How smart is the dog? How smart a dog is


I. How smart can dogs be?

Now that the internet is developed, many people are sharing what is happening around them. Because of this, we are hearing more stories about dogs being loyal and protective or dogs recognizing bad guys. These stories, all have one thing in common, is that the dogs can tell that the person who appears in front of it, is a good or bad guy. But more netizens will doubt this, people may not be able to recognize the person in front of them is good or bad, let alone a dog with an IQ the size of a child?

Dogs can do so, but only a tiny bit, not completely accurate, and every time it can take effect. Scientists have found through research that dogs notice the process of their owners communicating with other people. In the experiment, the robot that helped its owner, the dog did not feel any rejection of it and even eat the food it gave. When the robots that gave it food were behaving unfavorably to its owner, they would be resistant and hostile to the object, which is why the dog could tell whether the person was good or bad. So the question arises, in some examples, the dog and the bad guy who wants to hurt it, is the first time to meet, how can this be explained?

First, the first possibility is that cognitive bias. You think the dog is meeting the person for the first time, but the dog may have been exposed to the person and seen him interact with other people, so judged that he is not a good person.

The second possibility is that the dog's nose has been sensitive to an amazing point. Before a person thinks about doing something bad, his brain thinks first and then produces pheromones. The smell of these pheromones is captured by the dog, so the dog knows that the person standing in front of it is not good. In today's world where dogs are increasingly used to detect blood sugar, drugs, and cancer, there is reason to believe that dogs can make judgments through their sense of smell.

The third possibility is that dogs can sense each other's micro-expressions and emotions. Dogs have been living with humans for a long time and have learned to read people's words. They can judge each other's intentions through human micro-expressions or body language. They perceive the other party's apprehension, plus their sixth sense and intuition to judge, and then they conclude that the other party is not a good person, he has another intention.

These are the approximate reasons why a dog might be able to tell that a person is a bad person. We can believe that dogs can identify bad people, but we cannot relax the protection of dogs because of this. After all, dogs can judge only people, for food, they may not have such good judgment. Nowadays, most people who want to plot against dogs no longer walk straight up to them. For the safety of dogs, owners still need to stop them properly and eat food from unfamiliar sources. In this way, the owner and the dog can form a mutually protective relationship, where he helps you tell the bad guys and you protect him from being poisoned.

II. Examples of dog intelligence

1. My friend's family has a little home demolisher, Erha, who gets pissed off half to death every day, but one day changed my friend's opinion. My friend lives with his parents and grandfather, and the dog sleeps in the same room with his grandfather at night.
That night, grandpa's heart was particularly uncomfortable, but no one knew, Erha sensed that the situation was not right, and very quickly rushed out of the room (usually his grandfather's room door was left open, is worried about the eventuality), came to the bedroom where my friend slept, violently woke up his friend, insisted on taking his friend to his grandfather's room.
Friends felt a hint of something wrong and immediately went to see the situation. Grandpa was promptly taken to the hospital and was saved. By now, Erha's status at home was much higher, and no one said it was silly anymore.

2, it must be said that the aunt's family dog Gazi, not only intelligence, emotional intelligence is also shockingly high.
One day my aunt took the dog for an afternoon walk, I did not expect a large dog suddenly to her calf bite down, was sent to the hospital, my aunt bandaged up after the injection home to bed rest for about three days. During this period, the melon was unusually depressed, lying in the nest, not moving, not eating or drinking, and refusing to go downstairs with my uncle / my brother.
When my aunt is well, finally take the melon to walk again, who knows that again encountered the big dog, wilted for more than three days melon instantly start berserk mode, not even a shout, directly to the lightning speed of flying up, the big dog to bite.
That day Guazi immediately after returning home to let go of the belly to eat a meal, and raise eyebrows, the spirit has recovered.

3, my dog was as naughty as all the dogs when they were young, growing up more and more gentle, never biting people, and will open the tap to drink. The most shocking thing to me is that it picked up a puppy doughnut.
My father did not agree to raise it, but my dog has always protected the dumplings, my father had no choice, but to say to the dog, to raise also okay, you will share your meal with it, to teach it to go to the toilet in a fixed place, every day you take it for a walk, my dog all do.
Sometimes the doughnut is naughty gripping slippers, and chewing shoes, my dog will take it to the wall to sternly criticize it, and then give the doughnut to play with their favorite thread knitting bones.
There were times before when I thought my dog had become a sperm, but after having Gnocchi, I was genuinely adamant that he had become a sperm.

How smart is the dog? How smart a dog is

Three, signs of a smart dog

1. Clearly remember the owner's off time
Most dogs have a biological clock that is relatively accurate, and once formed, they will live according to this biological clock. For example, what time in the morning, do they wake up to go out for a walk, if the master did not wake up will wake up the master oh.
Similarly, if the owner usually has to go to work, let the dog at home, and then every day about that time to get off work to home, then, in fact, the dog will know, they will probably know when you can get off work to open the door, so it will be behind the door to meet you Oh.

2, let other dogs know who your master is
Dogs are more possessive of their beloved master, so when the master touches other dogs, they will appear jealous.
Smart dogs, they will use their way to "dominate" the master, for example, will leave their smell on the master, which will also let other dogs the master is already their people, and tell other dogs do not just approach.
Dog IQ high 6 kinds of performance, accounting for more than 4 kinds, can be said to be the "human essence"!
Performance 3, will not eat in the place of defecation
High IQ dogs know how to separate their eating and excretion places, they will be in the place designated by the pet owner to excrete, definitely not in the eating place to excrete. And some dogs will not only defecate in the eating place but also in the sleeping place defecate, this type of dog's IQ is relatively low.

4, Doing the wrong thing will play innocent
Dogs are very naughty, will have to do something wrong, dogs do something wrong, no doubt the master will be angry, so the master will probably punish them appropriately. Smart dogs, when they do wrong to be criticized and scolded by the master, they will play innocent in front of the master, hoping that the master can "let it go".
When the dog does something wrong, the owner is best to catch the current oh, timely discovery, appropriate blame and training to guide, in the training of dogs, the owner must not forget to reward the dog's good performance when a small piece of chicken jerky snacks oh, the dog learns to remember, the next time will not be committed.

5, know the difference between affinity
Dogs also have feelings, it knows who is good for them, and who is not good for them, if it feels a person like it, the dog will actively interact, and will also be closer to this person; if it feels that this person is not good for it, very indifferent, then it will also be very high and cold, ignore. And in critical times, often on the side of the master.

6, know the master's emotions
Dogs can be about the owner's mood, for example, when you talk, the dog can know through your tone of voice how your mood is now, and smart dogs, not only know the owner's mood, but they also know, what situation can do what can not do what. For example, if the owner is in a bad mood, he will not do something naughty and will quietly accompany the owner.
Owners usually spend more time understanding their dogs' oh, in addition to spending time paying attention to their diet oh. Many people like to feed their dogs human food, but human food is generally greasy, salt is relatively high, the dog ate easy affects the hair, etc., long-term feeding, serious may also lead to kidney failure Oh.
To dog health, or do not just feed human food, the main food or to eat dog food, to provide balanced nutrition to ensure the health of the dog.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:312 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-08 09:37:28
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