Can dogs eat green beans? Points to note when giving green beans to dogs


Green beans contain manganese, fiber, vitamin C, K, A, etc. And it is not high in calories, so it can help your dog to replenish the nutrients needed by the body and also help obese dogs to lose weight. But don't eat more than you need, especially if your dog has a bad stomach. You can grab a handful at a time and cook it, then throw it to your dog as a snack.

I. Dogs are allowed to eat green peas

In the conclusion, there is basically nothing wrong with giving your dog green peas. Green peas are a leguminous vegetable that is often used in side dishes. It can also be used in dog food and snack ingredients, which some owners may have found in some of their dog food or snacks. It contains dietary fiber and essential nutrients for dogs that are not only good for coloring but also good for their bodies.

Expected results of green peas for dogs

Replenish the body with zinc to improve immunity improve metabolism antioxidant action activation improves coat shine Zinc is one of the nutrients that cannot be produced in the body and can only be taken in through meals and subsidized foods, etc. Zinc is an indispensable nutrient for the health of the skin and coat, and the improvement of liver diseases can be expected due to the activation of antioxidant effects. Among the ingredients of green peas, this zinc contains 1.24 mg per 100 g of green peas, and many of the effects of zinc are invisible to the eye, although the coat, etc. are able to provide the changes it brings to the dog with the naked eye.

Improving the intestinal environment through dietary fiber The dietary fiber contained in green peas is about 8g per 100g. A handful of green peas the size of a salad bowl is generally considered to have about the right amount of dietary fiber for both humans and dogs, so green peas are suitable for dogs that need to consume dietary fiber. The intake of dietary fiber can relieve constipation by improving the intestinal environment. The increase of probiotics in the intestine can improve bad bacteria and toxins, which can be excreted using dietary fiber.

Vitamin B1 has the function of producing energy from sugar, and if B1 is not enough, you will easily get tired, lose your appetite, become unable to run around, and other symptoms that affect your daily life. Therefore, by taking the vitamin needed for dogs in green peas, you can improve the symptoms.

Points to note when giving green peas to dogs

Please do not give them to your dog because they will spoil his tummy if he eats them in their raw state. Also, since pure green peas contain tryptophan, which is an ingredient that hinders digestive enzymes, please make sure to heat them.

Do not give green peas that have been heated, but do not leave them in pellets, and make sure to remove the thin skin and do not give them one by one. If they are given in pellet form without removing the thin skin, they will not be digested well and the green peas will not work optimally.

Note that allergies, although very rare, can occur. It can happen to any dog, so please grind 1 or 2 pellets first and try them in small amounts when you first give them green peas. If you notice anything strange, contact your vet and get a diagnosis from your veterinarian.

Can dogs eat green beans? Points to note when giving green beans to dogs

One of the qualities of the lovely dogs in your home that are very much like a child is that they love meat and don't produce fruits and vegetables. Of course, the dogs have no choice but to eat dog food in silence because they have no choice. There are many bad-hearted owners who would like to give their dogs something new with some fruits and vegetables. And peas are a good choice, because peas can be eaten directly, but also with the dog to play the I throw you eat game. So the question is, how do these green, tiny peas affect your dog's health?

II. Will adding peas to homemade dog food be good for your dog?

No one worries about the adverse effects of peas on dogs, we just care if the peas have enough health value. While there are some fruits and vegetables that are only good for humans, pets are not one of them. Because peas contain a lot of nutrients, not only for people's needs but also for dogs. So, what are the nutrients in peas?

Nutrients in peas

Vitamins B, E, and K



Potassium salts






Most of these nutrients appear frequently within our series and are very familiar to everyone. Lutein and zeaxanthin, on the other hand, are very protective of the eyes. Some nutrient manufacturers even make related supplements specifically to go to those humans and dogs who have the need to protect their eyesight.

Vitamins B and K are used to protect your dog's bone health, flavonoids can effectively slow down aging, and antioxidants like polyphenols are not only anti-aging but also have a good role in cancer prevention. In summary, eating a little more peas can make your dog healthier.

Are peas completely safe for dogs?

No food is perfect, even a nutrient-rich fruit or vegetable like peas. What dog owners need to worry and be concerned about is the lectins that are in peas. Lectins are a common substance in legumes. There is also a lot of it in peas, and dogs can have some adverse reactions if they ingest large amounts of lectins. But the need to cook the peas can effectively reduce the concentration of lectin. So, fresh peas do not make it into the menu for dogs, they must be cooked to do so.

In addition, another thing to worry about is whether the sugar inside the peas will exceed the daily intake of the dog. In fact, peas are not considered a high sugar content food. As long as the owner controls the amount of food properly, there is no need to worry about the sugar problem. The last thing to mention is that dogs may be allergic to pets, so owners should remember to pay attention to their dogs' reactions when feeding them for the first time.

The right way to feed peas to your dog

First of all, all peas except those cooked in water have been removed from the dog's menu because of various food additives. You can either add them directly to your homemade dog food or play a little game of toss and eat with your dog one by one. Before tossing the peas, remember to clean up the surrounding environment, not only to avoid damage, or for safety reasons.

Peas are a good fruit and vegetable for dogs, but not every owner will want to feed them to their dogs. So, when you can, feed them. If you want to feed your dog peas conveniently, you can choose fresh food that contains peas as a rare meal for your dog. I wonder if you have fed your dog peas as well?

Three, in addition to green beans, you can also give your dog the following vegetables:

1. bell peppers

Bell peppers, also called bell peppers and persimmon peppers, come in the yellow, red, green ground, and many other colors. And the vitamins contained in bell peppers can replenish what your dog usually lacks, and it contains beta-carotene, which not only reduces the probability of cancer but also reduces the occurrence of cataracts, making your dog live a long and healthy life.


Broccoli is rich in vitamins, calcium, and fiber, and has a stimulating effect on the digestion of the dog's intestines. However, it is best to give your dog broccoli is cut off the root, and then cut into small pieces of white boiled, and then fed to the dog.

3, carrots

Carrots contain carotene, which can improve the eyesight of dogs. And give dogs to eat carrots can also properly clean the dog's teeth and gums, to prevent bad breath. Of course, to prevent bad breath in dogs, you can usually give it some teeth-grinding snacks, but also regular brushing of teeth.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:1194 Views
  • Release Date:2022-06-17 17:56:22
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