Can dogs eat pears? Dogs eating pears precautions


Pears are sweet and sour, crisp and juicy. It has many benefits for humans. Dogs occasionally eat some pears will not have much effect on health, it is recommended to feed a small piece at a time, not too much. Snow pear is juicy and is a cool fruit, too much consumption will lead to dog diarrhea, gastrointestinal inflammation, and so on. And pears also contain high sugar, and dogs' too much consumption of fruits and food containing high sugar will cause dogs diabetes, obesity, immune system damage, and other diseases. Pears also contain tannic acid, the dog's gastrointestinal weakness, can not metabolize the tannic acid contained therein in time, and once the tannic acid and protein react with each other, will make protein precipitation, thus producing stones. Especially for puppies and older dogs, their digestive system is not perfect, and then too much consumption of similar fruits and vegetables will cause a great burden on the body.
When the weather is hot, we can give our dogs some fruits in moderation, so that they can replenish the water and vitamins lost in the body, and can also add fun to their lives. This time we had better choose some fruits for dogs that are not too high in sugar, such as apples and so on. When feeding, you must also remember to feed the fruit pulp properly. The cores and seeds of fruits are best not to give to dogs. Because many Rosaceae seeds contain cyanogenic glycosides, such as peach, cherry, sago, apricot, plum, loquat, pear, apple, etc... And too much of something containing cyanogenic glycosides can lead to severe toxic reactions.
Pears are not toxic to dogs, but they are not necessarily part of a dog's balanced diet.
There is not much nutritional benefit to giving your dog a pear, except that it is a fun treat for your dog and you can share it with your dog.
Of course, pears are delicious because they have sugar; therefore, if he is diabetic, you should avoid giving your dog pears.

I. Precautions for dogs eating pears

Before feeding your dog pears, these are the precautions you need to know.

1. feed your dog ripe fruit, unripe fruit may have side effects on your dog's digestion and cause stomach upset.

2, remember to remove the core, for fear that the dog may accidentally eat it, leading to obstruction.

3, never give a dog a whole pear to eat, these are easy for it to cause choking, the whole fruit, if digested, may lead to intestinal blockage, so the need to cut pears.

4, occasionally feed your dog just one or two slices of pear, because the fruit contains sugar, eating too much can be detrimental to the dog's teeth, lead to weight gain, and may lead to stomach discomfort.

5, do not give dogs canned pears or candied pears, because the syrup contains very much sugar, which is not good for dogs.

6. moldy, spoiled, or rotten fruit can lead to diarrhea and upset stomachs in dogs

7. fermented fruit, which can be converted into alcohol that is not good for dogs, so do not give it to dogs either.

II. Steps for proper dog feeding of pears

1. when selecting pears, choose ripe pears for your dog, do not give your dog any that are not yet ripe.

2, before feeding, give the fruit washed to remove residues of chemicals.

3, cut the pear, take out the nuclear part, and cut a small piece of a small piece, easy for the dog to eat.

4. the intake of pears, as with snacks, should not exceed 10% of the dog's daily intake.
Generally speaking, if you feed your dog the right amount of food, your dog can eat many kinds of fruits. Pears are among them.

As long as you determine the number of pears your dog eats, then you can share this juicy pear with your four-legged friend.

The core of a large pear makes it easier for your dog to choke than the core of a small pear. And depending on the ripeness of the pear, the core may be softer and more prone to spoilage than a younger pear.

To minimize the chances of your dog becoming bloated, peel, core, remove the seeds, and cut the pear into small pieces to prevent your dog from choking when eating more than the size of his or her throat. ME.

As for pears, don't think too much about them.

Here are some things to keep in mind when feeding human food to your dog.

First, it is non-toxic to the dog and has no medical contraindications (for example, you should not feed a high-protein food to dogs with kidney disease, or dogs with pancreatitis). Then they should not be fed containing a lot of fat).

Second, you should feed your dog in moderation and eat in moderation. In particular, pears, or any other human food, should not exceed 10% of a dog's daily calories.

Can dogs eat pears? Dogs eating pears precautions

Three, eating pears properly is good for your dog's health

Pears are rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, lycopene, and antioxidants. Like other fruits, pears contain a natural sugar called fructose. Dogs have no problem consuming naturally occurring fructose in their food, and we can help them avoid health risks such as weight gain or tooth decay simply by limiting the amount they eat.

The nutritional benefits of pears for dogs include

Vitamin A: maintains the dog's vision, immune system, bones, muscles, and coat.

Vitamin C: maintains the immune system and promotes healthy joints.

Vitamin K: to maintain normal blood clotting in dogs

Potassium (electrolytes): maintains fluid balance and supports nerve and muscle function

Calcium (mineral): maintains strong teeth and bones in dogs

dietary fiber: aids in digestion and makes stools firm

Carbohydrates: converted into the body energy needed by the dog.

Copper (mineral): maintains a healthy immune system and promotes bone development in dogs.

IV. Hazards of eating pears in dogs

1銆丟astrointestinal discomfort

2銆丆auses picky eating

3, triggering abortion

Not all dogs can eat pears. Pregnant bitches are not suitable for eating pears, otherwise, it may cause miscarriage. Puppies should also not eat pears, their gastrointestinal digestive function is poor, and eating pears are easy to diarrhea.

V. Fruits that dogs can eat in small amounts

1. Bananas. Bananas are rich in vitamin B, vitamin C, and potassium, and are very beneficial for dogs to eat in small amounts. In addition, bananas are also rich in fiber, which can help intestinal peristalsis, which is good for the dog's intestinal tract.

2, blueberries. Blueberries contain a lot of nutrients. They also contain a little bit of fiber and antioxidants. So, blueberries are a very healthy fruit, and even many dog food will have blueberry ingredients.

3. Strawberries. Like most other fruits, strawberries contain a lot of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. But be careful, when feeding your dog to remove the stems of the strawberry fruit before feeding.

4, cantaloupe and melon. Cantaloupe is rich in vitamins and minerals, while melon has a lot of vitamins A, B, and C. They are also a good source of potassium, but only in moderation.

5. Kiwi fruit. It is a source of fiber, and potassium and is high in vitamin C. It is a good choice to feed your dog a slice or two. This delicious tropical fruit has antioxidants.

6, orange. Rich in vitamin C, replenishing energy also helps digestion. Feeding your dog too many oranges may lead to weight gain, for dogs with diabetes should not be fed oranges.

7, mango. Not only do they taste good, but they also have many health benefits. Because they are a good source of vitamin A, potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and vitamin E, containing beta carotene and alpha carotenoid flavonoids.

8. Pineapple. A small amount of pineapple is good for dogs, and the vitamin C it contains can help strengthen the dog's resistance. The fiber of pineapple is very helpful for dogs to improve their digestive system and facilitate their bowel movements. The pineapple protease will simply increase the dog's ability to absorb protein. Due to this increased ability, it will allow the dog to absorb more essential nutrients and minerals from a quality dog food.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
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  • Release Date:2022-06-17 18:04:25
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