Can cats eat chicken? The nutrition of each part of the chicken


Can cats eat chicken? This may seem like a simple question, but if you look into it, there are many points to note.
Because chicken is rich in protein, many pooper scoopers want to feed chicken to their cats. However, there are a few points that must be noted when feeding chicken to cats, and the following is a detailed explanation of the relationship between cats and chicken.
First of all, cats are allowed to eat chicken!

Can cats eat chicken? Explain in detail the points to note when cats eat chicken, these three types of cats can not eat chicken
Chicken contains many essential nutrients for cats, such as protein, lipids, sodium, phosphorus, potassium and other components are all great for cats. Cats are originally carnivores and many cats like to eat chicken, so putting some chicken in your cat's meals and snacks can regulate your cat's body.

The first thing you need to do is to make sure you understand what part of your cat's body is nutritious.

I. The nutrition of each part of chicken

1. Chicken wings
Chicken wings are considered the most nutritionally balanced part of the chicken, which is rich in protein, vitamin B, vitamin A, and essential amino acids, which are good for your cat's muscle growth. And chicken wings have a lower calorie count compared to other parts of the chicken, so cats don't have to worry about gaining weight after eating them.

However, the bones in the chicken wings can easily hurt the kitten's mouth, so it is best to feed the kitten with boneless chicken wings.

2. Chicken thigh meat
Chicken thighs contain a lot of amino acids that are essential for cats' bodies, and their content exceeds the amino acids in pork and beef by the same weight. In addition to iron, vitamin A and b2, chicken thigh meat also contains a lot of vitamin B3, which is difficult to produce in cats, so chicken thigh meat can be said to be a very high nutritional value of chicken parts.
Of course, chicken thigh meat contains fatter, so the calories are relatively high, you have to feed it to your cat in moderation.

3. Chicken breast meat
Chicken breast is the smallest amount of fat and lowest-calorie part of the chicken body. It is rich in protein, which helps cats' muscle growth and increases their metabolism, and promotes fat burning. Chicken breast contains "imipeptide", an antioxidant, which helps to inhibit cell damage and the high production of reactive oxygen species. Therefore, chicken breast is the most suitable part of the chicken body to feed cats.

4. Chicken skin
Can cats eat chicken? Details of the points to note when cats eat chicken, these three types of cats can not eat chicken
Chicken skin is rich in collagen inside and fatty meat is also quite rich. Collagen keeps the cat's skin healthy and also helps to enhance the strength of the cat's bones and joints as well as the smooth flow of blood vessels.
As above, Fat Orange has introduced the benefits of the 4 parts of chicken for cats, and pooper scoopers can feed their cats different parts of chicken according to their cats' health conditions.
However, there are always some cats that are not suitable for eating chicken, such as cats that are allergic to chicken or cats with renal insufficiency should not eat chicken.

Can cats eat chicken? The nutrition of each part of the chicken

1. Cats allergic to chicken
Just like people, there are always those individuals who have allergic reactions to certain foods. Cats are allergic to chicken either because they are born with it or because they develop it after eating the same ingredients for a long time.
How can I tell if my cat is allergic to chicken?
When feeding chicken to your cat for the first time, make sure to feed a small amount of chicken and then observe if your cat has symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, itching, bloodshot eyes, lack of energy, etc. If so, then whether your cat is allergic to chicken or not, you should not feed your cat chicken again.

2. Cats with renal insufficiency
Can cats eat chicken? Explaining the points to note when cats eat chicken, these three types of cats cannot eat chicken
Cats with renal insufficiency and chronic kidney disease are best not to eat chicken because it is rich in protein and will add a burden to the kidneys. And for those cats with renal insufficiency, dietary management is especially important and it is best to feed the cat under the advice of a professional veterinarian.

3. Cats with urinary stones
Cats with urinary tract stones should not eat chicken because it contains magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus, which are the components of urinary stones, so if cats eat chicken, it will simply add to their illness.
Cats with these three conditions should not be fed chicken. Although chicken can bring some nutrition to cats, the benefits are not worth the losses and will make cats sicker.
Since most cats can eat chicken, is it raw chicken or cooked chicken?

II. It is not okay for cats to eat raw chicken

Do not feed raw chicken to cats because bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella lurk in raw chicken. When cats are infected with these bacteria, they will have violent diarrhea or vomiting, and if their condition worsens, it will cause symptoms of dehydration.
For example, the E. coli inside can destroy intestinal cells and cause sepsis in cats, and Toxoplasma gondii can cause severe vomiting, diarrhea, blood in the stool, breathing difficulties, and impaired consciousness, so it is not okay for cats to eat raw chicken.

Cooked chicken is the best for cats!
Cooked chicken generally does not contain these bacteria inside, so cats can use it safely. If you want to keep the nutrition inside the chicken from being lost, just boil it directly without any seasoning. Don't worry, cats can eat it and won't be as picky as we are.
Grilled chicken can also be eaten by cats, but the burnt parts should not be eaten by cats, so be sure to clean off the burnt parts before giving them grilled chicken.
Since cats need to eat cooked chicken, are all the different ways to make chicken suitable for cats?
Not. Chicken with sauce, fried chicken, and chicken with bones is not the right type of chicken for cats.

1. Chicken with sauce
Don't feed chicken with sauce to your cat! It may seem to the pooper scooper that spicy chicken, big plate chicken, and boiled chicken are all delicious chicken, but cats can't eat these seasoned chicken.
Take "green onion" for example, we will often use green onion in our daily diet, but it is harmful to cats. In addition, cats do not require as much salt as we do, so chicken with sauce is even less suitable for cats.
If you have to give your cat chicken with sauce, I suggest you make your chicken with no green onions and no seasoning, just a special sauce for cats.

2. fried chicken
Although fried chicken is delicious, this thing not only cats can not eat, even we have to eat less. Because of the high-calorie content of fried chicken, even if cats eat a small amount of fried chicken is also easy to gain weight. And cats with a tendency to obesity will increase the risk of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, and other diseases.

3. Chicken with bones
Chicken with bones is divided into two kinds, one is the chicken with hard bones, and one is the chicken with brittle bones. The former is not suitable for kittens to eat, easy to hurt the kitten's mouth; the latter is too fragile, resulting in broken bones with the chicken eaten by cats, broken bones easily damage the cat's internal organs and indigestion, the worst case can make the cat suffocate and die. Therefore, chicken with bones should not be given to cats as usual.

In short, cats are carnivores, and chicken can be a very good ingredient in terms of nutritional intake. However, if fed in the wrong way, it can also damage the cat's health. Owners should always pay attention to whether their cats have allergic reactions after eating chicken and never give the chicken to cats with kidney insufficiency.
  • Category:Cats feeding
  • Views:309 Views
  • Release Date:2022-07-07 17:51:52
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