Can dogs eat cranberries? The benefits and disadvantages of cranberries for dogs


Can dogs eat cranberries

Yes. The flavonoids in cranberries can effectively reduce oral bacteria and prevent tartar; cranberries also contain a variety of antioxidants, which can slow down the aging process; they can prevent bacteria from adhering to cells, which can prevent urinary tract diseases; and they also contain a variety of trace elements and vitamins, which can help normal bone growth and development. However, any food other than dog food should be consumed in moderation to avoid side effects caused by consuming too much.

Can dogs eat cranberries? The benefits and disadvantages of cranberries for dogs

Benefits and disadvantages of cranberries for dogs

Cranberries are rich in antioxidants and nutrients that help support your pet's immune system and reduce inflammation. Antioxidants play a major role in keeping dogs healthy. For example, they can improve cognitive function and reduce allergies and skin problems.

This red, acidic berry is low in calories and high in vitamin C, fiber and potassium. Fiber helps reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes and certain gastrointestinal disorders.

Cranberries can improve bladder health in dogs, reduce tartar and plaque formation, fight bacteria and help prevent cancer, among many other benefits.

You can feed raw, cooked or dried cranberries to your dog in moderation. Avoid cranberry sauce and cranberry juice because they are high in sugar and may contain other ingredients that may be harmful to dogs.

Cranberries are also used in some dog food formulas because they contain all the vitamins, minerals and disease-fighting nutrients.

The benefits of cranberries include the ability to help fight and prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs). However, not enough studies have been conducted in dogs to confirm this, so doctors strongly encourage clients to use sour fruit cranberries as a supplement, not as a substitute for proven medication.

Feeding large amounts of cranberries to dogs can lead to the formation of calcium oxalate stones in the bladder. As with any other food or supplement, cranberries should be abstained from under the guidance of a veterinarian to avoid this and other risks, and ask your veterinarian about the best cranberry supplements on the market.

Cranberries are usually safe to feed in moderation, but there are other fruits and vegetables that are more beneficial and less risky for dogs.

Feeding large amounts of cranberries to dogs can cause stomach upset. To avoid this and other risks, pet owners should talk to their veterinarian before adding tart cranberries to their dog's diet.

Let's start by looking at the nutritional content and value of cranberries. Here's what a serving of cranberries (about 100 grams) contains.
Calories: 46
Protein: 0.5 grams
Fat: 0.1 g
Carbohydrates 12 grams
Sugars: 4.3 g
Fiber: 3.6 g
Water: 87 g
Rich source of vitamins and minerals
Cranberries are rich in nutrients, especially vitamin C. I have listed below the nutrients that cranberries contain the most.
Vitamin C - also known as ascorbic acid, is the main antioxidant found in cranberries and can help fight oxidative damage, which is good for the hairy skin and can boost the immune system.
Manganese - A trace mineral that has not been studied much in dogs and is primarily used in the body for development and metabolism.
Vitamin E - is a powerful fat-soluble antioxidant whose main function is to fight oxidative damage in the body.
Vitamin K (leaf quinone) - An important element for blood clotting and bone health.
Copper. Copper deficiency can have a negative impact on heart health. There are instances where baby Seymour's death can be caused by copper deficiency.
Lots of antioxidants to boost health
Antioxidants are super important ingredients that help the body fight oxidative stress, and many so-called superfoods are also rich in antioxidants. When there's too much oxidative stress, it can easily cause chronic inflammation and even diminish immune capacity.
Cranberries are found in high levels of active plant compounds and antioxidants - like flavonols and polyphenols. All of these nutrients are found in highest concentrations in the cranberry skin.
Quercetin. Cranberries are one of the most abundant sources of quercetin.
Populins. Another major antioxidant found in cranberries that may have a variety of positive benefits for the body.
Peonidin: Cranberries are one of the richest sources of peonidin.
Ursolic acid. A plant compound that has been added to many human cosmetics in recent years and is an ingredient in many traditional herbal medicines, with powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
A-type proanthocyanidins. One of the most commonly heard anthocyanins and is thought to be effective against urinary tract infections.
In a study on antioxidants, it was noted that if dogs consistently ate a diet rich in antioxidants, they would be able to improve the antioxidant status of their bodies, resist oxidative damage and improve their overall health.
May reduce the risk of urinary tract infections with E. coli
Many times, urinary tract infections in dogs are caused by E. coli bacteria.
In one of the dog studies, eating cranberry extract may be associated with urinary tract infections with E. coli.
May help prevent urinary tract infections
A study in dogs showed that eating cranberries prevented the development of bacterial invasion in the urinary tract and prevented the adhesion of E. coli to cells, thus preventing urinary tract infections.
Anti-ageing endocrine pancreas
Animal studies have shown that long-term cranberry supplementation can counteract age-related changes in the endocrine pancreas of the pancreas.
Prevents and inhibits cancer
Cranberries are rich in quercetin, which has been found in several studies to have anti-cancer effects in combination with other compounds such as resveratrol, ellagic acid, chrysophanol, and curcumin. Quercetin alone has also been found to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells and even lead to their natural apoptosis.

Bad effects of cranberries in dogs

There are two sides to everything, so let's look at the bad side of cranberries.
The fermentability may cause gastrointestinal distress
Cranberries are actually quite acidic and can cause tummy aches, indigestion, and other problems if your dog eats them, so it is not recommended to give too much at first and you should start with small amounts.
Cranberries, especially the concentrated juice, can contain high levels of oxalates - which can be very taxing on your dog's kidneys if consumed in large amounts, and may increase the risk of kidney stones if consumed in large amounts over time.
Precautions for feeding cranberries to dogs
As mentioned in the original response to "Can dogs eat cranberries", there are a few things to keep in mind.
Serving size and dosage of cranberries for dogs
Generally speaking, no more than 10% of the dog's main diet should be consumed. Remember, your dog's body is not primarily designed to digest and absorb fruit, so excessive amounts will not benefit him.
Dried Cranberries / Cranberry Juice
Don't give these to your dog because you want to give them urinary health! These by-products are super high in sugar and can also be high in oxalates. I do not recommend giving these, especially cranberry juice. Also, don't think that slamming cranberry juice will cure your dog's urinary problems, it will probably backfire.
Cranberry powder
Depending on how it is made, the nutrients will be greatly depleted if it is made by ordinary air-drying, and greatly retained if it is made by freeze-drying. Freeze-dried food is very expensive, so it is better to give fresh ones.
Cranberry Ingredient
I found the ingredients of cranberry lozenges randomly on the Internet.
Patented cranberry extract (contains PAC preanthocyanidins >1.5%)
West Indian cherry powder
Macchi Berry Extract
Sage extract
Many times it is a mixture of different berry extracts, in fact, the research used is also the extract, so I do not think the problem.

  • Category:Dogs feeding
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  • Release Date:2022-06-17 17:53:49
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