Do cats snore? Is it normal for cats to snore in their sleep


Does the cat snore

I don't know if you've noticed, but when a cat is sleeping next to its owner or is intimate with you, you can often hear it make a continuous "purring, purring" sound. Most people mistakenly believe that this is the cat snoring while sleeping, but in fact the purring sound is the sound made by the cat's pseudo-vocal cords when they vibrate. From a medical point of view, the skeleton of the cat's larynx consists of the thyroid cartilage and the cricoid cartilage. The laryngeal cavity is divided into 3 parts, the upper part is the laryngeal vestibule and the trailing edge is the pseudovocal cords. The cavity between the pseudovocal cords and the true vocal cords is the second part of the laryngeal cavity. The third part is the cavity between the vocal cords and the cartilaginous ring, which is very narrow. The cat's purr is the sound made by the resonance of the laryngeal cavity when the pseudovocal cords vibrate. In fact, cats do not fall asleep when they snore. Cats do not snore when they are playing, when they are nervous, or when they are really asleep.
銆€銆€2. Only when the cat feels satisfied or relaxed in the owner's arms, will it make a light purring sound. In this regard, adult cats and Persian cats (details) are more prominent, while kittens generally rarely snore. Persian cats purr because of their short nasal passages, but adult cats purr because they know how to enjoy cat life and understand human caresses and intimacy better. In addition, if a kitten or a big cat keeps purring no matter what the situation is, it may be a respiratory tract infection, so do not be careless about it.
銆€銆€3. Purring is not only an auditory phenomenon, but also a perceptible vibration. When kittens are born, they have no sense of sight and smell, and their ears are not mature, so they can only respond to the mother's purring and vibration, which is exactly how she greets her kittens back to the litter.

Do cats snore? Is it normal for cats to snore in their sleep

Is it normal for cats to snore in their sleep

If a cat snores in its sleep, it also belongs to a normal phenomenon, for example, some cats, especially Garfield, if Garfield is like the kind of cat with a short face and short nasal cavity, then when it breathes, it will have some snoring sound as we call it. If under normal circumstances it only snores, this is acceptable, but if it has previously had some cat nasal branch or some respiratory diseases, and caused serious infection of its nasal mucosa, then this may leave sequelae, or even chronic rhinitis, then this situation requires medication to control it. If it is a sudden snoring, we need to see what is wrong with its throat or trachea. If it has this sound even when it is not sleeping, we need to take x-ray pictures of it or let a professional veterinarian check its throat, if there is a problem, we can take treatment measures.

What causes a cat to snore when it sleeps.

First of all, snoring in cats is a normal behavior. Cats produce a purring sensation through the resonance of the throat cavity. This usually represents the cat's happy mood. Second, cats also snore when they sleep. As long as the cat does not have symptoms of shortness of breath, shortness of mouth breathing, or a white or purple tongue, there is usually no need to be overly concerned. Thirdly, if a cat snores in its sleep is not the kind of stable laryngeal resonance that makes a snoring sound, but is similar to a human snoring in its sleep, with a high and low sound, this is mostly seen in some older cats or adult obese cats.

Is the cat's snoring in bed a deep sleep.

This condition may be caused by deep sleep, sleeping in the wrong position or suffering from respiratory disease. First, it is normal for cats to snore when they enter deep sleep because their bodies are relaxed. Secondly, cats in the wrong sleeping position can also show these symptoms, and snoring will stop as soon as the cat's sleeping position is changed. Finally, cats with respiratory diseases will show similar symptoms to snoring, not only during sleep, but also usually, so it is recommended to consult a doctor in time.

Reasons for cats to snore in their sleep

People who have cats should find that cats are very sleepy animals, which is probably why they always have a lazy air about them. Cats can sleep for up to 16 hours a day, which is a real "god of sleep", but they are not really sleeping every second, 3/4 of the time they are actually napping.
So, the quality of sleep of cats is really quite touching, anyway, veterinary Xiaoming such insomnia crowd is envious, in addition, when the cat sleeps even purring sound, like human sleep snoring.
Some people hear cats snoring and think it's a sign that they are sleeping well, however, behind the cat snoring is not so simple, there may be other reasons oh, or even being entangled in disease.

Chronic paranasal cavity infection
Chronic paranasal cavity is also known as nasal pus, and paranasal cavity specifically refers to the area inside the nasal cavity that is surrounded by bones. Most cats suffer from this disease because of the sequelae of respiratory disease, after bacterial or cryptococcal infection has formed a chronic disease.
If this area is inflamed, the nasal cavity is easily blocked and the nasal cavity becomes larger due to the pressure of the air it has to resist, while the upper jaw flutters causing the cat to snore.
In addition to snoring, cats with chronic paranasal catarrh will also sneeze, have pus-like foul-smelling snot in their nasal passages, have difficulty breathing so they breathe through their mouths instead of their noses, and lose weight due to poor appetite. The treatment period for this disease is relatively long, so it is best to seek professional treatment from a doctor as soon as it is detected.
Viral bronchitis, influenza virus
Viral tracheitis and influenza virus are viral diseases of the respiratory organs, and these are also possible causes of snoring in cats.
Viral bronchitis
One of the most obvious symptoms of viral bronchitis is that the cat will sneeze frequently and severely for 1-3 days after infection. This is followed by symptoms such as lack of energy, poor appetite and fever.
The nasal passages will also be runny, gradually turning from clear to thick, and there will be tearing and drooling, while the whites of the eyes will be red and swollen, even so severe that the eyes cannot be opened. In this case, it is still recommended to seek medical treatment, otherwise the condition may progress to a more serious state, such as pneumonia.
Influenza virus
Cats infected with influenza virus will have discharge from the eyes, nose and mouth, usually white or greenish pus-like, and will also be accompanied by symptoms such as mouth ulcers, red and swollen conjunctiva and fever.
Cats suffering from the above viral respiratory diseases, in addition to timely treatment with the right medicine, the usual care is also crucial, because the nasal and oral cavity is attacked by the virus, so cats become a more difficult thing to eat, you need to take care of the pooper scooper.
But see here is not too worried, after all, cats as hunters are born to retain such sleeping habits, as long as they are in a normal state of mind, appetite is not affected, basically there is no problem. But if the snoring is unusually loud and lasts for a long time, it is necessary to find out the reason, not as simple as sleepiness.
  • Category:Cats feeding
  • Views:327 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-01 17:15:17
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