Are raw eggs good for dogs? What other disadvantages are there for dogs to eating raw eggs?


I. Are raw eggs better or cooked eggs better?

1, raw eggs contain vitamin H
Raw eggs contain metabolic elements involved in the body's fatty acids and carbohydrates, which can promote protein synthesis. But there is an antibiotic protein in raw eggs, and this substance can affect the absorption of biotin in the dog's body. But this antibiotic protein is more sensitive to heat and heating can reduce its activity. Therefore, cooked eggs contain less antibiotic protein than raw eggs. From this point of view, eating cooked eggs is more nutritious than raw eggs.

2. Raw eggs contain microorganisms and bacteria
Raw eggs for dogs contain some microorganisms and bacteria that affect health. However, they can be heated to eliminate these problems.
Raw eggs are natural and may cause digestive problems such as diarrhea and vomiting in dogs. Therefore, it is not recommended to give dogs raw eggs.

3, cooked eggs are safe enough
For the food given to dogs, we consider not only nutritional issues but also safety issues. Cooked eggs for dogs are much safer than raw eggs, fully cooked eggs are often fully heated and are in a mature state. The proteins and minerals in them are safe.

How to make your dog eat more nutritious is a must for all dog owners. In learning how to provide a healthy and safe diet for dogs, many pet owners will go off the rails and use some more extreme methods, such as some owners giving their dogs raw meat, thinking this is more nutritious and better for the body, some giving their dogs a lot of chicken bones, thinking they can get calcium and better nutrition at the same time, and recently I also heard a rumor about the feeding of dogs, give dogs to eat raw eggs nutrition will be better, the reason is that raw eggs are not processed at high temperatures, so the nutrients retained better, but such a reason is valid?

Today's vet will dispel the rumor that giving your dog raw eggs will not result in higher nutrition, but will instead cause many diseases in dogs, and the following is a multifaceted analysis of the disadvantages of eating raw eggs for dogs.

Share case.
A 3-month-old Labrador, because of parasitic diarrhea, thinning, and mild anemia, to the veterinary hospital after deworming, a week later to review, the dog's body gradually improved.
After the pet owner came home, he felt that the dog was still thin, so he inquired about a recipe to give the dog raw eggs to make it gain weight, but after feeding the dog for almost half a month, the dog was getting thinner and thinner!
After returning to the vet, some tests were done and it was found that eating raw eggs had caused malnutrition in the dog, aggravating the dog's anemia, and the pet owner was told to stop feeding raw eggs.

II. What is the difference between raw eggs and cooked eggs?

The nutrients in raw and cooked eggs are essentially the same, both being rich in protein,
calcium, riboflavin, lecithin, biotin, and
rich in vitamin A, vitamin D, and
There are also some micronutrients such as iron and phosphorus and some trace elements

The protein of raw eggs is a particularly tightly packed protein, which is difficult to be absorbed directly by the dog's body. After the dog's heavy metal poisoning, we give it raw egg whites, which is the use of raw egg protein, not easily absorbed by the body, and easy to combine with heavy metals, so the rumor that eating raw eggs is more nutritious is not true.
Cooked eggs, after heating at high temperatures, will destroy the structure of this protein, so it is easily absorbed by the dog's intestinal tract.
Problems that can be caused
Dogs eating a food that cannot be absorbed by the body for a long time can cause the owner to think that the nutrition is enough, but in fact, the dog is always in a state of malnutrition, and the gastrointestinal tract, for a long time, struggles with this hard-to-digest protein, which can lead to a decrease in the function of the gastrointestinal tract.

Anti-biotin protein
Raw eggs have an anti-biotin protein, which can be combined with biotin in the dog's body into a useless substance, resulting in a lack of biotin in the dog's body, biotin is also called vitamin H, is also a kind of vitamin, its main role is to participate in the metabolism and synthesis of nutrients in the body, if the body lacks vitamin H, then the dog's body will have problems.
Cooked eggs are heated to reduce the anti-biotin protein in raw eggs by a large amount, so the effect on the dog is not present.
Problems that can be caused
We know the main role of vitamin H. When this vitamin is deficient, the most intuitive feeling is that the dog will become anemic and have metabolic disorders, which can cause many diseases in dogs, such as skin diseases, urinary diseases, digestive diseases, etc.

This is also a protein stored in raw eggs, which can inhibit the activity of the enzymes that break down proteins, resulting in the inability to completely break down the proteins inside the egg, as we know that protein is the main nutrient of the body, the inability to break down and absorb protein will lead to major problems in the dog's body.

The cooked egg will be heated to break down the antitrypsin, so there will be no more of this substance in the cooked egg, and the dog will be able to absorb the protein normally.
Problems that can be caused

If the unabsorbed protein is excreted, it's fine, but if it's not excreted and there's a lot of protein that hasn't been completely broken down, it can cause a lot of damage to your dog's body, causing liver problems and kidney problems, which of course are relatively unlikely, but we have to prevent it.

Are raw eggs good for dogs? What other disadvantages are there for dogs to eating raw eggs?

Three, what are the other bad effects of raw eggs for dogs?

Diarrhea caused by bacteria
As you know, there are many bacteria in eggs. The most common bacteria that cause illness in chickens are Salmonella and E. coli, and the most serious Salmonella, the main way to get infected is by eating raw eggs. Dogs infected with this bacteria will have diarrhea and vomiting, which can seriously damage the liver and spleen and even cause death.
E. coli can also cause diarrhea in dogs, as well as some other diseases.

Diarrhea caused by parasites
The most common parasite in chickens is coccidia, which is invisible to the naked eye and can survive in the environment for a long time. After we give our dogs raw eggs, it is easy to cause coccidia infection in dogs, which can cause blood in the stool, wasting, and other symptoms and is a difficult parasite to treat.
Roundworms and tapeworms, many dogs are infected with roundworms and tapeworms, because dogs have the habit of eating stool, licking the feces of chickens led to infection, now give dogs to eat raw eggs, but also likely to directly infect parasites, these two parasites are common, but also relatively good treatment, but is found promptly, or will bring great harm to the dog's body.

Warm tips.
In general, as long as the dog does not eat too bad dog food, the dog's nutrition is sufficient, and the dog fat and health are not directly related, so want to give the dog increased nutrition, eating cooked eggs can be.
When puppies eat eggs, you can not give dogs to eat egg whites, because puppies are more difficult to digest.
When the dog is poisoned, (especially heavy metal pesticide poisoning) we have no way to get to the vet in time, or on the way to the vet, you can use raw egg dunking in an emergency, using the characteristics of raw egg protein, to reduce the role of toxins absorbed by the gastrointestinal mass.
Refute: dogs eat raw eggs nutrition will be better, not high nutrition but also cause these diseases
Eggs are nutrient-rich nutrition, but we can not eat raw, because there is no point in eating raw, but will bring harm to the dog, even if it is cooked to eat, we should pay attention to the amount, because the egg yolk is very high cholesterol, some dogs with gastrointestinal diseases, more attention.

Every kind of food has a safe dose, just like we used to think meat is good, but eating too much is not good for the body, so dog owners, must not believe in unscientific rumors, learn scientific feeding management, is responsible for the health of dogs.

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