How can you tell if your dog is sick?



If you have a dog at home, your biggest fear and headache is that your dog is sick. The dog suffers from pain and suffering, and the owner has to spend money and time. So today we'll talk about several signs of dog illness, to help owners find the disease and timely treatment.

1, appetite suddenly increased or reduced
Dogs' appetite loss, or even more than 24h are not eating, maybe which part of the body pain, or signs of illness, to cause the dog not want to eat. While the dog overeats, suddenly eat a lot may be a thyroid problem.

2, sleep time abnormal
The dog's sleep time is quite a lot of the day, if suddenly one day, the dog abnormally sleeps especially much, or sleep especially little, it is necessary to pay attention. Either the weather changes, or it is suffering from a disease so that it has no energy.

3銆丼uddenly do not like to exercise
Dogs are fond of playing, if a playful dog, suddenly becomes less playful, and like to hide, it is likely to be physically uncomfortable, or have a psychological problem, the owner should observe it more, and accompany it.

4銆丼udden weight loss or increase
Dogs that gain weight too quickly in a short period of time or lose too much meat are signs of disease. Sudden weight loss may be parasite in the body, sudden fat may be endocrine disorder caused by thyroid disease.

5, nose dry, cracked, body temperature increased
Healthy dogs usually nose state should be clean and moist, if the nose is dry for a long time, but also hot (in addition to just woke up), then it may be a dog fever, you can measure the temperature of the dog, the nose produces secretions (clear water or thick), the dog may have a cold.

6, bad breath, unclean teeth, drooling
Healthy dog mouth, teeth clean, no bad odor in the mouth. Dogs occasionally drooling okay, if often drooling should be very vigilant, you can slightly break open to see the state of the oral cavity. If the gums are bright red, or extremely foul-smelling, then there should be oral disease.

In order to prevent oral problems in dogs, pet owners usually help dogs brush their teeth, occasionally give some hard dog snacks chicken jerky dogs eat, can help grind teeth, clean teeth, prevent dental calculus.

7, smelly poop, not formed
Healthy dog poop should be formed, soft and hard moderate, can be picked up from the ground, not very smelly. If the poop is not formed, or even poop out of water, then there are many reasons, from small to possible cold, poor intestines, large to possible parasites, distemper, etc..

If the stool is too smelly, wet and soft, it may be due to eating too much food that is not suitable for them, indigestion and so on. It is advisable for owners to choose a light, non-flammable dog food with dietary fiber, recommending "Greedy Natural Dog Food", a low-salt formula, and rich in carotene, silky powder and other dietary fiber, which can promote the dog's gastrointestinal motility, improve digestive capacity, and also improve the odor of the stool. Constipation problems, maintaining intestinal health.

How can you tell if your dog is sick?

Two, these 7 signs of a dog being "sick", once found, seek medical attention

The most fearful thing about owning a dog is that it will get sick. The first thing you need to do is to get your dog out of the hospital. So, we should understand some of the symptoms of dog illness to avoid not knowing the best time to treat your dog and bring more sorrowful stress to the pooper scooper.

Performance 1
Hit the wall with the head

Although the dog's head is very hard, but the dog is not stupid, it usually will not hit the wall with the head, if you find it always love to knock the wall with the head, then it may be sick. Usually headache or brain nerve damage, the dog will appear such abnormal behavior.

Performance 2
Suddenly become very quiet

The usual lively dog, suddenly do not like to move, become very silent, shovel officers should be alert, do not think the dog will become good overnight, it must be where the body is not comfortable, will not want to move, or pain to move.

Performance 3
Whining and barking, not letting others near him

Although the dog's pain tolerance than humans are much stronger, but when the dog is injured more serious, it will also be pain whimpering. This time the dog is very vulnerable, it will worry about someone taking advantage of it to attack it, so do not like to let others near it. When the pooper scooper gains the dog's trust, take it to the hospital as soon as possible.

Performance 4
Dry nose and high body temperature

Under normal circumstances, the dog's body temperature is around 37.5-39 degrees Celsius, and the nose is moist. If the dog's nose is dry and not much spirit, the pooper scooper can insert a thermometer into the dog's anus and use anal temperature measurement to see if the dog has a fever. If the dog has just woken up with a dry nose, it is normal and will remain moist again later.

Sign 5
Appetite plummets and refuses to eat

When a dog is sick, the most obvious change is that it does not like to eat, appetite suddenly decreased, even if the delicious food can not raise its appetite. You can take your dog for a checkup to see what is causing your dog to not eat and prescribe the right medicine.

When dogs are sick, their appetite is not good, they can't eat, and they lose nutrients quickly, so it's best to change your dog to some more palatable, more easily digestible dog food as a staple, and your dog will be more willing to eat.

Performance 6
Emotional instability, fidgeting

When the dog is not feeling well, it will be fidgety, lying down a bit, to get up and walk, do not move a move on the body is uncomfortable. And the dog's mood will be unstable, no reason to throw a tantrum, very irritable, which is caused by its physical discomfort, the owner must not ignore.

Performance 7
Vomiting and pooping
The more common discomfort of dogs is vomiting, diarrhea, may be eating the wrong thing, may be cold, but also more serious microscopic, distemper and other diseases, you can first feed the dog some probiotics, to help it regulate the gastrointestinal.

The first thing you need to do is to see if the situation has improved, if not you need to take it to the doctor quickly.

Three: How can I tell if my dog is healthy?

The following are signs that your dog is not well.
The following signs are all bad signs
Some dogs are naturally lazy, but because of illness, you can sometimes see them being even lazier than usual. Lethargy is a common symptom of an uncomfortable dog, and if its lethargy lasts more than a few hours, owners should take it to the hospital for a checkup. Lethargy is a symptom of many illnesses, whether minor or serious.

Lack of interest in food
Most dogs come to food and seem to be content as long as there is food to eat. However, just like humans, when their stomachs are upset, their desire to eat is greatly reduced. If you notice that your dog is not interested in food, especially his favorite food, then it's time to consider whether your dog has a health problem.

Vomiting is a sign of a problem in your dog's digestive tract. There are many reasons for vomiting, and it could be because he ate something he shouldn't have, but they don't know what is affecting them, so owners need to find out what is causing their dog to vomit as soon as possible to prevent them from continuing to eat such things. Just like diarrhea, frequent vomiting is usually a sign that a more serious problem will occur, so when this happens, it is important to take the dog to the vet immediately to ensure that the dog gets the right treatment.

Diarrhea is a common symptom in dogs. The causes of diarrhea can also be complex, and can be caused by food or other health issues. Typically, diarrhea should be a symptom of many types of stomach problems, from parasites, to even cancer. So, if your dog has diarrhea for more than a day, it's important to take it in for a checkup.

Excessive cravings for water
Frequent cravings for water can be a sign of a range of illnesses for your dog, such as diabetes, Cushing's syndrome, and Addison's disease. If you notice that your dog is drinking frequently throughout the day, then a trip to the hospital is also the only option.

Frequent urination
Frequent urination usually occurs at the same time as excessive drinking - they are, after all, antecedent and consequential. Frequent urination can also be caused by a variety of reasons, including diabetes and urinary tract infections. If you notice that your pet is urinating frequently, or always seems overstimulated or doesn't urinate anywhere in the house as is customary, it may be time to see a veterinarian to determine if your puppy is healthy. While random urination in the house is likely a training issue, it's also important to make sure your dog doesn't have an underlying illness.

Pale Gums
Pale gums are a clear sign of disease in most cases. If you notice that your dog is showing other symptoms at the same time, then the first thing you need to do is check the color of his gums. Under normal circumstances, your dog's gums will be pink in color. If you find that the gums are pale, then be sure to consult with your veterinarian. Pale gums can be a sign of anemia, low blood pressure, hypothermia or even internal bleeding, while bright red gums can indicate fever and infection.

There are bound to be illnesses in a dog's life. Owners can refer to the seven symptoms listed above to help understand the dog's condition and allow the dog to receive timely treatment.
  • Category:Dogs Diseases
  • Views:406 Views
  • Release Date:2022-08-04 11:11:33
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