Can dogs eat vegetables? What vegetables do dogs love to eat?


Vegetables are an indispensable part of our daily diet, people pay attention to the rational collocation, nutritious diet, will choose to eat some vegetables to provide the relevant vitamins, play a role in maintaining the body's nutritional balance. For the dogs that live with us, what is the importance of vegetables in their diet? Let's take a look!

I. Can dogs eat vegetables?

In fact, most vegetables can be eaten by dogs, such as cabbage, carrots, broccoli, pumpkin, cucumber, cabbage, and other common vegetables. Broccoli contains carotene and vitamins in addition to iron and dietary fiber, making it a very nutritious food. It is best to choose vegetables that are in season to avoid hormones and pesticides. If the dog usually eats dog food with all the nutrients rationed in the food, then there is less need to feed vegetables. Some owners will cook for their dogs themselves, which will require adding some vegetables to them according to their nutritional needs. The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

II. What vegetables do dogs love to eat?

If you want to give your dog some vegetables, be aware that some vegetables are toxic to dogs, for example, onions, leeks and fine parsnips and other onion plants. Onions, in particular, are the most harmful to dogs. Feeding your dog onions can rupture its red blood cells, leading to hemolytic anemia and killing it.

So it's best to pick the following common and safe vegetables to feed to your dog, and don't give your dog any others that you're not sure are harmful.

Carrots contain a lot of minerals and carotenoids, fed to the dog can also help it clean teeth, raw and cooked carrots can be given to dogs, some dogs also like to eat raw carrots.

The nutrients in pumpkin can be quickly absorbed by dogs, and it is a great tasting food for dogs. It needs to be cooked, without adding any spices, simply cooked, you can steam some pumpkin as a snack for your dog.

The taste of tomatoes is sweet and sour, dogs will like, we can get tomatoes and scrambled eggs for dogs to eat, and do not add any oil and salt.

Cucumber is crisp, watery, and low in calories, and is also good for dogs to eat, to clean the mouth and hydrate.

Cabbage is a very common vegetable, calm in nature, non-toxic and harmless to dogs, contains certain vitamins, if the dog does not particularly like to eat, can be cut into shreds and cooked, mixed in the dog's food.

Sweet potato
Some dogs in rural areas love to eat sweet potatoes, but be aware that they cannot be consumed in excess, or they will easily lead to indigestion and diarrhea problems.

Can dogs eat vegetables? What vegetables do dogs love to eat?

III. Vegetables that dogs can eat

1. Carrots
Carrots contain water and rich carotene. Dogs can eat carrots properly to promote bone development, replenish vitamin A, and make their coats more shiny and silky. Generally 2-3 days to eat once can be, too much to feed easily lead to vitamin A poisoning.

Broccoli is rich in vitamins, calcium and fiber, which is of great help to dogs. A small amount of broccoli for dogs can supplement a large number of trace elements to promote dog growth and development, but remember not to eat more than 10% of the dog's diet.

3, cucumber
Cucumber is the most nutritious vegetables, only contains water can be assured to dogs to eat, is a good snack.

4, green beans
Green beans are a great source of fiber and can help dogs lose weight by boosting their metabolism. Green beans cooked can also be given to dogs as a snack to eat, obese dogs preferred for weight loss.

5, pumpkin
Pumpkin can provide sufficient sugar for dogs, and contains a lot of carotene can be converted into vitamin A. Long-term consumption of pumpkin can make dogs hear more acute, strong bones.

Cabbage is one of the more nutritious vegetables, water, rich in dietary fiber, appropriate consumption can also regulate the dog's intestines Oh.

7, cabbage
Dogs eating cabbage can improve the dry and rough skin of dogs, and promote the healthy growth of dog skin. Cabbage is low in calories and less dietary fiber. For the dog's intestines is a very mild vegetable.

8, spinach
Spinach is rich in antioxidants and iron, as well as vitamin K. Small amounts help maintain good bone health growth.
Feeding vegetables can not be fed raw, need to be cooked, but also be careful not to cook too long to prevent nutrient loss. It is recommended that you choose a nutritious natural dog food for your dog's main diet to help it grow healthily.

4. What vegetables should not be given to dogs?

Some vegetables should not be given to dogs.
There are some vegetables you can't give your dog that will affect your dog's health and can even lead to death in serious cases.
1. Onions. The dog will get hemolytic anemia if he eats onions, which will kill the dog.

2. sprouted potatoes. This is also harmful to us, if the dog accidentally eat, or gripping play, which will inevitably cause food poisoning.

3. Mushrooms. Not because dogs eat mushrooms have any harmful effects, mainly because dogs are familiar with the smell of mushrooms, in the field to eat poisonous ones, so it is very dangerous.

Dogs eat vegetables have what to say?
Life, dogs will inevitably eat some vegetables, but some vegetables are good for the dog's body, some may cause poisoning, which requires parents to reasonably choose good vegetables, be a thoughtful owner, give the dog a good life, so that it grows up healthy and happy.
First of all, we need to understand that dogs are actually carnivores, and he was originally domesticated through wolves. Then the dog's intestines have no problem digesting meat and bones. But for the digestion of vegetables and fruits this kind of will be somewhat difficult. But if the dog only eats meat, then his body needs some trace elements and vitamins. It is difficult to get enough to feed. So dogs are not completely unable to eat vegetables, but only a small amount of food. Dogs do not need a lot of vitamins, as long as they occasionally give them some vegetables and fruits can be.

So what vegetables and fruits can you give your dog to eat? In fact, most of the vegetables and fruits, dogs can eat, except for onions, ginger, garlic and chili peppers, which is a relatively irritating vegetable best not to give dogs to eat. Like potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli and cabbage pumpkin and so on, as long as the dog is willing to eat, you can give him to eat. And remember that fruits such as grapes should not be given to the dog to eat. Like watermelon, apples, bananas, strawberries, some of these dogs, are allowed to eat.

For how to eat, some pooper scoopers think that vegetables raw to the dog to eat, more conducive to the dog to absorb the nutrients in the vegetables. But in fact, in addition to the fruit, like cucumber this kind of. Other vegetables are best cooked and then given to the dog. Because dogs are not herbivores, after all. Raw vegetables are easy to give the dog's gastrointestinal burden. So if you want to feed your dog some vegetables, remember to cook them before you give them to your dog to eat oh.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:341 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-08 09:12:11
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