Why does my dog eat dirt? Top 5 reasons why dogs eat dirt?


I. Top 5 Reasons Why Dogs Eat Dirt

Anyone who has a dog knows that dogs are often mischievous and voracious eaters. But if a dog suddenly likes to eat dirt and why is that? The 5 factors behind this, the shovel pooper will know what to do after reading.

1, xenophilia
If the dog is sick, the body has worms or lack of trace elements, etc., may make the dog suffer from heterophobia, so it will happen to eat dirt, eat grass, eat poo, and other messy food situations.
So once the owner found that the dog has a disease should be treated promptly, do not drag the small disease into a major disease; and regularly deworm the dog; pay attention to the dog to supplement trace elements.

2銆乀here are things in the soil
Dogs have a sensitive sense of smell, so when the soil is sprinkled with juices, drinks, etc., or buried in the soil with food residues, dogs can smell. So some greedy dogs will take the dirt as food to eat, or try to dig up the dirt to find food.
To avoid the dog to eat by mistake, eat things that should not be eaten, in the outside can not let it chew and eat. When you find it has to eat dirt or other things on the ground, the owner to hold it, really can not hold it directly to its mouth cover.

3, long-term drinking of pure water
Dogs even if you can fast, also can not be prohibited water. Whether it is people, or dogs are no water shortage. But dogs drink pure water for a long time so they can not get the required elements from the drinking water, it may be a nutritional imbalance and messy food.
So the owner should replace the dog with plain water or mineral water that contains trace elements. And to ensure that the dog drinks enough water every day.

4, curious and bored
Dogs explore new things in most ways is to smell, bite, and eat, so when the puppy first saw the clay and sees fresh curiosity about it, so opens its mouth to try to see if it is delicious. Owners need to train their dogs from a young age so that they know what they can and cannot eat. Training can be prepared with some goat cheese and other dog snacks, the appropriate use so that the dog is more cooperative.
After the dog grows up, with the knowledge that dirt is not food, it still moves its mouth to the dirt, and still in front of the master, which is probably because it is boring and wants to attract the attention of the master.

5, the diet structure is not reasonable
If the dog eats a portion of single dog food for a long time, or dog food is too poor quality, etc., it is easy to lead to unbalanced nutrition of the dog, thus triggering soil eating behavior. So when feeding dogs, try to choose some nutritious good dog food!
In addition, the owner should occasionally add some supplementary food such as vegetables and fruits to make the dog's nutrition more balanced.

Why does my dog eat dirt? Top 5 reasons why dogs eat dirt?

II. Why does my dog eat dirt?

The technical term for eating things that are not food (including dirt) is xenophobia, and it can have many different causes.

Dogs may eat dirt for several reasons, and if they eat dirt repeatedly, in large quantities, or a frenzy, there may be an underlying problem. Causes may include nutritional problems, behavioral problems, or medical problems.

Here are some of the reasons why dogs may eat dirt.

Nutritional problems
Some dogs will eat dirt when their food lacks needed vitamins and minerals or when their food is inadequate.

To make sure your puppy's nutritional needs are met, make sure you feed him a complete and balanced diet and the correct amount for his weight (just follow the instructions on the back of the food label).

In some cases, medical problems can also lead to nutritional deficiencies.

Behavioral problems
Behavioral problems such as stress, boredom, or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can cause dogs to eat dirt.

Bored dogs will find ways to pass the time, and sometimes this includes activities such as eating dirt (or grass).

Eating something they shouldn't is usually a sign of stress or OCD in dogs, as it can be a way to vent their anxiety.

If your dog is eating dirt as an anxious behavior, then it will likely also have other signs of stress or anxiety such as licking, hiding, aggression, or other repetitive behaviors.

Medical problems
Several medical problems can cause a dog to eat dirt, some of which include

Anemia (iron deficiency/low red blood cell count)
Gastrointestinal disorders
Liver disease
Intestinal parasites
If your dog suddenly starts eating dirt out of nowhere, eats a lot of it, eats it like crazy, and/or has other symptoms, you should contact your veterinarian to make sure he doesn't have an underlying condition.

Ingesting a small amount of dirt and vomiting once may not require veterinary care, however, if the dog is vomiting repeatedly or vomiting without bringing anything up, has diarrhea, seems uncomfortable, or is lethargic, he should be examined by a veterinarian immediately.

Why does my dog eat dirt?
It tastes good.
Dogs may just like the taste of dirt!

It is not uncommon for dogs to eat dirt just because they smell something tasty in it.

Dogs learn about the world through their noses and mouths, and a dog may just smell something in the dirt that he wants to learn more about.

Puppies can be especially prone to eating dirt because they are very curious and just beginning to learn about their surroundings.

Puppies are very curious and therefore may be more likely to accidentally eat dirt while exploring the world, however, if your puppy is repeatedly eating dirt, it is important to have them checked by a veterinarian to rule out any potential problems and discourage them from this behavior so that it does not become an adult habit.

Should I let my dog eat dirt?
If your dog licks some dirt from time to time on walks, that shouldn't be a problem. However, your dog should not be allowed to eat dirt all the time.

Eating dirt poses many dangers, and ingesting large amounts of dirt can lead to life-threatening gastrointestinal impaction or obstruction, which may require emergency surgery.

Dirt may also contain objects that are harmful to your dog, such as

Pesticides or fertilizers
Small rocks that could damage your dog's teeth, create a choking hazard, or cause an intestinal blockage
Sharp sticks that could puncture his mouth, throat, or intestines
Parasitic worms
How to stop your dog from eating dirt
If your dog is eating dirt because he is anxious or bored, you can help by making him happy or providing a more effective outlet for his anxiety.

If it is determined that the problem is more of a habitual or behavioral problem, there are several ways to help with this. To prevent boredom, increase the amount of exercise and playtime your dog gets each day. Interactive toys, such as food puzzle toys, can also be provided to provide mental stimulation, especially if they are home alone for long periods.

In addition to calming aids, you can help your dog relax by providing him with his areas, such as a comfortable bed or a crate with toys, thus reducing stress in his life.

Other ways to discourage your dog from eating dirt include
Moving potted plants out of your dog's reach (this is also a good idea to prevent him from chewing on plants that are toxic to dogs).
Watching your dog when he's outside to prevent him from eating dirt.
Cover or block off any areas of your yard that have dirt or soil so your dog can't get to them.
Use positive reinforcement (praise, pets, and treats) when they sniff dirt but don't eat it.
Don't punish your dog for eating dirt. Instead, use toys or treats to distract him when he tries to eat the dirt.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:452 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-08 10:11:28
  • Link to this article:https://www.petzuo.com/Dogs-feeding/Why-does-my-dog-eat-dirt-Top-5-reasons-why-dogs-eat-dirt
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