Can cats be jealous?


I. Are all cats jealous?

Do cats have jealousy? Experienced pooper scoopers have surely seen their owners get jealous.

So, how serious can a cat's jealousy be? Today we will talk about it.

Before there are pooper scooper response: "home new back a dog, the cat is angry, in the kennel pee."

There are also pooper scoopers who say, "My girlfriend came to play at home, but the cat ignored her, even I ignored her."

There are also pooper scoopers who say, "Just because I touched another cat outside, when I got home, it smelled and screamed at me in anger."

All of the above is nothing. In serious cases, cats will bark, scratch and bite furiously at the object of jealousy.

About the jealousy of cats, probably more cat families know. Take my family's cat, the older cat is more than two years old, usually the most "humane", but also the most cautious, once people suspect that it lives in the body of a person. Every time I pet and praise the second cat, the big cat will do some small action (find something to play with the sound), trying to attract my attention and the second cat, until the second cat to attract away, it will stop playing.

In addition, two months ago, the family welcomed a new member of the three cats, the two cats and the three cats quickly bonded successfully, eating, sleeping and playing together. Only the big cat and the three cats are at odds and still make intimidating noises to the three cats from time to time.

Why are cats jealous?
Jealousy in cats can be triggered by many events. Jealousy occurs when a cat feels excluded or when there is a drastic change in its environment. It is not something as complex and deep as human jealousy, but simply a momentary emotion that leads directly to action.

For example.

1. A different smell than usual in the house (petting someone else's cat).

2. the owner's attention shifts to other animals or objects (playing games or concentrating on one thing for too long) and treats himself or herself differently than usual

3. the arrival of a new member of the family (a friend, a new pet or a newborn baby)

4. The cat's sense of domain, feeling threatened by another pet and lack of personal space.

5. The poor social skills of the kitten, which will be too dependent on the owner and generate jealousy.

As we can see from the above examples, the reasons that trigger cat jealousy are basically because the usual regular and orderly life is disrupted and the cat becomes uncomfortable.

Like people, cats have different personality traits. Paul Morris, a psychologist studying animal emotions at the University of Portsmouth in England, who has lived with pets for more than 2 years, as well as with the help of about 900 volunteers who have close relationships with them, concluded in a survey conducted in recent years that pets (dogs, cats, horses) show almost the same basic feelings as jealousy in the second level of affection. Jealous cats are usually more eager for the attention of their owners.

What behaviors do cats exhibit when they are jealous?
1. Not paying attention to the owner or hissing intimidatingly at the jealous object.

2. Be aggressive, barking loudly and scratching an object, or biting in severe cases. In addition, it will do some damage, such as overturning water cups, chewing furniture and scratching curtains.

3. Urinating outside the litter box. The common ones are urinating on the dog's litter box, carpet, sofa, etc.

How to stop the jealous behavior of cats?
1. The owner must trace the root cause
When a cat shows jealous behavior, the owner should not chastise the cat, but first look at what he or she has done recently that caused the cat's discontent and determine what caused the behavior. For example: Is there a new member of the family? Has a second pet been welcomed? Have you spent too much time playing games and not playing with your cat lately? Figure this out, so you know where to start to solve.

2. Pay more attention to the cat and play with it
Cats are like children. The easiest way to reduce their jealous behavior is to spend more time playing with them. When you get home from work, call your cat out for a delicious meal. When the cat is full, you can pet it, hug it and compliment it on its good looks. Play with the cat for a while before going to bed, teasing sticks and other things can make it excited.

3銆丟ive your cat plenty of space
Cats have a strong sense of domain, and have a fixed area for rest and play. If there is a person or pet in the house, it will inadvertently violate the established domain of the cat, and the cat will be very upset.

This situation is not unfamiliar to pooper scoopers, and usually occurs when a second cat comes into the house. Cats do not accept new companions at first and need an adjustment period. If the cat's reaction is intense at the beginning, it is recommended that the owner isolate the new cat to avoid having an impact on the mental state of both cats.

4銆丩et the cat learn to adapt
If the object of cat jealousy cannot be completely avoided, then the cat can only be allowed to adapt to the change. For example, when a cat approaches a new pet, you can pet and praise the cat and feed the cat delicious food as a reward. When the cat is close to the family member who has just moved in, you can feed the cat delicious food with the family, and feed the cat a few more times, and the cat's defensiveness will be slowly eliminated.

Own cat owners, no matter what to be responsible for the end ah.

Does your kitty have some jealous behavior? Let's talk about it!

Can cats be jealous?

II. How jealous are cats?

Cats are very sensitive creatures, and they can be jealous of their shovelers for "moving on". The cat's jealousy is especially strong in cats like blue cats, who will express their jealousy in various actions even when they see the shoveler playing with other cats.
It is not a bad thing for cats to be jealous of the shoveler, it means that they really like the shoveler too much, so if the shoveler does not play with them but with other cats, they will feel that their position is challenged and use jealousy to tell the shoveler that it is time to play with them.

When cats express their jealousy to their shovelers, they will often do the following.

1. Meowing
Cats will make the kind of meowing sound that stretches the sound or constantly make a petulant sound, which is the easiest way for the pooper scooper to understand that the cat is jealous. The cat's purring is actually telling the owner to play with them a little longer and to turn the pooper scooper's attention to them. So if you hear the cat meowing, you must go and hug the cat.

2. Urinating and defecating anywhere
If a cat sees that the pooper scooper has been pestered by other cats or is always not taken seriously, it will become very rude because of jealousy. For example, the cat has never defecated outside the litter box, but suddenly defecated everywhere in the house, and even sprayed urine on the sofa, cabinets, walls and other places, just to show the pooper scooper or other cats that this is their territory.

3. Biting
When a cat with a rough personality or an unneutered male cat is jealous of the pooper scooper, it will bite because it is overly jealous of the pooper scooper. The cat is trying to tell the pooper scooper not to forget them in this way, and is also telling other cats not to rob the pooper scooper, or else they will suffer the consequences.
At this point the pooper scooper should not reprimand them loudly for being bitten, but should calm their anxiety down and let them know that the pooper scooper has not abandoned them.

4. Clinging
Jealous cats will do anything to get close to the pooper scooper in order to get his attention again. Whether the pooper scooper is playing with his phone or going to the bathroom, the cat will approach the pooper scooper with impunity and then jump on him to tell him not to forget that there is a cat in the house.
This is the most obvious behavior that cats want the pooper scooper to put all his attention on them, the pooper scooper must not just push the cat away, but play with them properly.

5. Peeking from a distance
A cheerful cat will take the initiative to express their feelings to the pooper scooper when they are jealous, but some introverted and arrogant cats may not be able to let the pooper scooper know that they are jealous, they may just peek at the pooper scooper silently from a distance, but when the pooper scooper looks at them, they will immediately move their eyes away.

Because cats have a strong sense of self-esteem, most of the time they will not say they are jealous to the pooper scooper. Therefore, if you find that your cat is always looking at you, then take the initiative to go over and hold the cat and play with them for a while, so that they know that you still love them the most.
In short, if cats like their shovelers too much, they will become jealous when their shovelers ignore them. In order to keep the cat from being jealous, the pooper scooper must give the cat more warm hugs.
  • Category:Cats feeding
  • Views:342 Views
  • Release Date:2022-08-04 10:52:17
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