How to treat a lame dog at home?


I. What should I do if my dog is lame? Can it recover?

In the process of raising a dog, owners can be rather overwhelmed when they find that their dog's leg appears to be limping. Many reasons can cause a dog to limp, it could be loaded or pressed by sleeping, it could be a nerve problem in the brain, or it could be caused by injury, lack of calcium, or arthritis. Except for the nerve problem being irreversible, other causes after taking appropriate measures can help the dog to return to the normal walking condition as soon as possible.

1銆乀reat the wound
If it is loaded or sleep pressed, you can properly take the dog to move around, so that recovery will be faster. And accidental injuries to find the location of the wound first, use scissors to cut the nearby hair short, so that the wound can be exposed. If there are wooden thorns, broken glass can be cleaned up with tweezers, after a good cleaning and disinfection with saline and hydrogen peroxide, evenly sprinkled with pet speedy cooperation and a good bandage. Want the dog to recover faster to insist on care, but also pay attention to let the dog rest well.

2, appropriate calcium supplementation
If the dog's leg lameness is fed a single, lack of calcium caused by the dog may also have weak legs, unstable standing, leg shaking, twitching and other situations, this to do a good job of calcium supplementation, you can add the right amount of Wang Li probable feeding in the food, according to the instructions to adhere to a period to help the body calcium as soon as possible to restore normal levels. In addition, the daily diet should also be properly fed some shrimp, tofu, beef, eggs, and other nutrient-rich food. And when the sun is mild take the dog out in the sun, so that the conversion of calcium absorption is beneficial.

3, care for the joints
If the dog's joints have problems, it will also be lame and may be manifested as swollen joints, and pain not allowed to touch. The suggestion is to take it to the hospital first to deal with it, understand the severity of the joint, and cooperate with the veterinarian to take conservative treatment measures. Do a good job of joint care when you get home, prepare a warm kennel for your dog to rest, also control your dog's exercise and weight, and feed the appropriate diet of knucklebones to supplement the nutrition needed for the joints.

How to treat a lame dog at home?

II. Causes of sudden foot lameness in puppies and how to deal with it

The dog's foot lameness can be recovered depending on the situation. Some cases can recover on their own without special treatment, while others can get worse if not treated in time. The company's main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to help you get the most out of your business.

1, pretend lame or leg numbness
Many children who do not want to go to school classes will go to great lengths to pretend to be sick, the dog of course also has its little mind, to attract the attention of people may deliberately pretend to be lame, pretend to be a lame dog is easy to see through, without special to deal with.

In addition to pretending to be lame, dogs stay in a position to sleep for a long time, the blood circulation in the legs is not good, after getting up will also appear temporary leg lameness, usually massage to relax the numb legs or let the dog move around on their own soon to be able to recover.

2, accidental injury
The active dog will inevitably bump, if the foot pad is accidentally stabbed by a sharp object during exercise, the pain will also limp feet afraid to land. The owner should promptly check and remove the foreign body, use saline and iodine volts to clean and disinfect the wound for the dog, after which you can sprinkle the pet speed to help care for the wound, and use clean gauze to do a good job of bandaging the wound to protect it intact.

3銆両nsufficient calcium
If you have a dog with an unreasonable diet, single dog food for a long time, and often eat animal offal, the lack of calcium in your body will probably lead to a sudden limp. The pet owner should pay attention to letting the dog have a reasonable diet, avoid too single, feeding dog food can be added into the shrimp, seaweed, soy products, and other foods containing high calcium.

If your dog's calcium deficiency is obvious, you can't just rely on dietary supplements, you may want to add additional canine calcium powder like Wang Li Probable to help your dog get better access to calcium and promote the restoration of normal calcium levels.

4, joint problems
With excessive exercise, obesity, age, long-term living in a humid environment, etc., dogs suffering from arthritis are likely to have swollen and painful joints, slow movement, or even limp performance. The pet owner has to give more care and attention, and first take nutritional supplements for conservative treatment for the dog, which can be added to the feeding of knotty fun to help supplement nutrition, care for the joints, and reduce the corresponding burden.

Three: Dogs suddenly limp in their legs as they age?

The bones of dogs are more fragile and less responsive as they get older, so if they don't pay attention to their nutritional intake or when they go out, it could lead to physical problems and lameness. The reason for this is to take different measures for different reasons, so the owner should find the reason in time. The following are a few common causes and the corresponding treatment methods, hope to help.

1, lack of calcium supplement
Long-term to the dog to eat a single dog food, resulting in nutritional imbalance, lack of calcium, there may be leg lameness, the owner should pay attention to timely feeding the dog some Wang Li probable such as canine calcium powder, to help supplement calcium nutrition. Although calcium is helpful for dogs, but we should pay attention to the right amount of supplementation, because too much can also lead to nutritional imbalance and other situations.

Also pay attention to adjusting the diet, prepare some nutritionally balanced dog food with nutritional paste, meat, canned food to feed, to help enrich the diet structure to avoid a similar situation. There is also time to boil some meat porridge, chicken soup, bones for feeding, to help improve the diet.

2, accidental injury
Dogs older, the bones will be more fragile, if it is a fracture to take to the veterinary hospital in a timely manner. In addition, if you are carefully injured, pay attention to the preparation of processing tools, first use scissors to cut the hair near the wound short, then use tweezers to clean the wound on the foreign body, followed by saline cleaning, and then disinfected with hydrogen peroxide. Next, sprinkle the woof want to stop bleeding powder to clean the wound, then use gauze and bandages to wrap it. Follow up with a collar for the dog to avoid it tearing the gauze and licking the wound.

3銆丣oint problems
Older large dogs are more likely to have joint problems, commonly arthritis, hip dysplasia, severe joint wear and so on. If it is hip dysplasia, it should be handled through surgery. If it is arthritis or serious damage, you can feed the right amount of knotty fun for conservative treatment. The follow-up joint care should pay attention to feeding some nutritious food on a daily basis, and give the dog good joint warmth, let the dog lie down in a warm mat or kennel to rest, and properly reduce the dog's exercise.
  • Category:Dogs Diseases
  • Views:302 Views
  • Release Date:2022-08-04 11:12:32
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