Is a dog's mouth cleaner than a human's? A dog's mouth is cleaner than a human's? This is a stolen concept, the two are not comparable


I. Do dogs have to have cleaner mouths than humans? That's a steal, the two are not comparable

Recently in the news, there was a story about this. A woman had a wound infection caused by her dog's saliva. But in the news, someone commented that dogs' mouths are cleaner than humans'. Although human mouths contain the same amount of bacteria as dog mouths, they do not affect the health of the host because they compete with each other for resources and no bacteria overgrow under normal circumstances.

But in any case, there is no completely clean and germ-free mouth in the world. Even if it were true that between the two, one has a cleaner mouth than the other, it still contains a lot of bacteria. It's like someone telling you that their toilet is cleaner than the garbage can. Although this is true, however, you do not, therefore, touch one of them with your hands. The same is true for the saliva, never apply saliva on top of your wounds, that is asking for death.

Although, in 1990, a study showed that there may be some bacterial growth-inhibiting substances in dog saliva. But the inhibitory effect of this western substance is not very effective. Moreover, researchers have now discovered that this inhibitory effect seems to affect E. coli and not S. aureus. However, in the case of humans, the prevalence of staphylococcal infections (46%) was higher compared to E. coli (9-17%).

Going back to the original question we talked about, can a dog's mouth be cleaner than a human's? The answer to this question is denial. There is no comparison between the two because both dogs' and humans' mouths contain a large number of different types of bacteria, and there is no comparison in terms of numbers. Because it has to do with the dog's and humans' hygiene habits, of course, the bigger your mouth, the more bacteria it will contain.

However, friends do not need to worry about the disease that the dog will bring to you when licking you, as long as your body does not have obvious wounds, the bacteria in the saliva of the dog, can not break through the protection of the skin into your body. Therefore, you do not need to worry about this problem. You can imagine that it is another person licking your face. Does this feel acceptable?

Of course, the owner can also reduce the number of bacteria in the dog's mouth through their efforts. The only thing you need is a dog toothbrush and a dog ointment to treat it like a human, and brush it every day, so the dog's mouth will become cleaner.

Is a dog's mouth cleaner than a human's? A dog's mouth is cleaner than a human's? This is a stolen concept, the two are not comparable

II. Dogs' mouths are cleaner than people's? No comparison, how about comparing which of you brushes your teeth more carefully

Many people who have dogs have heard the argument that dogs have cleaner mouths than people, and such rumors always circulate quickly, putting people and dogs on equal footing in a sweeping generalization without regard to the differences between species. There is no comparability between human and dog mouths, and if one insists on asking out, one can replace the same statement with, "His toilet is cleaner than the garbage can."

Why would people agree that a dog's mouth is cleaner than a human's? The argument probably stems from the fact that dogs lick their wounds when they are injured so that they can heal faster. Some people then believe that the dog's mouth has a cleaning effect and that saliva will have a healing effect on the wound, which is an overstatement of the role of dog licking. The real reason dogs lick wounds is because the surface of their tongue is very rough, through the licking action to remove some necrotic tissue and some foreign bodies on the wound, just like a surgeon surgically cleans the surface of the wound, more of a foreign body removal role, rather than because the mouth is clean to promote wound healing. On the contrary, dogs may bring in more bacteria when licking wounds with their tongues, causing wound infections.

And the dog's mouth is not very clean, the dog will use the mouth to lick all kinds of things every day, have their hair, some foreign bodies on the floor, or eat all kinds of strange things. As long as there are outdoor activities, I will be exposed to a variety of things, my first smell, and then taste the taste with my mouth. If the owner does not pay attention to the dog's oral hygiene, will not brush its teeth every day, or take it to the doctor regularly, the dog may already have the periodontal disease for a long time, so its mouth is not only bacteria inside, there are countless germs. After listening to this description, you will still feel that the dog's mouth is clean?

In dogs and human mouths, there are different types of bacteria, the number is not comparable, whether it is human or dog mouth, as long as the lack of hygiene will breed a variety of bacteria. Of course, if the dog's mouth is bigger, the bacteria contained inside will be more. But we do not have to worry too much about the dog licking you will bring you a lot of bacteria, as long as the location of the dog licking is not a wound, saliva can not enter the tissue fluid, and there will be no risk of bacterial infection.

Everyone's focus should not be on who is cleaner than the mouths of people and dogs, but on how to make the dog's mouth cleaner. Dogs need to eat a lot of things every day, and humans, the inside of the mouth will breed many bacteria, many owners will not help dogs clean their teeth, but in fact, dogs also need to brush their teeth every day, even if conditions do not allow, but also to brush their teeth at least 3 to 4 times a week. Brushing is the most effective way to clean the mouth, if the owner does not care, let the dog teeth plaque flood, then it will evolve into dental calculus, and not timely removal will develop into periodontal disease. So to get your dog's mouth cleaner, you must insist on brushing your dog's teeth, treat your dog as a human being, and when your dog's mouth is clean, you can properly judge whose mouth is cleaner. The judging criteria are whether you brush your teeth more seriously or brush your dog's teeth more seriously.

Rumors always spread faster than the truth, rumors go fast, science will have to run legs, the next time you hear such generalizations, absolute meaning is too strong words, you can start from real life, to imagine, and then to check, you will know how ridiculous rumors.

Keep your dog's oral hygiene in general
Let's talk about a few ways to keep your dog's mouth stay clean. After all, even though the dog may voluntarily pounce at any moment to give us a big kiss!
Brush your dog's teeth. You'll need to purchase many tools and accessories, a complicated process, and one that requires your dog to be obedient. In addition to brushing your dog's teeth at home, it's a good idea to bring him to the vet for regular dental cleanings and checkups.
Taking these simple precautions can help your dog get rid of bacteria. It can also prevent periodontal disease, so your dog's gums can stay healthy, too.
However, it is important to note that you should use toothpaste and toothbrushes that are designed for canine teeth. Human toothpaste contains ingredients (such as xylitol) that may be toxic to dogs.
In summary, although the bacteria in a dog's mouth is similar to that of a human's, we try not to kiss our dogs.

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