How can I tell if my cat has a fever? Check your cat's body

How can I tell if my cat has a fever? Check your cat's body

I. How to tell if your cat has a fever? Whether it's your cat or someone else's, having a fever can be a very common thing. It is a normal immune response that helps the body recover from illness by k

How to get rid of fleas on cats naturally? Why do cats have fleas on their bodies?

How to get rid of fleas on cats naturally? Why do cats have fleas on their bodies?

Fleas are a headache for many cat owners. Owners often find that their cats suddenly have fleas on them, and the cats scratch hard and then give it all over the fur, but they can't catch the fleas, or

Do cats get colds? What is a cat's cold?

Do cats get colds? What is a cat's cold?

I. Cats can catch a coldDo not look at the cat has a fluffy hair though the role of warmth is very good when the weather becomes cold, the role of cold is very low, so it is easy to neglect to keep th

Can cats be autistic?

Can cats be autistic?

One of the things we love about cats is that they are somewhat similar to us. Whether it's a need for affection and companionship or a strong desire to play, cats and humans have a lot in common.This

Do cats have allergies? What are allergies?

Do cats have allergies? What are allergies?

I. What are allergies? One of the medical conditions that have a greater impact on the health of cats is allergy. When a cat's immune system is stimulated by an allergen, it can lead to symptoms of al

How to give medication to cats? How to give medication to cats easily

How to give medication to cats? How to give medication to cats easily

How to give medicine to catsMany cats will spit out their medication or refuse to take it. But sometimes you have to give your cat medication, such as deworming medication, etc. The following shares s

How long can cats live? Symptoms of cats before they die

How long can cats live? Symptoms of cats before they die

How long can cats liveCats generally have a long life span, with most cats living to 15 to 18 years old, and some cats even living to 20 years old or more. The lifespan of cats is mainly related to ge

How do cats mate? Male cat's reaction after mating

How do cats mate? Male cat's reaction after mating

How to mate catsFirst, find a suitable cat, such as a cat of the same breed and the same color, or find a suitable cat according to the color you want to mate; second, put two mated cats together when

How do cats get ringworm? What are the causes of ringworm in cats

How do cats get ringworm? What are the causes of ringworm in cats

How do cats get ringwormCats are usually prone to ringworm because they are in poor health and live in poor environmental conditions, cold and damp, or they are infected by other cats with ringworm. R

Do male cats have fever? What are the symptoms of fever in cats

Do male cats have fever? What are the symptoms of fever in cats

Do male cats have feverYes, the performance of cats in heat.1. During the estrus period, the most common manifestation of estrus in male cats is the so-called "urination" behavior. The male cat will t
