Do cats love their owners? How cats love you


In the eyes of many people, cats are arrogant and little wild animals.
People are puzzled by people who like cats: "Cats neither like to obey people nor even scratch and bite them sometimes, so why do you still like them so much? Is it bad to have a dog?"
In fact, for those who like small animals, and more fat nerdy people, keeping a cat is a good choice (will use the cat litter, eat not much, and accompany the master with the house).
Raise a while and find that the cat is not as high and cold as imagined. On the contrary, the cat is a very sticky master and can understand the master's simple vocabulary. The first thing you need to do is to find out that you are addicted to cats.

I. Reasons for cat addiction

1.Are cats solitary and arrogant animals?
There is experimental evidence that if a cat does not see its owner for 3 hours, it will be nervous; if it is alone for 7 hours, it will be restless.
As an aside, my big cat and my second cat don't like me going to the bathroom. Every time I go to the bathroom, I can't close the door, and if I close the door for more than 10 minutes, they are outside barking.
A study was published in the journal Current Biology in which researchers conducted a simple attachment test on cats. They let the cat and its owner hang out in an unfamiliar room for two minutes, after which they let the owner leave for two minutes and then return to the room.

The cat gave a response that greeted its owner and then continued to explore the unfamiliar area. Cats that had a strong bond with their owners were less stressed, the researchers said, and those that were insecure would wiggle their tails, stay put or ignore their owners altogether, showing more stress and anxiety.
After six weeks of socialization training, researchers tested adult cats and kittens on the same test, and about two-thirds of the cats had a solid sense of attachment to their owners. It's just that they express attachment differently and don't behave as directly as dogs.
Cats that feel insecure may run or hide," the researchers said. It has long been assumed that this behavior is normal for cats. Most cats use their owners as a source of safety. When cats are under stress, cats will rely on their owners for security."
The short answer is that the cat will feel more secure when the owner is around; the deeper the owner's bond with the cat, the less likely the cat will feel stressed by external stimuli.
For office workers who leave early and return late, it is best to have some fresh toys, flowing water, and greenery to ease the cat's anxiety. However, adult cats over one-year-old, they will form a certain tacit understanding (biological clock) with their owners, and they are likely to sleep most of the day and be ready to welcome their owners home by the time they are about to leave work.

2. Are cats less loyal than dogs?
When it comes to this topic, it's time to talk about their domestication history. Dogs can indeed be more social and obedient than cats in their relationship with people. This is because dogs are bred for specific purposes, while cats are essentially domesticated on their own; cats are not tamed to obey human commands.
Even so, cats are just as loyal to their owners, just not as easily understood in terms of behavior. For example, many people will feel that cats are picky eaters, underfed, and will leave home when they reach a certain age. (Corresponding reasons: cats are carnivores, unwilling to obey humans, and owners do not de-sex their cats)
Cats are smart, but just don't like to obey humans because they don't know why they have to. This happens to run counter to the human desire to conquer.

3銆乄hat behaviors of cats are expressing their love for their owners?
For pets, as long as you bring them home, they treat you as a trusted family member. Once a deep bond is established, you will find that this little creature is surprisingly more adorable than you thought.

II. Levels of Cat Love

Level 1: Quietly observing you
In the process of living with your cat, if you feel that your fur child does not like to touch you much and think that your cat does not like you at all there are many ways for cats to love their owners. If your cat often watches you quietly from the sidelines and does not disturb you, it means that it also loves you, but these cats are shy and do not express it.

Level 2: I will greet you when you come home
A cat that loves its master, in fact, in their ordinary life of small movements can be reflected, if your cat in your home at night, you hear the sound of your door, will be at the door to greet you home, this already means that the cat has a very good feeling for you, the cat has been waiting for you at home all day, the master home to keep the cat company!

Level 3: follow you everywhere you go
If a cat is very fond of you, then no matter where the owner follows you, it can not wait to use strong glue to stick to you, at home to quietly go to the toilet, it will also explore their little head, secretly staring at you, so the cat is very sticky, a moment can not let the master leave their sight range, it is enough to say that the cat loves you!

Fourth level: to you to show belly
The belly of the cat is the most sensitive and vulnerable part of the body, generally speaking, cats will tightly protect their belly, even when sleeping on their bellies to prevent the belly exposed, but if your cat will show your belly, your cat has a very high sense of trust in you, which is also a manifestation of the cat loves you very much, it has taken you as their own.

Level 5: give you a milk stamping massage
When cats feel comfortable sucking breast milk as a child, they will step on their mother's milk massage, which is the highest level of treatment for a cat to love you, if your cat likes to step on your milk massage, your status in the mind of the cat is mother-like existence!

See their cats so hard to the master message, how can the master not have a little action? At this point, the owner can pet the cat's head and give it some snacks as a reward, and the cat will know the owner's heart!

Do cats love their owners? How cats love you

III. How cats love you

Leaving a mark on the person you love most
Although each cat is an individual and has a wide range of personalities, cats will always leave certain marks on the people they love.
If you have many people in your family, the cat's love for the family is not evenly divided, and it must have a favorite one.
Does your cat love the way you feel when you hug it, does it "milk" on your clothes?
These seemingly most common daily interactions are the cat's efforts to leave its scent behind.
Cats also spend more time observing the person they love most, watching your every move and noticing your moods and moods. Cats have never been meticulous creatures and they don't miss a single subtle change.

A stronger connection
If cats are so independent, then why do they sometimes like to follow in the footsteps of people?
If you notice that your cat often follows you around, sleeps with you, and accompanies you on the couch to watch TV, then this is a clear sign that you and the cat have had a strong bond before.
If the cat also follows you when you go to the bathroom or the kitchen, then the cat should be thinking of you as their mother.
It is a very common behavior for kittens to follow their mothers. When cats are kittens, they follow their mother because they depend on her for protection. When they grow up, they carry this following behavior over to their new owner.
The presence of this behavior means that you can give your cat a great sense of security and they want to stay with you, wherever you are.

Physical communication
"Saying you don't want it, but your body is honest!" A cat's body language can also convey a lot of information.
When a cat shows you, love, whether it's from a twitching tail or pointy ears, you can feel that love.
The cat will rub its head against you, will swirl around your feet, and will lie down to show its belly to pamper you.
These behaviors are only done when cats are completely off guard, and they only do this in front of the people they love the most.

Cats do have a strong "independent personality", and most of the time, they convey to the outside world in a high and cold posture.
But reasonably, cats and you do not know, they want to be close to you, to show you friendly?
In the world of cats, they have people they love, but this love is by no means for everyone.
Cats are very devoted animals, they trust a person, love a person, and are willing to show their tender side in front of that person.
If you are the one that the cat loves the most, then congratulations, you have another different kind of love.
  • Category:Cats feeding
  • Views:328 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-08 09:22:47
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