Are peanuts bad for dogs? Possible harmful effects of peanuts on dogs


Peanuts are oval-shaped seeds that grow from a plant that people commonly eat. They are usually grown in pods or shells, followed by being picked to be roasted and then enjoyed as a snack, which can be flavored, pickled, or unpickled. They are usually grown in the southern United States and South America. Peanuts can also be used for feed, flour, and cooking oil.

Dogs can eat peanuts, and many enjoy the taste. However, many dogs do not digest them well, which can lead to nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. In addition, the fat content in these nuts can lead to pancreatitis. Other nuts that dogs can eat but that can cause the same potential health problems to include: almonds and cashews. Nuts that should not be fed to dogs are macadamia nuts and black walnuts.
When researching the safety of peanuts for dogs, there are two risk factors to consider. The first is the risk of pancreatitis or gastrointestinal disorders, and the second is the risk of choking. The risk of choking can occur in any dog but is more common in small dogs.
The answer to the question, "Can a dog eat peanuts?" The answer to this question is yes. Dogs can eat small amounts of peanuts, and some dog owners feed them as a healthy snack. However, for some dogs, eating peanuts can lead to gastrointestinal problems.

I. Possible hazards of peanuts for dogs

In puppies, peanuts are not easy to digest and can easily get stuck in the throat and cause choking and death. Also, peanuts are high in fat and calories, which can aggravate your dog's gastrointestinal function if he eats too much. In addition, some peanuts also have pesticide bacteria residue inside, eating too much can easily lead to dog poisoning.
Stuck in the throat
Especially young dogs, gastrointestinal function are poor, the peanut particles are large and hard, and many dogs eating peanuts can not chew and bite, swallowing too much at once, it will make the peanut stuck in the dog's throat, easily leading to the death of the dog breathing stop, so try not to feed.

Not easy to digest
Peanut oil content and calories are relatively high, the dog's ability to absorb peanuts is weak, consuming large amounts is not easy to digest, and poor digestion of dogs is most likely to cause diarrhea, vomiting, and other symptoms, so do not feed your dog too many peanuts, and it is best to boil and crush peanuts before feeding.

Lead to poisoning
Some peanuts have some pesticide fertilizer residues or bacterial toxins, these harmful substances are carcinogenic, and dogs will be poisoned after accidental ingestion, if found that dogs accidentally eat this peanut, the symptoms of discomfort, promptly send the dog to the hospital for treatment.

Owners may have an allergic reaction after feeding peanuts to their dogs, although peanuts contain a large amount of protein, and amino acids, are among the supplements, but also contains up to nearly fifty percent of the fat content, which can cause serious digestive problems in the dog's intestines. A large number of amino acids in the nuts also have an unexplained risk of sensitization to animals, which may be individual-specific. Therefore, it is not recommended to feed peanuts or foods containing cooking oil.

Eating large amounts of peanuts can cause gastrointestinal distress in dogs. If your dog shows signs of vomiting, diarrhea, not eating or lethargy after eating peanuts, please call your veterinarian or the nearest emergency clinic. Also, please note that macadamia nuts are poisonous and should not be fed to dogs without permission.

Are peanuts bad for dogs? Possible harmful effects of peanuts on dogs

II. What to do if your dog eats raw peanuts

Dogs who have eaten raw peanuts can fast a meal and feed a small number of probiotics, and can also use hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting. If you have eaten a small number of raw peanuts, it may lead to mild indigestion, bloating, poor spirit, do not want to eat, fasting or feeding probiotics can be; if you eat a lot of raw peanuts, the stomach accumulates and expand, resulting in serious indigestion, you need to induce vomiting; if allergies, to send to the pet hospital as soon as possible.

Hazards of raw peanuts for dogs
Dogs eating raw peanuts will have some adverse reactions because the protein contained in raw peanuts for some dogs is an allergen, if eaten in large quantities may cause allergies in dogs, eyes, mouth edema, constantly scratching of the skin, and other situations.
Raw peanuts eat a lot and also easy to cause bloating, and intestinal digestive difficulties, there may also be vomiting, diarrhea, and other symptoms, the situation will be serious to induce swelling of the trachea and make breathing difficulties.
Although there are certain hazards of raw peanuts for dogs, the nutrients in them are also beneficial to dogs.

III. The benefits of peanuts for dogs

Peanuts themselves are not toxic. Raw peanut rice contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, many vitamins and amino acids, and other nutrients, which dogs consume in small amounts to help their growth and development. Peanuts also contain protein, and many dog foods also add peanuts to add taste and protein and promote complementary amino acids in dogs. Dogs can also eat peanuts to clean the mouth, and remove oral odor, there is another advantage is that the unsaturated fatty acids in peanuts are good for the dog's coat.
The nutritional content of raw peanuts will be higher than cooked peanuts if eaten more than the benefits.

Dogs eat raw peanuts how do deal with
Dogs eat a small number of raw peanuts first observe the situation, there will generally be no problem, if diarrhea or paranoia, or indigestion, you can feed it some probiotics to replenish the intestinal tract with beneficial bacteria to help dogs digest and regulate the health of the intestinal tract. If you eat too much you can instill a small amount of hydrogen peroxide, then take the dog up and walk a few steps, usually after a few minutes will vomit. And allergic reactions come and go quickly, as long as the allergens are removed and timely measures are taken, the problem is not big.
There is also a special case where a dog may get stuck with a whole raw peanut. If the peanut in the throat area can not get down, it is easy to cause choking, the dog will be life-threatening, which is more likely to happen in small dogs or puppies, and the golden time for rescue is very short. Whole raw peanuts may also scratch the dog's gastrointestinal tract, so try not to feed your dog the whole peanut rice, you need to crush or chew it before eating.

The safest way to give your dog peanuts
The safest way to give your dog peanuts is to offer a small number of chopped peanuts. Peanuts should be shelled and your dog should be supervised throughout the eating process to ensure that choking is not triggered. Also, do not give your dog macadamia nuts, as this can be toxic to dogs.

Can you give your dog peanut butter?
Peanut butter is derived from peanuts. In its natural state, it is safe for dogs and is often used as a treatment or to hide oral medications such as pills. However, some commercially available peanut butter is sweetened with xylitol, a sweetener used in many foods that is safe for humans, but toxic to dogs. If your dog eats peanut butter, check the label carefully to determine if it contains a sweetener, such as xylitol. If you are sure your dog has ingested xylitol, call your veterinarian immediately.

Are peanut flour, peanut extract, and peanut oil toxic to dogs?
Peanut oil is commonly used in cooking and is considered to be high in monounsaturated "good" fats and low in saturated "bad" fats. Although it is non-toxic, too much at once can be very bad for your dog. So if you notice any abnormalities in your dog after eating peanut oil, please contact your veterinarian immediately.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
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  • Release Date:2022-07-07 17:47:17
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