How do get rid of fleas on dogs? How to Prevent and Eliminate Fleas on Dogs?


One of the most annoying things for people who have dogs is seeing fleas on their dogs.
Dealing with these bugs can be tricky because they are very small and hard to spot and by the time we find them, they may already be multiplying. Fleas not only cause pain to the dog, but they also breed all over the house and cause a lot of trouble in our lives.

So, for the sake of your dog's health and for the sake of peace in your home, if you find fleas on your dog, get rid of them at the first opportunity. The later you delay, the more trouble you will have to completely eliminate them because their reproductive capacity is amazing. However, fleas are so small, how do you find fleas on your dog early? In fact, dogs with fleas on their bodies will usually show these signs.

I. Signs of a dog with fleas

1. Frequent scratching
Notice if the dog is always scratching or biting its own body and other scratching actions. Dogs with fleas are troubled, and they often have to scratch frequently because of the flea bites. Also, dogs may kick the fleas away when they scratch, so fleas often hide in the dog's armpits, groin, neck, head, and tail, which are safer for them. So, pay attention to check your dog for fleas in these areas.
Not only do dogs scratch with their feet and bite with their mouths, but they also stop itching by rubbing against things around them, such as furniture or walls in the house. So, dogs rubbing their bodies a lot is also a sign that they may have fleas on them.

2. Hair loss
Watch out for any unusual hair loss in your dog. Repeated scratching of an area of the body can cause the hair to fall out; flea bites may also directly cause some dogs to lose their hair. The more fleas a dog has on their body, the worse its hair loss will be. So brush your dog's coat regularly and check for signs of unusual hair loss.

3. Flea allergy
For dogs, flea bites are not the worst, the worst is an allergy to fleas. In fact, fleas are not the allergen, flea saliva is. Dogs with flea allergies will have an allergic reaction to flea bites. The itching caused by the allergic reaction is much worse than the itching caused by flea bites, and that itch is unbearable for the dog. This allergic condition can cause the dog's skin to become inflamed, red, and have a rash, and the constant itching can cause the skin to crack and crust.

4. Flea Dirt
See if your dog has some black dirt on his body. Those could be flea dirt, which is flea excrement. You can check the areas on your dog where fleas like to hide. Flea dirt actually looks exactly like regular dirt, but if you put them in water, it will turn red or brown because they are actually made up of dog blood. If fleas have been breeding around your house, you may also find flea dirt on your carpet or curtains.

5. Get bitten by fleas yourself
Pay attention to any red, swollen bumps that suddenly appear on your body, that may be left behind by flea bites. Although fleas may prefer to live on your dog, they will still run up and bite you if given the chance. The area after a flea bite will have a small redness and swelling that can sometimes make you very itchy. Fleas generally like to bite people's feet or lower legs, so keep an extra eye on those areas.

How do get rid of fleas on dogs? How to Prevent and Eliminate Fleas on Dogs?

II. How to prevent and eliminate fleas on your dog

Flea preventatives can usually be divided into, chewable and edible oral medications, topical agents or sprays, flea collars, etc., all of which can be purchased from specialty pet stores or vet hospitals.

It is important for owners to know not only how to spot fleas, but also what health risks they pose to their dogs.

Adult fleas are easy to spot; they are black or dark brown in color, move very fast, and have the excellent jumping ability over short distances.

Fleas on dogs are not a small danger, do not worry, just 8 points to eliminate them
Flea bites can cause inflammation, itching, irritation of the skin, and other adverse reactions. This is true for both dogs and humans and can lead to a variety of illnesses or spread diseases.

The following may also occur after a flea bite.

Flea bites cause allergic dermatitis in pets, which means that a dog bitten by fleas may cause inflammation and allergy to the skin, which can lead to skin infections causing itching, sores, and hair loss. Allergic reactions usually occur near the tail of the dog.
Fleas can transmit tapeworms through their bites. These gastrointestinal parasites compete with their hosts for nutrients, which can cause malnutrition, anemia, gastrointestinal problems, etc. Tapeworms are rare, but once a dog is bitten by a flea with tapeworm eggs, then it is possible to become infected and parasitized.
Infection with plague, although plague is extremely rare, fleas are carriers, and dogs can be infected after being bitten. Dogs infected with plague will show signs of fever and swollen lymph nodes. A plague can also cause sudden death in dogs and is certainly fatal to humans. Therefore, if your dog develops a fever, lethargy, or swollen lymph nodes, take him to the veterinarian immediately.
Fleas on dogs are not a small danger, don't worry, just 8 points can eliminate them
How do get rid of fleas effectively?
Warm water baths, with special insect repellent bodies, and wash for pets, can usually kill fleas. First, wet the dog, make the fur foam, then put it on the dog for 3 to 5 minutes, and finally rinse the dog's fur with warm water, so that the fleas will also be removed. However, it is worth noting that generally speaking all supplies and appliances that have a deworming effect have a certain degree of toxicity. In the process of using them, make sure that the dog does not lick them into its mouth, and also avoid going into the pet's eyes around the mouth and nose to avoid harm to the pet's health.
You can also rinse with apple cider vinegar to help balance the pH of your dog's skin. This acidic environment is also hated by fleas, thus forcing them to leave. The ratio is to mix about 3/4 cup of apple cider vinegar with 1/2 cup of water, put the mixture in a spray bottle with 1/4 teaspoon of salt, shake it, and spray it on the dog's coat. When the coat is dry, comb through the fur with a flea comb and repeat this procedure a few more times to get rid of fleas as well.
But don't think that if you get rid of fleas on your dog, everything will be fine. If there are fleas on your dog, there may be fleas in your house too, and this is a problem that we must pay attention to. So how do you get rid of the fleas hiding in your home?

III. How to get rid of fleas in your home

Getting rid of fleas from a dog is a relatively easy process while cleaning the house of small parasites can actually take a long time. This is due to the life cycle of fleas, in which eggs and even adults can remain dormant for long periods of time. The best way to clean up is to start using a dog flea preventative as soon as you know your dog is flea free.
It is important to be patient when cleaning up fleas. When cleaning for the first time, they will not be easily detected and repelled by you. This is the time when we need to use some tips and tricks.
Put the dog bed, dog blanket, dog pillow, towels, and dog clothes, all items in the washing machine. Set the washing machine to high-temperature sterilization, which will kill the eggs, larvae, and adult worms.
Make it a habit to vacuum the room daily and don't miss any nooks or crannies. These nasty creatures like to hide in the dark, so we need to be careful and empty the bag or canister immediately after each vacuuming session to avoid the escape of sucked-up fleas.
There is another method, lay diatomaceous earth (DE) in areas where fleas are often active and leave it for two days. For the safety of your family and pets, use human-grade DE. DE dries out the flea's exoskeleton and destroys the eggs and larvae.
Baking soda or coarse salt, both of which have the same effect as DE, are just not as effective.
  • Category:Dogs Diseases
  • Views:451 Views
  • Release Date:2022-06-22 17:29:17
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