How often do you walk your dog? How long do dogs need to be walked?

How often do you walk your dog? How long do dogs need to be walked?

Many people love dogs, but they don't take them out as often as they'd like. They think that all they need to do is keep them at home and have them fed. Many people don't know that dogs are curious an

Why is a cat better than a dog?

Why is a cat better than a dog?

I. Why are cats better than dogs? Our ancestors have long debated the merits of felines and canines, and it is an extremely old argument that dog owners think dogs are better than cats, but cat lovers

Can dogs eat tomatoes? Benefits and Disadvantages of Tomatoes for Dogs

Can dogs eat tomatoes? Benefits and Disadvantages of Tomatoes for Dogs

Tomatoes are a very popular and healthy food for us, especially in the summer, when they are delicious cold or eaten directly from an organic fresh tomato. As we feast on them, you'll find your dog at

Dogs can eat peanuts? Precautions for dogs eating peanuts

Dogs can eat peanuts? Precautions for dogs eating peanuts

Can dogs eat peanutsDogs can eat a small amount of peanut rice, and eating peanut rice is good for dogs. First, eating peanut rice can help clean your dog's teeth and remove bad odors from the mouth.

How to stop your dog from eating poop?

How to stop your dog from eating poop?

I. What causes dogs to eat poop? We often talk to people who say their dogs have a "disgusting" habit of eating poop. This behavior does seem disgusting to everyone, but we don't seem to know why dogs

Can cats be jealous?

Can cats be jealous?

I. Are all cats jealous? Do cats have jealousy? Experienced pooper scoopers have surely seen their owners get jealous.So, how serious can a cat's jealousy be? Today we will talk about it.Before there

Can dogs eat cooked onions? Why Onions Are Poison for Dogs

Can dogs eat cooked onions? Why Onions Are Poison for Dogs

I. A closer look at onionsOnion is a genus of onion in the lily family, a perennial herb. For humans, onions have many beneficial functions.The diallyl disulfide and small amounts of sulfur amino acid

Why does my dog sleep so much? Why does my dog sleep for so long?

Why does my dog sleep so much? Why does my dog sleep for so long?

I. My dog sleeps for a long time every day, is the sick or not? Depends on what breed you haveOur dog trainer is trusted by our friends, so they ask him any dog-related questions. And yesterday, the d

Why does my dog drink so much water? How is a dog considered to drink too much water?

Why does my dog drink so much water? How is a dog considered to drink too much water?

Why does my dog drink so much waterSometimes there are certain unusual behaviors in dogs that can be worrisome to us.For example, if a dog suddenly drinks a lot of water, why is this? The first of the

Why do dogs shake? Why do dogs shake their bodies?

Why do dogs shake? Why do dogs shake their bodies?

As humans, we shiver when we are cold, when we are sick, or even when we are angry or happy. Dogs, like humans, can also shiver under some special circumstances. The reason for this is that it is a ve
