Can dogs eat tomatoes? Benefits of feeding tomatoes to dogs


Can dogs eat tomatoes

Tomatoes contain alkaloids and atropine, which are dangerous when consumed in excess. The stems and leaves of unripe tomatoes contain compounds called allotropic alkaloids, which are highly toxic to dogs and enter the body to interfere with nerve signaling and irritate the intestinal mucosa, resulting in dilution, possible lethargy, drooling, difficulty breathing, abdominal pain and vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, and even muscle weakness, convulsions Pupils dilated and other toxic phenomena. Theoretically it is safe for dogs to eat small amounts of cooked tomatoes, but there are not many essential nutrients in tomatoes for dogs and there is no need to eat too much. Therefore, it is generally not recommended to feed tomatoes to dogs. If you want to give your dog tomatoes you can give some red ripe tomatoes with the stems and leaves completely removed so that your dog's access to nutrients is not threatened by alkaloids. In addition, boiling the tomatoes can greatly reduce adverse reactions.

Benefits of feeding your dog tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene. It is one of the most powerful antioxidants found in plants in nature today. Lycopene is known to prevent and inhibit tumors, partly because of its antioxidant effects, and partly because of its ability to block the process of genetic mutation in tissue cells, in response to external mutagens, which is one of the important mechanisms of tumorigenesis. Tomatoes are also rich in potassium, folic acid, and vitamins C and K. For overweight dogs, tomatoes are a good food because they are low in calories and contain a lot of fiber. It can also help dogs fight diseases such as metabolic syndrome, heart disease or stroke, and the minerals in tomatoes, such as folic acid, chromium and potassium, can improve blood pressure and strengthen your dog's nerves and muscles. With this pile of nutritional benefits, it's no wonder dogs want to try them too. Tomatoes are rich in nutrients that are beneficial to dogs if consumed in moderation. They are low in calories and high in fiber, which is good for digestion.

The dangers of tomatoes for dogs

Tomatoes are part of the eggplant family of vegetables. These plants contain toxic elements but still carry edible parts, and also include peppers, eggplant and potatoes. This means that while tomatoes do have many health benefits for dogs and can be used as a snack. But tomatoes are also toxic in their own right. Lycopene is a toxic substance found in the stems and leaves of tomatoes and similar plants, and is common in all plants of the Solanaceae family.
When consumed in large quantities, they can be toxic to our dogs. Dogs with tomato poisoning may exhibit gastrointestinal distress, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, confusion, and abnormal heart rate. If your dog sees signs of tomato poisoning, see your vet.

How to give your dog tomatoes

When giving your dog tomatoes, they should be given some ripe red tomatoes with the stems and leaves completely removed, even if they are thrown in the trash, so that your dog can't steal them. Although many people ketchup, this additive is very harmful to dogs, so a small piece of tomato that has been thoroughly washed is safe. If your dog likes fresh tomatoes, simply give them tomatoes with nothing else added. Tomato sauce or juice is not particularly healthy for dogs because of added salt and sugar, as well as artificial flavors or other chemicals. If anything else is added, make sure the ingredients are healthy and safe. Many owners who make homemade dog food for their dogs also enjoy adding tomatoes. In general, a slice of tomato each week will ensure that your dog gets the nutrients without the threat of lycopene.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:357 Views
  • Release Date:2022-06-22 17:05:22
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