat could grab it steadily) and put the cat on it and I held the bench up for him to play with (usually if it was on the bench and I moved the bench it would definitely jump back down). It deeply understands what it can not do, as long as the expressed intention of the master will help him.
銆€銆€In short, the cat's intelligence should be seen in two ways: it wants to play the initiative when the intelligence is quite high, but if the initiative is played, he does not understand not to cooperate with the time to play dumb and pretend.
  • Category:Cats feeding
  • Views:283 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-01 17:24:49
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