Is oatmeal good for dogs? Benefits of Oatmeal for Dogs


Oats are very popular. The most popular breakfast is made from hulled oats, which come in many varieties, including ground, rolled, and steel-cut. In terms of health, the high protein content and high dietary fiber content of oats can promote digestion. In addition, oats contain high levels of vitamin A, as well as iron, calcium, vitamin B6 and magnesium. The deliciousness of oats is also a big reason for their popularity. By now you probably already know that oats are a great choice when it comes to a balanced diet. But are oats also good for dogs?
Oats are a food that has many benefits, being high in protein and lots of dietary fiber is one of the reasons why many people choose them. And there are many types of oats, including milled, rolled, and steel-cut. Oats provide a large number of essential elements, including vitamin A, as well as iron, calcium, vitamin B-6, and magnesium. But are oats good for dogs too? Let's explore it.

I. The benefits of oats for dogs

The benefits of oats are self-evident for humans, and they also benefit dogs at the same time. However, there are a few things we need to keep in mind when giving oats to our dogs.

Oatmeal has mild properties that are great for dogs and especially convenient for owners. Just boil the oats in water and you can let your dog enjoy a snack rich in nutrients without adding anything. However, it is important to note that owners should allow their dogs to supplement with more water. After the oats are cooked, remember to add some warm water to them, note that it is warm water!
1. Promote skin health
Oats are rich in B vitamins and linoleic acid, which is an omega-6 fatty acid.
B vitamins play a key role in skin health and may be involved in the production of healthy skin cells.
Also essential to skin health, linoleic acid may help maintain the integrity of the skin barrier, promote wound healing, and reduce inflammation.
Although these benefits have not been studied specifically in dogs, dog skin is similar to human skin.

2. Digestive system
Oatmeal is high in fiber, containing over 4 grams of fiber per cup of cooked oatmeal (240 grams).
Fiber has been linked to many potential health benefits, especially in terms of digestive health.
Fiber moves slowly through the body without being digested, adding bulk to feces to support regularity.
Although specific studies on dogs are limited, research suggests that increased fiber intake may be beneficial in the treatment of constipation.

3. May lower cholesterol levels
If your dog has high cholesterol levels due to a metabolic or genetic health condition, oatmeal may be beneficial.
This is because oats are a good source of beta-glucan, a type of fiber that has been linked to improved heart health.
Human studies have shown that oats can help lower cholesterol levels, especially in people with high cholesterol.
A study of 14 dogs observed similar results, showing reduced levels of total and LDL (bad) cholesterol after 71 days of oat beta-glucan supplementation.
However, more large, high-quality studies are needed to confirm whether oats help lower cholesterol levels in dogs.

Is oatmeal good for dogs? Benefits of Oatmeal for Dogs

II. The Bad Side of Oats for Dogs

While oats are a great source of nutrition, keep in mind that not all types of oats are suitable for your furry friend.
In particular, raw oats can be difficult for your dog to digest and can lead to an upset stomach.
You should also avoid flavored varieties, which are often high in sugar and may contain ingredients that are toxic to dogs, such as chocolate, raisins, or the sugar alcohol xylitol.
Also, be sure to prepare your oats with water rather than milk, as many dogs do not digest lactose well.
Finally, keep in mind that increasing their fiber intake too quickly can also cause unpleasant digestive side effects, including gas or bloating.
To prevent negative side effects, it is recommended that fiber intake be increased slowly over time to 1-3 grams per day, as well as drinking plenty of water.
While oatmeal is nutritious, certain types of oatmeal may contain ingredients that are not suitable for dogs and can cause negative digestive side effects.

III. How to get your dog to eat oats

Choosing the right variety of oats and the right cooking method is the secret to making oats a healthy snack for your dog. To avoid some unnecessary problems, follow these guidelines.

Cooked. Always cook oats before giving them to your dog, don't feed them raw oats.
Natural grains are better. Give your dog only whole grain oatmeal. Processed grains are not very good for health and may upset the dog's tummy.
Stick to the simplest principle. If you buy packaged oats, check the ingredients list first, as some packaged oats have added sugar or other flavorings.

Serve in small amounts. Regular cooked oats contain about 150 calories per cup. While this may not sound like much, remember that dogs need far fewer calories per day than we humans do (for example, a 25-pound dog should only consume about 550 calories per day to maintain weight). So, when feeding oats to your dog, one or two tablespoons is usually enough.
Don't replace food with oats. Despite the many benefits of oats for dogs, it still lacks many of the nutrients necessary for a healthy dog diet. Oats can be used as a snack or simple addition to a meal, but don't completely replace your dog's daily diet with oats to ensure he still gets the nutrients he needs. Don't give these human foods to your dog either.

Fourth, what can you add to your dog's oats?

While things like granulated sugar are unhealthy, you can still add a few extra ingredients to your dog's oats to make them more willing to eat them.
Peanut butter: Most dogs love peanut butter, and a spoonful or so of all-natural, unsweetened peanut butter can give your dog's oats a nutritional boost.

Fruit: Cut up some fruit suitable for dogs into small pieces and mix it with the oats. There are some great options for fruit, including bananas, strawberries, blueberries, and apples.

Pumpkin puree: Add some pumpkin puree to make the oats more fiber-rich. Go for plain pumpkin, not pumpkin pie filling.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon is a natural anti-inflammatory substance that also adds flavor to oats without adding calories (and dogs love cinnamon!)

Plain yogurt: Plain Greek yogurt or standard yogurt are both delicious additions to oats that can further supplement calcium and vitamins. Don't add flavored yogurt, though, as flavored yogurt is high in sugar.
Sunflower seeds: Unsalted sunflower seeds are great antioxidants and are good for dogs. Sprinkle some sunflower seeds on top of your dog's oats, but pure sunflower seed kernels, not with black hulls.

Be careful not to replace your dog's regular meal with oats. While oatmeal has many benefits for dogs, it still lacks many of the nutrients necessary for a well-rounded dog diet. That's why using oats as a snack or mealtime snack is a good choice.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:307 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-08 09:49:17
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