How to teach your dog to roll over?


I. How do you train your dog to learn to roll over?

In addition to "shaking" and "playing dead", "rolling over" is one of the classic dog tricks, a fun trick that uses muscles your dog may not use and is A good exercise. Although this skill is very old, many people don't know how to train their dogs to achieve results, and if you have a dog that doesn't roll over naturally, it can be even harder to get your dog to do this move.

Rolling over can be a very sensitive position for a dog and requires the dog to have complete trust in you. If the dog does not have a good relationship with you, then training will be more difficult and take more time. So be sure to build trust with your dog before he starts rolling. If the dog can relax and let you touch him all over and trust that there is no threat when he is lying down, he will probably be willing to roll over.

Lure Training
For most owners, luring is the easiest and simplest way to get a dog to roll over. Owners can take a piece of their dog's favorite snack and lure it around his nose, allowing him to focus on the food and follow its movement.

Start by putting your dog in the down position and let him enjoy a bite or two of the treat. Once your dog begins to relax, keep your dog's nose down and lure your dog to the other side with the treat. If your dog is maintaining a lazy sitting position, just sitting on one hip, it will be much easier to get him to roll over in that direction.

This is where you need to do some experimentation. In this case, some dogs will naturally lie flat. Other dogs, especially those with trust issues, will not lie down so easily. During practice, you may sometimes have to adjust where you place the bait, because the point at which you are used to rolling over is different for each dog. For some dogs, simply placing the food in front of the dog and then luring the dog back and forth on both sides is enough to get them to fall on their side. For other dogs, you may need to place the lure on the other side and then move the food over the dog (the food will go over his head and he will eventually lunge sideways to try to follow it).

Of course, the actual training may not be that easy, but there are usually only two situations where this will happen. For some dogs, they will start to roll over quite naturally. For them, it may also feel like a game to be rewarded for their efforts. The second scenario is that if the dog doesn't roll over on its own, you'll have to continue to lure it. Repeat the above training while keeping the dog relaxed.

Note: If the dog is overweight or lacks muscle strength, they may have difficulty completing the roll over. If this happens, you will need to help the dog artificially. The best way, of course, is to let your dog in the weight loss or increase muscle strength. It is also important to have your veterinarian help assess your dog's condition.

Disengaging from rewards
When your dog is able to roll over successfully with the lure of food, it is time to remove the food and "lure" your dog to roll over with your hand. Once your dog is able to follow your hand and roll over, you can begin to remove your hand from his body. You can gradually increase the distance between your dog's head and your hand while giving the command for this action.

At the end of the training, you should be free to decide whether to let your dog follow your hand gesture to roll over or to use a verbal command. If you want to use a verbal command, simply say "roll over" (or whatever expression you want) before you give the roll over gesture. Notice that your dog starts to roll over after you say the command, but before you make the gesture. If you can achieve this effect, your dog is receptive to the command!

Training is also an opportunity to bond with your dog. If your dog doesn't have a good relationship with you, take this opportunity to build a good bond with your dog!

How to teach your dog to roll over?

II. How do you train your dog to roll over?

The cute is really an innate talent of small dogs, and thanks to their petite size, whatever they do will make people feel so cute, and rolling is definitely a sure-fire way to be cute. However, this technique is not exclusive to small dogs, because this action is very cute, so even large dogs can easily be cute after learning it.

Rolling is an advanced version of the down action, so it is necessary for the dog to learn the down first before training the dog to roll. Owners can use treats to guide the dog to the down. First, let the dog sit, and then show the snack in front of the dog to attract the dog's attention. The owner can place the snack close to the dog's nose and let him sniff it. The dog's body will follow the snack in order to eat it. This time the owner can slowly put the snack down, the dog's body will also be down to explore, and so down to a certain level, the dog involuntarily down.

When the dog is down, we can then proceed to the next step of training. The owner can grab the dog's body or its two front feet and gently help the dog turn over. Because the belly is a vulnerable place for dogs, some dogs may resist the actions of the master. This time, the owner can gently pet it to calm it down, or you can also show it before turning it over snacks in your hand, so that it knows that "obedience = reward", which can calm the dog's emotions, so that the training goes more smoothly.

After turning the dog's body over, we can use the command to keep the dog still. If the dog obeys the command, we can gently pet it and give it a reward. By turning the dog over and giving a reward, the dog builds up a good association with the turning thing. The dog will not be so resistant when the owner rolls it over again. After rolling the dog again, the owner can give the dog a reward again. Repeat the training several times after that to get the dog used to the action of rolling over.

When the dog is used to being turned over manually by you, we can add the "roll over" command to the training. At this point the training process becomes: first let the dog down, then the master said "roll" command while helping the dog roll over with his hands. After turning the dog belly up, the owner gives the dog a proper reward. Then the owner continues to help the dog roll over, so that the dog's belly down, to complete the dog reward again.

Add a muzzle when training and then repeat the training. Over time, the dog will take the initiative to associate the muzzle with the action of rolling when together. After the training, the owner can try to reduce from two hands to help it roll over to one hand, from the need to help it roll over to gently touch it will take the initiative to roll over, step by step to reduce the auxiliary action, until the dog does not need assistance, hear the command can take the initiative to roll over.

Rollover training is actually quite a test of the tacit understanding and trust between the owner and the dog, because it involves touching the dog's vulnerable parts. Therefore, the owner in the training before the best and the dog first to develop enough tacit understanding to enhance the dog's obedience. In this way, the dog will not be so nervous, tumbling training will be smoother.
  • Category:Dogs training
  • Views:440 Views
  • Release Date:2022-08-04 11:10:06
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