Can dogs eat pretzels?


Can Dogs Eat Pretzels

The dog can eat pretzels occasionally, but not for a long time, because the dog will get fire and hair loss if it consumes too much salt for a long time, not that the dog can't eat salt, a reasonable salt ratio is also good for the dog, I remember I asked the vet of E pet, he told me that the dog needs salt, but because the salt intake of humans and dogs is different, so the salt of the food that people can eat is heavier than that of the dog. Dogs can eat it occasionally, but not for a long time.

Dogs decompose sugar and salt-flavored food ability is poor, occasionally eat a little less can, but more can not. Because dogs eat too salty, there are many harmful effects!

Can dogs eat pretzels?

Manifestations of excessive salt intake in dogs.
1, the dog ruled out is after exercise, or the weather is too hot and other reasons to drink a lot of water, suddenly a strong drink of water, may be too salty to eat caused by.

2, the dog's intake of salt is too high, will aggravate the problem of hair loss, the color of the hair has become lighter, touching the feel is not good, anyway, the value of the face will be reduced.

3, the dog appeared tear marks, and also eat too salty related, because the body can not be timely discharge of salt, will block the tear ducts, thus forming tear marks.

4, the dog's long-term intake of salt is too high, may cause the body salt overload, excess salt excreted through the kidneys, it is easy to cause the burden on the kidneys, serious kidney failure and death.

5, dogs eat too salty, they will often drink water, and then urinate, excretion too many times, will also take away the body's calcium, thus causing calcium loss. So remember to give the dog to eat light food, and then calcium work.

Recommend this "greedy pet calcium tablets", CPP promote calcium factor, help calcium absorption, supplement bone nutrients.

6, dogs often eat heavy food, it is easy to become picky, do not love to eat dog food, which is easy to cause unbalanced nutrition in the body, lack of certain nutrients and other problems.

No matter what you feed your dog, you should avoid excessive salt intake. Avoid feeding your dog leftovers, especially salty foods such as beef jerky, chips and pretzels, etc. Preparing homemade food for your dog should not add salt to the food, as sodium is usually already present in the food composition.

It is best to choose a good quality dog food that is nutritionally balanced, as their formulas are scientifically designed to be more nutritious and healthy for dogs.

For example, this "Greedy Dog Food" is very suitable for.

1, the formula is light and low salt, will not increase the burden of the dog's kidney filtration, will not damage the dog's skin and coat health.

2, using natural vegetables and meat manufacturing, no preservatives, food attractants, flavors and colors and antibiotics.

3銆乀he raw ingredients of dog food can be traced back to the place of production and suppliers, and are high in meat and rich in protein.

4, there is a third-party institutions issued by the dog food quality inspection report open, nutritionally true and no false.

A. Dogs can not eat bones, especially sharp bones like chicken and duck. Because dogs swallow these bones with sharp corners and sharp edges can easily cause damage to the gastric mucosa. Further can develop into an acute gastric ulcer, manifested as occasional vomiting and mostly occurs in the early morning hours and other fasting time, appetite is sometimes good and bad, the condition is very easy to aggravate, and not easy to completely cure. When dogs eat a large number of bones, can also appear the phenomenon of constipation, the stool is bone slag-like and accompanied by defecation difficulties.

Second, dogs can not eat liver for a long time. Liver is rich in vitamin A. Occasional consumption is beneficial to dogs, but long-term liver as a daily staple food can cause excessive vitamin A or even poisoning, excessive vitamin A can affect the intestinal absorption of calcium and muscle metabolism of calcium, resulting in calcium deficiency in dogs, especially in puppies. Vitamin A toxicity can manifest as osteoporosis, joint warts and spinal lesions, and can affect dental development. Such diseases are a gradual process, often in the early stage is not easy to find, when the symptoms are found to cause irreversible damage.

Third, the dog can not eat onions, onions and other types of food. Some dogs can eat such food can cause red blood cell hemolysis, the phenomenon of blood in the urine, although the principle is not clear, but can be determined with certain substances in the onion food.

Fourth, the dog can not chocolate, mainly because the dog is very sensitive to chocolate caffeine, although individual differences, but indeed some dogs eat a small amount of chocolate will appear excited and restless, and chocolate contains a lot of sugar, harmful to the health of dogs.

Fifth, dogs should not eat seafood and other allergy-prone foods. Dogs may be allergic to many foods, which vary greatly with individuals. In general, because seafood foods contain more histamine, they are prone to allergies, and their symptoms vary, with different severity. Allergies are easy to produce.

Sixth, dogs can not eat food high in sugar, fat and salt. High-sugar, high-fat food can easily make the dog fat, and obesity can easily induce a series of diseases, such as fatty liver, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, etc., and damage the movement, circulation, reproduction and other systems. When the dog enters old age these diseases will threaten the life of the dog. The long-term intake of excessive salt in dogs is bound to increase the burden of kidney excretion and affect the health of the kidneys, while the imbalance of various minerals and vitamins in the body directly affects the health and resistance of the skin, causing various skin diseases

Key tips: do not let your dog eat too much to avoid acute diseases such as gastric dilatation. Binge drinking + overeating is even more harmful to dogs, as puppies have weaker digestion and poor control over satiety, making them more likely to become overfull, which can cause acute gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting, and even endanger their lives.

Can you put salt in your dog's food

You can put salt in your dog's food, but you need to be careful about the amount.

Every dog has different food requirements, and every dog's body functions differently. When we raise a dog we have to make a scientific match for the dog's diet in order to ensure the dog's health. Eating too much salt is very harmful to dogs, pet dogs but dogs must eat salt.

Because salt is indispensable for dogs, salt contains magnesium and calcium, if the lack of salt, the dog will decline in strength, weakness, lusterless hair, depression, so the dog should be supplemented with salt, but also can not eat too much. If the dog eats too much salt, the excess salt can not be eliminated from the body will damage its stomach and kidneys.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:345 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-01 17:11:42
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