How often should I brush my dog's teeth?


I. Why do I need to brush my dog's teeth?

It's not too much to ask how many times your mother-in-law can take care of your dog's mouth. Because only when your dog is young and gets its oral care right, your dog will be healthier when it's older and won't need you to worry about its dental problems, which naturally saves a lot of heart.

1, why do you need to brush your dog's teeth?
If the owner is willing to spend time brushing the dog's teeth, in the long run, is a good way to help the owner save money. Because by sticking to routine dental care for your dog daily, then you can avoid expensive surgical procedures and also avoid your dog suffering from dental pain. If you don't brush your dog's teeth, they will be covered with plaque, and with the combined action of bacteria and saliva, this sticky substance that adheres to the teeth forms and then hardens and becomes calculus.

Why do I need to brush my dog's teeth? How do I brush my dog's teeth?
If brushing is not done correctly or if your dog is not brushed consistently, the tartar will spread and will move up the gum line, and if the gums have been damaged, your dog may lose teeth. A more serious condition is the development of painful gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. The dog's dental jawbone will be damaged and the soft tissues around the teeth will be destroyed.

2, how often should I brush my dog's teeth?
The answer to the question of how often to brush your dog's teeth is, ideally, every day! If you can brush your dog's teeth twice a day, that would be even better. But in reality, twice a day is not realistic, so the next best thing is for dog owners to brush their dogs' teeth at least three times a week to avoid plaque buildup.

Many dog owners help their dogs brush their teeth to get into the habit of brushing them, usually right after they brush their teeth, so that they can incorporate their dog's dental cleaning into their daily habits. On the other hand, in this case, dogs are also more likely to accept the matter of brushing their teeth.

3銆丠ow should dog owners brush their dogs' teeth?
If the dog is newly adopted or is still a puppy, it is a good time to instill this habit. But it doesn't mean that adult dogs can't learn to brush their teeth, just like "live and learn", it's never too late to do it.

So how exactly do you brush your dog's teeth? First of all, take a soft cloth or a toothbrush and special toothpaste for dogs, not human toothpaste or products like baking soda. Because ingesting them can be harmful to your dog. In the first few days, try only the rubbing action, the main purpose is to make the dog like the toothpaste first. When the dog shows cooperation, the dog can be rewarded appropriately. Once the dog gets used to the dog toothpaste, you can start brushing the dog's teeth with a toothbrush. Generally, plaque accumulates most on the canine and cheek teeth, so treat them first. Once your dog gets used to the feeling of letting you touch their lips and mouth, you can start brushing all of their teeth. Dogs have more plaque buildup on the outside, so you can not worry too much about the inside of the teeth.

4. How often should I check my dog's teeth?
In addition to daily care, it is necessary to go for regular checkups of your dog's teeth. If it is an adult dog, you should visit the dentist at least once a year to clean the areas that you normally can't clean by brushing your dog's teeth and to keep your dog's best health. In addition, in our daily life, we should balance our dog's diet and should not give him too much sugar and too many pigmented substances to make his teeth healthier.

II. Know these 4 steps to properly brush your dog's teeth for healthier woofers

Traditional belief: You don't need to brush your dog's teeth when you have a dog
In our old traditional beliefs, dogs are just for watching the door, especially the older generation who always think.

The dog is not that delicate, you don't need to spoil it, just give it a mouthful of food.
Do dogs also need to brush their teeth? Never heard of it!
It's too much trouble to brush your dog's teeth, and you have to serve it all day long.
This concept is not right, with the development of the times, modern people have a dog not to watch the door, but as the fur child as a family to look at. Not only to keep them from starving and freezing to death, but also to keep them healthy, long, and happy.

Dogs' teeth and oral problems are crucial to their appetite, health, and longevity, so it is essential to brush your dog's teeth.

Learn these 4 steps to properly brush your dog's teeth for healthier woofers
Today we will talk about [dog dental health those things], the main content includes why to brush your dog's teeth, how to brush your woofer's teeth, and what to pay attention to when you brush your dog's teeth.

1銆乄hy do you need to brush your dog's teeth?
1銆乀o avoid bad breath

Dogs will eat many things a day, there will inevitably be some food residues in the mouth. If not timely brushing, the taste of these food residues will always be fermented in the mouth, and finally, form bad breath. In addition, brushing not only can clean the mouth and avoid bad breath but also can massage the gums, promote blood circulation and enhance the ability to resist diseases.

2銆丷educe the formation of dental plaque

Every day, dogs have to eat three meals or two meals, and the bacteria in the mouth will be multiplied, and plaque will be formed if they do not brush their teeth for a long time. And plaque will cause dental caries problems, and brushing can effectively reduce the formation of plaque, and reduce the chance of woofers suffering from dental caries.

3銆丷educe the chance of dental disease

It is very necessary to brush your dog's teeth. If your dog does not brush his teeth for a long time, his teeth will turn yellow and have bad breath, and slowly tartar will form and suffer from dental calculus, which will easily lead to gingivitis, oral problems, and even lead to the woofers losing their teeth, affecting the life of the puppy.

How often should I brush my dog's teeth?

2. How to brush the woofers' teeth?
1. Pre-preparation - tools
You need to prepare the tools in advance before brushing your dog's teeth. The tools mainly include a soft-bristled toothbrush and pet-specific toothpaste.
A good toothbrush is really important, I believe that everyone will have a sense, after all, early to get up before going to bed to brush their teeth. If you buy a toothbrush that is not very comfortable, your teeth will not only be uncomfortable but may also bleed your gums. So a soft-bristled comfortable toothbrush is especially important for woofers.
Toothpaste for pets
As the woofers brush their teeth we can't sense if the mouth is rinsed clean, but human toothpaste contains sodium bicarbonate and must be rinsed clean. And professional pet toothpaste is self-perfumed, will make the dog less averse to brushing, and no rinsing, especially convenient.

2. Start brushing your teeth!
Squeeze on the toothpaste and approach the dog
The pooper scooper can squeeze the toothpaste on the toothbrush and then slowly approach the woof and wait for the pet dog to approach on its own. When the woof feels curious to get closer, you can let the dog touch, sniff, and even lick freely. This process can be done while playing with the woofers and remember to keep the dog in a happy mood. If the woof is slow to adapt, don't be in a hurry, you can wait two or three days!
Prying the dog's mouth open
Once the dog is less wary of toothbrushes and toothpaste, the pooper scooper can use his hands to gently pry open the woofer's mouth to expose the gums and teeth. During this step, it is also important not to force the dog, who may not be used to having his mouth touched and open his mouth to bite! Pooper scoopers can do it while playing!
Brush in circles at the roots of the teeth
After making sure the dog does not resist excessively, the owner can let the dog expose his teeth and use the toothbrush to brush in a circular motion against the roots of the teeth to clean the outer tooth surfaces and the food debris between the teeth. The gaps on the inside of the teeth and molars can be licked by the dog's tongue, so they are less likely to accumulate dirt, but care should be taken to clean them.
Cleaning tartar
If the woofers already have tartar, the pooper scooper can wet a cotton swab with cool boiling water, squeeze toothpaste on it and clean it up for the dog. If you think you can't do it yourself, you can also seek professional help.

3銆乄hat should I pay attention to when I brush my dog's teeth?
1, do not use strong

Dogs are likely to be reluctant to brush their teeth because they are not used to it or they feel scared. This time the pooper scoopers must pay attention, do not force the woofers, for two reasons.

The dog is likely to be nervous and scared and will resist brushing his teeth, or he may close his mouth and not allow the toothbrush to be inserted, or he may bite the toothbrush.
Even if the woofers do not have a stress reaction at the time, using force is likely to cause the dog to be scared and fearful. From then on, more fear and reluctance to brush teeth is not conducive to the subsequent brushing work.
2. Give praise appropriately

The pooper scooper should remember to praise the woofers when the dog is very cooperative, or when it performs well. This time the dog will get a good psychological implication that it is good to do so, and will be more willing to brush its teeth.

3. Pay attention to the strength

When you brush your dog's teeth, you need to pay attention to the strength of the brush!

Too much force
If you use too much force, the dog may be in pain and the woofers will have a bad impression and will not want to brush their teeth.
Too light
If you brush your dog's teeth too lightly, they will not be clean.

4. If you can't solve the problem, find a professional to solve it in time

If in the process of brushing teeth, found any things beyond the ability, such as can not clean tartar or a dog has been suffering from dental disease, shovelers need to pay attention to promptly go to the professionals who need help.

Keep your dog's mouth healthy and happy
There are many benefits to brushing your dog's teeth at least 3 times a week.

Keeping abreast of your dog's oral health
Deepen the bond with the woofers
Develop a better understanding between the dog and its owner
Reduces oral and dental disease
Keeps your dog healthier and longer
Only when the dog's teeth and mouth are healthy can they eat well and not be malnourished or too thin due to oral problems, which can affect physical and mental health as well as the dog's life expectancy.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:364 Views
  • Release Date:2022-08-04 10:56:34
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