Can dogs eat pomegranates?



Pomegranate is a common fruit that is delicious and nutritious at the same time. It can be a bit of a pain to peel, but the moment of tasting it is worth it. Pomegranates are some of the most nutritious fruits for humans, but can dogs eat pomegranates?
Pomegranate is a fruit that we can often eat, because of is watery and sweet and loved by people, but eating pomegranate is extremely not easy, peeling rabbit is an extremely tedious process. People can eat fruit to supplement vitamins for the body's daily activities of energy, so animals are also to eat fruit. Next, can dogs eat pomegranates? Do not see the owner feed the dog pomegranate. Because pomegranates contain pomegranate seeds, dogs may vomit, have diarrhea, abdominal pain, and other symptoms after ingestion. And pomegranate seeds are small, dogs eating pomegranate may appear to be choked by the phenomenon of pomegranate seeds, easily causing the dog's life in danger, if the owner wants the fruit, you can choose other fruits to feed, such as bananas apples strawberries are a good choice.

Can dogs eat pomegranate?
According to most veterinary experts, pomegranates are not suitable for dogs, and owners should not feed their dogs anything that contains pomegranate ingredients. In recent studies, most dogs that consumed pomegranate seeds became sick shortly afterward. And the reason given by experts is that dogs cannot process the antioxidants contained in pomegranates in their bodies on their own as humans do. For humans, it is the presence of this type of high level of antioxidants that makes the pomegranate one of the most nutritious fruits. For dogs, on the other hand, while there is a need for antioxidants in their diet, this type of substance in pomegranates is not suitable for them.

Pomegranates are rich in tannins, ellagic and anthocyanin acids, all of which are difficult for dogs to break down, so in most cases, eating them can lead to stomach pains and even diarrhea and vomiting. In a pomegranate, the seeds are the part that is most likely to be eaten. At the same time, the seeds are also the juiciest part of the pomegranate, and to extract the juice, you can simply crush the seeds in your mouth and taste them. If you don't like it, you can also simply spit it out. However, the natural gluttonous nature of dogs causes them to probably not spit out the seeds and end up swallowing them. Swallowing the seeds may lead to stomach pain and diarrhea because your dog's gut cannot digest it on its own.

How to respond after your dog accidentally ingests a pomegranate
If you have not trained your dog properly, it is a normal situation for them to steal pomegranates. When your dog accidentally eats a pomegranate, the first thing you should do as an owner is to stay calm and not panic. You may notice that your dog's intestines are gurgling and the number of stools may increase and vomiting may follow, but in most cases, it is not fatal. When a dog vomits, it is a normal occurrence because it is the dog's body's protective mechanism to expel substances that are making the body sick.

Generally, the symptoms go away quickly and there is no need to be overly concerned, but if the adverse symptoms persist for more than 24 hours, then it is time to take your dog to the doctor because your dog's body is becoming weaker and weaker. No matter how much pomegranate the dog has consumed, all the owner needs to do is to watch carefully and observe the vomiting and diarrhea. During this time, try not to let the dog eat anything, and their symptoms will usually go away after six hours. When he stops vomiting, you can give him water to replenish his points and then slowly offer him a small amount of food. Also, there is no harm in eating a little, just control the intake.

Is pomegranate good for dogs?
According to research, pomegranates contain moderate calories, about 100 grams of pomegranate contains 83 calories, which is slightly more than the calories in an apple. So, pomegranates are perfectly healthy for dogs. Also, pomegranates do not contain any cholesterol or saturated fat.

Overall, although pomegranates are healthy for dogs, there are ingredients in pomegranates that can cause bad symptoms in dogs, so there is no harm in consuming small amounts occasionally, too much can cause bad symptoms.

Can dogs eat pomegranates?

II. Can puppies eat pomegranates?

Dogs can eat pomegranates, but don't feed your dog too many of them.

1. When feeding yourself for the first time type of fruit, please keep in mind one rule, always try a small amount and observe for 4 hours after the dog does not have any abnormalities before giving it to the dog normally later - even if these fruits or foods are harmless to the dog, you should do so because being harmless does not mean that your dog will not be allergic to these fruits or food allergies.

2, dogs can not eat pomegranate seeds, these seeds are a toxic substance called hydride, dogs eating pomegranate will not be like people will spit out the seeds, they will directly chew this seed, then these toxic substances will be directly swallowed inside the stomach, dissolved into the stomach, so that these toxic substances are more, it will lead to diarrhea or diarrhea and abdominal pain in dogs.

3, when the dog accidentally eat pomegranate, as the owner first to remain calm, do not panic. You may notice that your dog's intestines are gurgling and the number of stools may increase, vomiting while may follow, but in most cases, it is not fatal.

III. Fruits that dogs should not eat

The body structure of dogs is different from that of humans, so many fruits that are nutritious for humans are poison for dogs, so do you know what fruits dogs can't eat? Here we take a look at it, remember not to feed the dog to eat Oh.

1, pineapple and mango
Pineapple, mango, the two fruits are more allergic, dogs eat these fruits may cause allergies. It has been proven that most dogs eating pineapple is prone to diarrhea, which can cause dehydration in severe cases, causing danger to the life of the dog.

Some people may say, my dog ate nothing ah, the dog's physique varies, it is recommended that the owner or do not have curiosity and fluke treatment.

2, grapes and passion fruit
The most dangerous is the grape, especially for small dogs, grapes can lead to acute kidney failure in dogs, acute kidney failure generally need to be diagnosed through blood biochemical tests. The abnormally high sugar content for dogs that are extremely sensitive to sugar, eating will undoubtedly be harmed.

Passion fruit in the kernel contains toxic substances, dogs chewed will make toxic substances dissolved in the gastric juice, may lead to dog poisoning.

3, poppy peaches and cherries
Poppy peaches, cherries contain minerals, sodium, potassium elements of high proportion, will bring a heavy burden on the dog's kidneys, will destroy the dog's intestinal tract, prone to vomiting and diarrhea symptoms, and even death.

And cherries are small, not easy to swallow, especially easy to get stuck, may make the dog choke.

4, avocado and sugar cane
Avocado can cause damage to the dog's heart muscle, gastrointestinal discomfort, breathing difficulties, pleural effusion, etc. Sugar cane is coarse fibrous, difficult to digest, easy to cause intestinal obstruction in dogs, it is recommended that dogs better not eat!

5, frozen fruit and fruit kernels
Just from the refrigerator out of the fruit do not feed directly to the dog, or the temperature is too low and stimulate the dog's stomach, the dog is prone to diarrhea. There are also some fruit kernels can not be fed to dogs to eat, will cause choking or digestive blockage of dogs, very dangerous.

Dogs feeding attention.
The taste of fruit is very good, the dog is also very fond of eating, but you pooper scooper still have to remember what the dog can eat, what not to eat, when feeding the dog, try to dog food, because this is what the dog really likes to eat, after all, dog food is scientifically developed, more balanced nutrition.

If your dog's gastrointestinal function is not very good, these fruits really do not feed, for dogs usually have poor gastrointestinal digestion, it is recommended to feed some probiotics, promote dog intestinal peristalsis, exercise dog gastrointestinal absorption. Like the following pet probiotics, not only can promote dog gastrointestinal metabolism, solve the problem of diarrhea, vomiting, but also can enhance appetite, improve immunity, make the dog's life healthier!
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:429 Views
  • Release Date:2022-08-04 10:48:01
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