How high can cats jump? How far can cats jump


How high can a cat jump

Usually the height a cat can jump is proportional to its body length, and the height a cat can jump is five to six times the length of the cat's body. Except for large cats such as the Ragdoll cat, the average body length of a basic cat is about forty-six centimeters, so it can jump a height of about one hundred and eighty-four centimeters to two hundred and seventy-six centimeters.

Kittens have always had the name of cute pets in our lives. Have you ever carefully observed the valiant and heroic posture of kittens when they jump? If you have seen, then do you know how high the kitten can jump? Meow Medicine Jun guessed that you may not have thought about this issue, the following talk with the editor to explore the world of kittens.

In fact, the cat is the animal kingdom's little high jumper, and it also performs very well at this task, which you did not expect, right? But just how high can cats jump? Are they better than us at jumping? Let's find out.

We conducted an experiment to see how high cats can jump. In the experiment, we found that an ordinary cat jumping from the ground, it can jump 1.3 to 1.6 meters high. With the assistance of the cat's claws, the cat could climb higher up the fence, and surprisingly, the cat could jump up to six times its height.

The height of a cat is the distance from the floor to the top of its head when standing, and the average height of a cat is measured to be 23-25 cm. If you don't believe us, you can check your own cat's height or look it up on Encyclopedia and you will find that the cat's height will be close to or higher than this value.

Larger cats have more jumping power, but at the same time, the larger the cat, the heavier it is and the more strength it needs to get its body to jump.

The cat's hind legs are very strong, like springs, and it has a good bounce.

The cat will use all of its energy to complete the bouncing process. Usually, you may think of this part as their lower legs, but this is not the case. This is actually its foot. Cats usually walk on their toes just like any other mammal (except primates), which I never thought of before. If you doubt this, you can see that it's true by looking at pictures of a cat's skeleton.

Cats are naturally suited for high jumping because their skeleton is perfect for it. They will rely on their strong jumping power to get food in the wild and help them survive better. When they encounter prey, they will lunge and bring it down, which requires them to have a strong impact and precise positioning of the prey.

We also know that the cat will get better at bouncing if it has practiced. In some animal laboratory studies, cats need to be trained before starting experiments. One thing you need to know is that cats have a hard time understanding human speech, so it is not easy to get them to cooperate with our experiments, so it requires the researcher to be more patient in training the cat.

Let's look at a real-life example, as seen in the video below, where the cat's owner trained her cat to jump to a surprising height: 1.96 meters, and she jumped to 1.5 meters on her first attempt. Will this cat finally accomplish the task?

We doubt it! The figure of 1.96 meters is an impossible jumping height for many cats. Note that this height is nine times his own height, a far cry from our previous conclusion that a cat can jump up to six times its height. The video even compares the cat's performance with that of a human. This sounds quite absurd, indeed, if a person can jump up to nine times their height, they can jump up to three stories, which is almost impossible. In fact, you shouldn't make that comparison.

Even top basketball players and track and field athletes can't jump as high as a cat~

But we have to understand that each species has its own characteristics, and the cat has developed the advantage of being good at jumping, which is to some extent beneficial to its survival, because the evolution of the species always retains the characteristics that are beneficial to its survival.

For humans, we don't need more bouncing to get food to survive, but have developed our own way to survive, so it's not surprising that humans can't jump as high as cats.

How high can cats jump? How far can cats jump

How far can cats jump

Cats can jump up to five to six times their body length. According to the statistics of the average domestic cat: the average height of a cat is about 23-25 cm, its body length is about 46 cm (males are larger than females), and its tail averages 30 cm.
This means that the average length of a cat is 46 cm, therefore: an average cat can jump from 2.3 m to 2.76 m! And that's just the average cat! The taller the cat, the higher it can usually jump!
Benefits of having a cat.
Cats are clean when kept indoors and will be less of a burden to keep.
Cats are independent by nature and it is good at knowing how to entertain itself. The pooper scooper just needs to scoop and feed the cat on time and it can live on its own.
Plus, pet cats are living at home and are not easily dirty, and cats will take the initiative to bury the litter, good hygiene habits, making cats perfect for families to keep.
Cats can ease the loneliness of life, so you can live more confident.
"Loneliness" is the main purpose of many people's pets, and cats and pooper scoopers get along like an exchange of equals, with humans giving food and love, and cats repaying with "companionship"!
People who have cats at home will slowly lose their emotions because everyone knows that no matter what happens, at least they are the ones who have cats.
The cat's presence is like their spiritual dependence, and they can live confidently even if they are single with their meow master by their side.

Little titty cat is depressed after being dropped
Spirit depression, after the kitten falls from a high place with internal injuries, the spirit will be depressed, the corners of the mouth and nose will bleed; urinating blood, after the kitten falls from a high place, the kidneys will be damaged, urinating blood and vomiting; eye protrusion, after the kitten falls from a high place, the eyes will be protruding outward, and the eye needs to be cleaned up with saline after discovery, and timely medical treatment.

1. Mental depression
Kittens fallen from a height with internal injuries

After a kitten falls from a height and suffers from internal injuries, it will become depressed, its food intake will be significantly reduced, the corners of its mouth and nose will bleed, accompanied by coughing and panting, and its bones will be soft to the touch, and its walking will be extremely unstable, like a fracture.

2. Blood in urine
Performance of internal injuries in kittens falling from a high place

If the abdomen is swollen, it may be ascites, and the situation is already serious, so the kitten should be taken to the vet for medical examination in time to avoid delay.

3銆丒ye protrusion
Kittens fall from a high place internal injury performance

After a kitten falls from a high place, the eyes will be bulging outward. After discovery, saline can be used to clean the eyes and send them to the hospital for treatment in time.

  • Category:Cats feeding
  • Views:355 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-01 17:22:24
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