Can dogs eat black beans? Vegetables that dogs cannot eat


Can dogs eat black beans

Dogs are not allowed to eat black beans, mainly because they are rich in vegetable protein, which is difficult for dogs to digest and absorb, thus burdening their gastrointestinal tract and leading to indigestion, flatulence, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms. So if you want to give your dog a protein supplement you can feed protein-rich meats such as chicken breast and beef.

Can dogs eat black beans? Vegetables that dogs cannot eat

Can dogs eat prunes

Dogs can eat prunes, but when feeding them to dogs, it is best to remove the core and then cut them before giving them to dogs, otherwise they will easily choke. And life, the dog can eat fruit and apples, oranges, grapefruit, bananas and so on. Dogs can eat prunes in the process of raising dogs, it is best not to feed the dog prunes, because prunes are with the core, the dog does not have the habit of spitting out the core, the dog is very likely to choke, if you have to feed, it is best to remove the core of the prunes and then cut for the dog to eat. In life, dogs can eat a lot of fruit, such as apples, oranges, grapefruit, avocados, bananas, etc., can also eat vegetables such as cabbage, cabbage, lettuce, carrots, broccoli and other vegetables. All these foods are very helpful for the physical growth of dogs.
Can dogs eat matcha tea?
Dogs can eat matcha, but it is not recommended for dogs. The sugar content in matcha is too high and can easily lead to diarrhea, soft stools, vomiting and even diabetes in dogs as a result. If your dog eats matcha, it is best to give your dog plenty of water in time to dilute and induce vomiting, and if there is a serious abnormality, it is best to seek immediate medical attention for gastric lavage. Dogs should not eat matcha dogs can eat matcha, but it is best not to give dogs to eat, matcha contains a lot of sugar, dogs eat easily lead to diarrhea, soft stools and other situations, and even suffer from diabetes. Matcha cakes, matcha chocolates, and matcha milk tea on the market contain too much fat, sugar, milk, and other substances that can cause indigestion and even vomiting in dogs after eating them. If the dog is given matcha, or the dog mistakenly eats matcha, it is best to promptly vomit on the dog to avoid damage to the dog's gastrointestinal mucosa. In this regard, the owner can give the dog plenty of water for dilution, and in severe cases it is best to seek medical attention for gastric lavage.

Vegetables your dog should not eat

Nowadays, people are paying more and more attention to health care and focus on balanced nutrition in their diet. The parents who have pets will also think about whether the food for their dogs should also be balanced? The vegetables and fruits and so on. However, not all vegetables are good for dogs, many vegetables or as little as possible or absolutely can not touch.

1, tomatoes or what not to feed it ~ which contains lycopene and some natural toxins will cause harm to the dog

2, the onion is absolutely not to touch the goods! Dogs eat will get hemolytic anemia, and even the dog's life. There are also onions, leeks, garlic can not be given to the dog to eat.

3, celery fibrous tissue will make the dog a choking hazard, so parents should pay attention to it!

4, a large number of tomatoes can lead to cramps and heart rate disorders

5, mushrooms: the fundamental reason for not allowing dogs to eat mushrooms is because they do not want dogs to be familiar with and accept the smell of mushrooms, because some of them are highly toxic. When the dog goes out, if the familiar smell or what it is used to eating may be too close contact or accidentally eat, not that people now eat mushrooms dogs will have any adverse reactions to eat, mainly to prevent dogs from accidentally eating poisonous mushrooms.

6, potato peel and sprouted potatoes: sprouted potatoes and potato peel poisonous, people know but dogs do not know, like a ball of potatoes in the place where you can bite, which is how tempting for dogs. He will be very interested in the potatoes out of the mouth to chew and play, and then it will cause food poisoning. So it is better to put the potatoes away before it happens and not let your dog find them.

Some vegetables like broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower theoretically contain elements that can cause the decline of the thyroid organ in dogs, but there is no solid evidence to prove this, so it is not a completely absolute theory. But you can still pay attention to the oh.

The above summary is not suitable for dogs to eat vegetables, very important, must remember!

But most of the vegetables are still good for dogs.

1, carrots are good for the skin and hair of dogs! But it contains more sugar, pay attention to control Oh.

2, leafy vegetables can also be very good to promote the dog's digestion of Oh!

3, small water radish is rich in vitamins, folic acid and potassium, and the right amount of small water radish can also be used as a snack for dogs.

4, pumpkin for dogs is also a very good vegetable! It is very good for the dog's digestive and urinary system! And can also help dogs lose weight it!

In short, most of the vegetables dogs can eat in small quantities, carrots, cabbage, potatoes, asparagus, kale, peas, cucumbers, green beans, sweet potatoes, beans, zucchini, squash, broccoli, radish, celery, yams, green leafy vegetables, etc..

Finally, although vegetables are good for dogs, but too much can cause some digestive diseases, parents should pay attention to the balanced diet of the woof!

5 types of meat for dogs

The dog is a carnivore, many pet owners like to feed their dogs meat, so today I will tell you about the best 5 kinds of meat for dogs to eat, the fourth of which is the most cost-effective, hurry up and stock up!

1, fish

Fish contains most of the unsaturated fatty acids and phosphorus elements, dogs eat fish on the growth of hair is very beneficial, but when feeding fish to pull out the fish spines, to avoid fish spines hurt the dog's throat and gastrointestinal tract.

2, chicken

Chicken meat is tender, easy to digest, very suitable for dogs to eat, and the protein content of chicken is relatively high, good palatability, usually pet owners can also cook chicken mixed in the dog food, you can also use it as a snack to the dog to grind teeth.


Some people think that dogs can not eat beef, in fact, beef contains the dog's body needs amino acids, dogs can eat beef to promote bone development, in addition to the high calorie beef, but low fat, dogs eat more beef do not have to worry about growing fat.

4, duck meat

The fat content of duck meat is low, it is rich in protein, but also the role of fire, very suitable for fire, dry stools, loss of appetite for dogs to eat; in addition, pet owners can also make duck meat snacks to feed their dogs, such as this "greedy duck dried", through the artificial selection of duck meat baked, it can not only reduce fire, teeth, but also added a special In addition to grinding teeth, but also special added fish oil ingredients, can promote the growth of the dog's hair, making the coat more healthy, beautiful.


Do not think that lamb is too testy for dogs to eat, in fact, dogs can eat lamb, lamb in relatively few allergens, and very high nutritional value, but the feeding should be careful not to feed too much, otherwise it will increase the burden on the dog's kidneys.

  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:318 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-01 17:09:02
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