Meet the Cornish Rex

Best Fur Friend

Best Fur Friend

Social Butterfly

Social Butterfly

Low-Maintenance Looks

Low-Maintenance Looks

Looking for a playful companion with an inquisitive mind and a big heart? I’m the breed for you! We Cornish Rex are known for our curious and adventurous nature. I’m fast and agile, and I can get into just about anything – closed doors and cabinets are no match for me, and you’ll likely find me perched up high surveying the scene! I’m great with kids and cat-friendly pets, and I have a lot of love to give to the whole family. I’m just as happy running around playing and exploring as I am getting scratches on your lap. I’m very athletic, and my smarts, high energy, and playful nature make me great at learning tricks and games like fetch. I do have a bit of a mischievous streak, but most humans find my trickster antics funny and endearing. My short wavy coat is a breeze to groom and I’m great for humans with allergies. If you want a loving kitty who is bound to make you laugh (and you can give me the attention I crave) I’m the prrrfect choice for you and your family!






Cornwall, England

Life Span

11-16 Years

Breed Popularity

Length Range

16-18 Inches

Weight Range

6-10 Pounds

Coat Details




Curly and Soft


White, Black, Blue, Red, Cream, Chocolate, Lavender, Silver


Shaded, Smoke, Tabby, Tortoiseshell, Bicolor, Calico, Colorpoint



Cost to Buy


My Many Looks

My Many Looks

My Breed Characteristics

My Breed Characteristics

Energy Level:
Health Issues:
Affection Level:
Grooming Effort:
Furbulous Fact

Furbulous Fact

One of my trademark features is my curly coat, which is very short and close to my body. The humans thought my coat looked like a fancy human hairstyle called themarcel wave, which was first created by a French hairstylist named Francois Marcel in 1872. They even nicknamed Cornish Rex cats Marcel cats! Unlike the French ladies who had to work for this look, my furbulous style comes naturally as a result of a genetic mutation. Even though my coat is stylish, I’m missing guard hairs so I’m especially sensitive to heat and cold.
As I Grow Up

As I Grow Up

History of My Breed

History of My Breed

We Cornish Rex are a very new breed. The first Cornish Rex was born in Cornwall, England in 1950. A tortoiseshell British Shorthair named Serena, who was owned by a human named Nina Ennismore, gave birth to a litter of five kittens, but one of them was very different. A male kitten in the litter named Kallibunker was born with tight curls all over his body. As Kallibunker grew, it became clear that he was also physically different from his siblings – he had big ears, a slender body, long legs, and a different shaped head. Nina Ennismore knew that she had something very special in Kallibunker and she consulted a geneticist who believed that he was the result of a natural mutation. The geneticist suggested that she breed Kallibunker back to his mother Serena. This litter had two curly kittens, and the Cornish Rex breed was born! We were named Cornish Rex after the region we came from and the Rex rabbit, which the humans thought had fur similar to ours. Interestingly, there was another happy accident wavy coated cat breed that began in nearby Devon – the Devon Rex – but it was discovered that the Devon Rex mutation was different from the Cornish Rex mutation. Since there were so few Cornish Rex cats, breeders started to cross them with Burmese, Siamese, Russian Blue, and British Shorthair cats to increase the gene pool. Two Cornish Rex cats came to the United States in 1957 and American breeders began to cross them with Havana Browns and American Shorthairs, which increased the gene pool even more. Because my early ancestors were crossbred with so many different kinds of cats, our coats (though always curly) come in a rainbow of color and pattern combinations! In 1964, the Cat Fanciers’ Association officially recognized our breed and we have been popular in and out of the show ring ever since!
Care Tips

Care Tips

from Dr. Jessica Greenberg, Associate Veterinarian

Take some extra time to cat-proof your home.

The intelligent Cornish Rex is known for being able to easily open cabinets and even some doors. Make sure to take precautions so that your curious cat can’t get themself into any trouble as they bravely explore your home.


Make sure you keep your Cornish Rex warm.

Unlike most cat breeds, the Cornish Rex doesn’t have an undercoat, which makes it a little harder for them to stay warm. They should be kept indoors and safe from any cold weather.


Baldness is common for the Cornish Rex.

Cornish Rex cats commonly suffer from a condition called congenital hypotrichosis. While it’s harmless, it does cause many Cornish Rex to have thinning hair or to go completely bald in some areas.

Training Tips

Training Tips

from Dr. Jessica Greenberg, Associate Veterinarian

  • Personality




  • Origin

    Cornwall, England

  • Life Span

    11-16 Years

  • Breed Popularity

  • Length Range

    16-18 Inches

  • Weight Range

    6-10 Pounds

  • 动物皮毛




    Curly and Soft


    White, Black, Blue, Red, Cream, Chocolate, Lavender, Silver


    Shaded, Smoke, Tabby, Tortoiseshell, Bicolor, Calico, Colorpoint

  • Hypoallergenic


  • Cost to Buy
