Why does my dog keep sneezing? Causes of Sneezing in Dogs


There are times when dogs sneeze physiologically and also because of certain diseases. Let's learn about the diseases that make dogs sneeze and better help them when needed!

I. Causes of dog sneezing

Why do dogs sneeze? It's actually to protect the nose from irritants. Dogs' noses are often attacked by irritants that cause bacteria, viruses, foreign objects, etc. To get rid of this irritant, the dog will sneeze.

The reason for sneezing is a physiological reflex. For example, when a dog's fur touches its nose, the body's natural reaction causes it to sneeze. Dogs also sneeze when their noses inhale cold air, causing a sharp drop in temperature in the nasal cavity, or when they are exposed to bright sunlight, which can also stimulate the nerves. This sneezing is a temporary response to eliminate the irritation to the nose, and if the irritation is removed, the body will return to its original state and the dog will stop sneezing.

Sneezing is used as a symptom of illness. Infections from viruses, molds, and bacteria can irritate the nasal mucosa, and sneezing occurs when the dog smells allergens such as pollen and dust that would be unbearable. The cause of this type of sneezing is outside the nose or the nose is affected by a foreign body, and just sneezing will not remove the irritation. Therefore, owners should take the initiative to find the cause and have their dogs receive the corresponding treatment.

Many dogs sneeze all the time, most commonly because the dog is sick. And dogs will sneeze in addition to colds, when dogs suffer from distemper, microscopic, kennel cough, etc., there will be non-stop sneezing, of course, these diseases will be accompanied by other manifestations, pet owners had better take their dogs to see a doctor.

Foreign body in the nose
Just as people can't help but sneeze when they have a foreign body in their nose, so do dogs. Dogs like to sniff around, it is easy to cause the nose to inhale their hair, some dust, etc., which will lead to the dog always sneezing, so when you take your dog out, it is best to control the dog not to sniff around.

There is a very exciting smell around
The dog's sense of smell is very sensitive and will smell even the faintest smell, so when there is a very irritating smell around the dog, such as Windex, alcohol, perfume, etc., it will make the dog sneeze all the time. At this time the pet owner can take the dog out first, wait for the smell of the house to dissipate, and then take the dog home.

Too excited to play
Sometimes dogs sneeze all the time, and it may have something to do with emotions. For example, when a dog is too excited to play, it will sneeze at this time, which is the body to give the dog a hint not to be too excited emotionally. Usually, pet owners and dogs play, to control their emotions, when the dog is too excited, you can use some snacks to make it quiet.
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Dogs are allergic
Some dogs' bodies may be more sensitive and allergic to certain things, such as pollen, dust, etc. Once allergic, then the dog will keep sneezing. So the pet owner has to know what the dog is allergic to and try to get the dog to avoid it.

Why does my dog keep sneezing? Causes of Sneezing in Dogs

II. Pathological causes of dog sneezing

Infection with an infectious virus
In addition to frequent sneezing in dogs because of colds, dogs may also be infected with infectious viruses, which is why they have frequent sneezing. Viral infections are highly contagious, and it only takes one sneeze or cough from an onset dog to infect your dog with an infectious virus through splashing saliva.

Allergies are caused by exposure to allergens
Now is the season of wearing warm flowers, pollen, flying dust, etc. everywhere, and some dogs are very easy to allergic to these things. So when owners take their dogs out for a walk, once they come into contact with pollen, dust, etc., the dog will have frequent sneezing because of allergies. So pet owners usually need to know what are the allergens for dogs to avoid their dogs from contacting them.

Nasal irritation
When the dog's nasal cavity is irritated, the dog will also appear frequent sneezing. So usually the pet owner has to check the dog's living environment for fine particles, such as woolen heads, sand, etc. These small things will enter the dog's nasal cavity to stimulate the nasal mucosa, thus causing sneezing. At this time, as long as the pet owner cleans up these things can return to normal, if not, it is best to check the hospital.

Accidentally ate irritating food
Pet owners know that dogs can not eat chili, pepper, onion, pepper, and other irritating food, because these foods can make the dog sneeze frequently, or can kill the dog. So usually it is best to check if your dog is eating these foods when you see your dog sneezing frequently, if you eat less, then drink more water to relieve, eat more, then it is best to take your dog to the hospital.

Sneezing caused by fine
If your dog sneezes frequently and is accompanied by a loss of appetite, poor spirits, soft stools, vomiting, etc., then pet owners should be aware that this could be a case of your dog having the microscopic disease. This is one of the biggest diseases that can kill a dog, so if this is the case with your dog, it must be treated by a doctor in time.

Periodontal disease in dogs
Dogs suffer from periodontal disease because there are many bacteria in the teeth, plus the root of the teeth is very close to the nose, then the dog will appear frequent sneezing, runny nose, and other phenomena, and periodontal disease can also lead to the death of the dog. So usually pet owners must brush their dogs' teeth regularly, and also buy some teething snacks, air-dried pork, beef, and sheep bones for their dogs to grind their teeth regularly to prevent periodontal disease.

Three, the distinction between physiological sneezing and sneezing as a disease

What is the difference between a one-time physiological sneeze and a sneeze as a symptom of a disease? First, owners need to be concerned about the number of sneezes. In a physiological response, sneezing is a single occurrence. Sneezing due to illness, on the other hand, can recur over a long period. Next, it is also important to see if the dog has any symptoms other than sneezing, accompanied by a runny nose, tears, and eye fat, all of which are signs of a sick sneeze.

If there is a foreign body in the nose, the dog will sneeze suddenly and continuously and will keep rubbing his face. In the case of a foreign body causing sneezing, it is accompanied by a runny nose in many cases. If a foreign body enters deep into the nose, it may also cause vomiting.
As long as the dog's living environment is clean and tidy and the diet is healthy, the general sneezing of dogs is a physiological reaction. However, if other symptoms are found to be present, owners should be on their toes and judge by observing changes in their dog's behavior and the symptoms that appear, and the hospital is always the best option!
  • Category:Dogs Diseases
  • Views:358 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-08 10:12:33
  • Link to this article:https://www.petzuo.com/Dogs-Diseases/Why-does-my-dog-keep-sneezing-Causes-of-Sneezing-in-Dogs
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