Can cats eat garlic? Why can't cats eat onions and garlic?


Can cats be dewormed by adding garlic to their rations? When I heard this statement, I was completely confused, after all, although deworming is a very important thing, now the cost of deworming is not high, internal deworming plus in vitro deworming is only a few dozen dollars.
For this matter I asked many friends, many people feel: that to give pets internal medicine, or be careful, a few dozen dollars is not expensive!
But whether this is expensive or not, we have to clarify one thing, that is, can garlic play the role of worm repellent?
Mythical garlic in the East is not a particularly powerful story, but in the Western legends, like vampires and other evil things for garlic will be very afraid, is the parasite and vampires like?

Garlic contains more allicin, which is a magical element that can inhibit and kill bacilli (S. dysenteriae, S. Typhi, E. coli, S. pertussis), fungi (Candida albicans, Cryptococcus, Aspergillus fumigatus), viruses (cytomegalovirus), amoebae, Trichomonas vaginalis, pinworms, etc. It is especially strong against E. coli, S. dysenteriae, and other intestinal bacteria. It has a strong effect on intestinal bacteria such as E. coli and dysentery.

Studies have found that allicin can also lower blood cholesterol, triglycerides, and lipoproteins as well as anti-platelet agglutination and anti-tumor effects.

In addition to parasites, some people believe that giving garlic to cats can also help them recover from cat moss, well, the brain is a good thing, but unfortunately, not everyone has
Garlic contains not only allicin, but also has thiosulfate, when a cat ingests thiosulfate, its body's hemoglobin will be destroyed, and the main role of hemoglobin is to transport oxygen for the body, if the lack of hemoglobin, then the cat will soon develop hemolytic anemia, and in serious cases, hemolytic disease leading to life-threatening.
And it doesn't take much for this dose to reach a dangerous level, with abnormalities occurring after consuming about one clove a week.

But can this happen to humans who eat garlic? If there is hemolytic anemia in itself, then such people are also not suitable to eat garlic, but if they are healthy adults, in addition to the oral odor and damage to the stomach and liver that occurs after consuming large amounts of garlic, so they can eat in moderation, but a large intake is not too much.

And cute kitty or dog, then it is important to understand that try not to let them ingest garlic ingredients!

Because of this way of deworming, on the one hand, garlic can only play a part for the parasites in the body of the cat, plus it hurts the cat, which is equivalent to a person with a sick finger, then it is directed to the hand to do an amputation, no finger does not hurt?

The correct knowledge of deworming I believe we all know, the reason why we are deceived by the rumor that garlic can repel worms like this is mainly because of the psychology of cheapness and the sense of wonder.

So as long as we are clear about the harm that can be caused by this wrong behavior, I believe that we will not continue to be wrong on this mistake.

But besides the mistake of garlic being able to repel worms, what other foods do we know that cats cannot eat but are fed in large quantities?

I. No taboos on seafood for cats?

Cats actually can not eat squid, or octopus seafood, because these foods will easily cause indigestion in cats, resulting in the expansion of the stomach and other situations, and like abalone, salamander snails can also cause skin diseases in cats, while seafood in the mackerel, which is full of unsaturated fatty acids, long-term consumption will cause yellow fatty disease in cats.

In addition, shrimp, crab, shellfish, and raw fish, are also not suitable for long-term feeding of cats, because the long-term consumption of this type of food will prevent the absorption of vitamin B1 in the body of cats, which can easily lead to a loss of appetite, vomiting, cramps, unsteady pace, and even paralysis of the hind feet symptoms.
So even feeding fish and other seafood to cats should pay extra attention because not all seafood cats can eat, and it is not eating seafood without taboos.

Eat more fruits and vegetables good health?
Cats are not suitable for feeding vegetables and fruits, because it is a carnivore, it is their own gastrointestinal for vegetables, and fruit food is not very good absorption capacity, even if eaten, most of the ingredients can not be absorbed.
If fed fruits for a long time cats will be at risk of heart disease and dental plaque, in addition, feeding a lot of fruits and vegetables will cause a great burden on the cat's stomach and intestines, which may lead to intestinal diseases.
In addition, foods such as spinach and burdock contain a lot of oxalic acids, which can easily lead to calcium oxalate stones if fed to cats.

Fruits that should never be fed are grapes, apricot fruits, persimmons, popcorn, plums, and cherries, all of which can cause harm to the cat's body.
The ingredients in grapes can cause kidney failure in cats, and even small amounts of grapes may cause recurrent vomiting in cats. The persimmon in daily life, the seeds of which contain substances that can cause intestinal obstruction and enteritis in cats. Peaches, plums, cherries, and other food seeds contain toxic substances cyanide, which can cause vomiting, intestinal obstruction, and breathing difficulties in cats. The potassium content in poppy peaches is excessive and can cause acute kidney failure in cats.

II. Daily desserts can also be eaten?

Many of the cat shovelers are girls, and girls are not resistant to desserts, but we must know that if cats are fed desserts for a long time, a large amount of sugar absorbed by cats will lead to heart disease and dental plaque, while animal cream, which is often added to desserts, can easily make cats obese, and chocolate can make cats toxic.
So when you see a cat, even if it is particularly eager to eat a bite of its dessert, you should never feed it, because it is not loving the cat but harming it!

The dishes that people eat cats can also eat?
Many pooper scoopers like to take out part of the food to feed their cats when they eat, but such behavior hides many risks, on the one hand, human food often has a lot of onion ingredients, and onion ingredients like garlic will destroy red blood cells, leading to anemia and even cause the death of cats, and even more, the mustard pepper ingredients will paralyze the cat's sense of taste, gastrointestinal stimulation, where the Chicken bones and fish bones can sting the throat and digestive tract, leading to loss of appetite and gastroenteritis!

Also, human food often has high salt content, even if all the previous ingredients are circumvented, salt cannot be eliminated, and if a cat eats a lot of salt, its stomach mucosa will be traumatized and the burden on the heart and kidneys will increase, affecting the cat's life span!

Can cats eat garlic? Why can't cats eat onions and garlic?

Three, why onions and garlic should not be eaten by cats?

Onions and garlic are some of the most common foods on our dinner table, but why are these two vegetables inedible for cats, and what will happen if cats eat them?

What are the consequences of eating onions and garlic for cats?
Onions and garlic contain a chemical that is toxic to cats, namely n-propyl disulfide. After cats accidentally eat onions, the hemoglobin in their bodies will be dissolved, thus causing acute hemolytic anemia in cats.
Some cats will also have blood in their urine, so onions and garlic can be very dangerous for cats!

How much can cats eat that will be poisoned?
An adult cat can become severely anemic when it eats 1kg/1g of onion, which is tested in an ideal laboratory environment.
Onions and garlic, whether raw or cooked, are dangerous for cats!

Signs of poisoning in cats.
1. Diarrhea and vomiting
Cats will experience diarrhea and vomiting within a few hours after eating onions and garlic.

2. Gums turn white
After diarrhea, the cat's gums will start to turn white and show signs of weakness and loose skin.

3. Blood in the urine
To observe whether a cat has been poisoned, look at its urine. If a cat is poisoned by eating onions and garlic, there will be blood in the urine.

What should I do if my cat accidentally eats onion and garlic?
If your cat has eaten onion and garlic by mistake, the first thing you should do is to induce vomiting in your cat, you can try soapy water and diluted hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting in your cat.
You can try soapy water and diluted hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting in your cat to effectively reduce the symptoms of poisoning.

What vegetables can cats eat?
In addition to onions and garlic can not eat, there are still many vegetables that cats can eat, such as cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, spinach, string beans, broccoli, pumpkin, etc. all vegetables that can be given to cats.
  • Category:Cats feeding
  • Views:370 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-07 17:52:21
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