Can dogs eat bananas? What are the benefits of bananas for dogs


Can dogs eat bananas

Dogs can eat bananas. Bananas contain a variety of vitamins, trace elements and dietary fiber, and they also have the effect of clearing heat and moistening the intestines and promoting peristaltic movement. The bananas are also a great way to get your dog's blood flowing, so don't let your dog consume too many of them. When a dog is constipated or has a poor appetite, bananas can play a regulatory role because the dietary fiber and water in bananas can enhance gastrointestinal function, and the cool, sweet taste of bananas can give the dog a good taste, but feeding still needs to be in moderation. In addition, young dogs, especially unvaccinated dogs are advised not to give it bananas, because the young dog's stomach is more fragile, easily caused by diarrhea, diarrhea situation. In addition, dogs can not eat onions, onions and other seasoned vegetables, dogs eating such vegetables may cause cell hemolysis, the phenomenon of blood in the urine. The dog also can not eat high sugar, high fat, high salt food, high sugar, high fat food is easy to trigger the dog obesity and lead to a series of diseases, excessive salt will increase the burden of kidney excretion, break the balance of body fluids, resulting in a variety of skin diseases and other problems.

Can dogs eat bananas? What are the benefits of bananas for dogs

What are the benefits of bananas for dogs
The taste of bananas is cool and sweet, with a good texture. Bananas are also rich in vitamins and minerals, so giving them to your dog can replenish vitamins and trace elements. At the same time, bananas contain soluble pectin and insoluble fiber two kinds of dietary fiber, can enhance the function of the gastrointestinal tract, promote intestinal peristalsis, dogs can eat bananas can play a good laxative effect. In the dog constipation or poor appetite when the dog appropriate consumption of bananas can play a regulatory role.
Bananas are rich in vitamin B, which can promote the metabolism of protein, fat and carbohydrates and regulate the nutrient level of the dog's body, and can better convert the sugar in bananas into calories. The sugar in bananas is fructose, which is not harmful to the dog's body, but it should not be eaten too much and fed in moderation.

Things to note when dogs eat bananas
Although bananas are good for your dog's health, you should not feed them too much, but you should judge them according to the size of your dog. Different dogs have different sensitivities to the food they ingest. Some dogs with more sensitive intestines will have an imbalance in their intestinal flora after ingesting bananas, which may result in soft stools, and dogs should be more observant after ingesting bananas. To relieve dog constipation, you can't just feed bananas.
The potassium and sugar in bananas are not good for the dog's health. Large amounts of potassium ions are not good for the dog's kidney metabolism and may also increase the burden on the dog's kidney function. It is possible for adult dogs to develop hyperkalemia if they consume large amounts of bananas, and it can be fatal for some older dogs.
Bananas have a high sugar content and also contain high levels of energy, and overfeeding can lead to obesity in dogs, and obesity can cause a range of problems in dogs

Do not give bananas to puppies. The function of the organs of the puppy is fragile, so giving the puppy bananas too early may cause stimulation to its stomach and intestines, and may lead to indigestion.
After the dog reaches 3 months of age, the gastrointestinal digestive function gradually becomes stronger, so you can feed the right amount of bananas.
Do not let your dog eat banana peels. Banana peels are not toxic, but they are not suitable for dogs to eat. The large amount of fiber contained in banana peels may cause vomiting or diarrhea in dogs. To avoid your dog from flipping over the garbage can and eating the banana peel, it is best to use a garbage can with a lid.
Just feed bananas in small amounts on a regular basis, and it is best to give your dog dog food.

How many bananas can a dog eat in a day

Among the ingredients of bananas, there are actually no harmful substances that can poison your dog. And the taste of bananas is not only sweet, but also has a unique flavor. Dogs are very fond of it. In general, we can feed bananas to our dogs and not worry about problems. Unless, of course, you want to let your dog eat bananas without peeling them.

We can choose to give the dog a fresh banana directly, but we need to help him peel it first. If possible, it is best to cut the banana for your dog, after all, some silly dogs will want to swallow the whole banana. Or we can consider using the banana to make some snacks for the dog, such as juice, banana cookies and so on. Of course, if you don't like the hassle of this method, we have the easiest but tastiest way to eat bananas with yogurt. This is very simple, but the dog likes it very much.

Banana is a fruit containing a lot of sugar, but it is not high in calories, compared with apples. But the average dog food is already sufficient for the dog's needs. If extra bananas are consumed, it will bring extra calories to the dog and the owner will need to take the dog out to burn calories. The most suitable intake is 2g of banana per kg of dog per day.

Forbidden foods for dogs

1. Apples, cherries, pears...or similar fruits with "seeds and pits"

The seeds and pits of apples, cherries, pears, or similar fruits contain cyanide, which is a deadly poison for both humans and dogs. Cyanide can also be present in the dog's intestines and kill the dog within 24 hours without warning.

2, vegetables Onions / onions / leeks / peppers

Onions and shallots contain disulfides, which are harmless to humans, but can cause oxidation of red blood cells in dogs, which may cause hemolytic anemia and hematuria. Even by heating, it can not destroy the harmful substances, so do not feed your dog food with onions and shallots.


Tomatoes can cause cramps and heart rate disorders. But this issue is open to debate, because there are some high-quality dog food contains tomatoes.

4, raw eggs

Vitamin H promotes dog growth and coat health. Raw egg protein contains an anti-vitamin H protein substance, which prevents the dog's organism from absorbing vitamin H and causes vitamin H deficiency.

It leads to diarrhea, mouth ulcers and skin diseases in dogs. Be sure to cook the eggs before giving them to your dog. Raw eggs can lead to salmonella poisoning, heat it up and then give the dog the most appropriate food.


Commercially available edible shiitake mushrooms, mushrooms, etc. are harmless to dogs. But still avoid allowing dogs to eat, so as not to develop the habit of eating mushrooms in the wild accidentally eat toxic mushrooms.

6, condiments salt

Excessive salt can lead to kidney problems.

7銆丼weet food

Dogs need to supplement calcium, but sweet things can affect the absorption of calcium. Especially in the summer to eat less ice cream for dogs, not impossible, it is best to eat only the kind of ice without sweet popsicles, cooling effect is the best Oh!

8, nutmeg

Nutmeg can lead to spasms, heart attacks and death.

9, meat

Animal fat, fried food, leftover soup Excess fat can lead to pancreatitis.

Sharp bones that can penetrate the stomach and intestines Bones that can break, such as chicken bones, can pierce the dog's throat; or cut the dog's mouth, esophagus, stomach or intestines. If bones are to be fed, they should be cooked in a pressure cooker. Bone marrow is an excellent source of calcium, phosphorus and copper, and chewing on large bones helps remove tartar.

Raw or cooked liver A small amount of liver is good for dogs, but too much can cause problems. Because liver contains high amounts of vitamin A, it can cause vitamin A toxicity. An amount of about 3 chicken livers (or the corresponding amount of other animal livers) a week can cause bone problems.

10, raw meat, poultry meat

The dog's immune system cannot adapt to poultry and meat raised in captivity. The most common salmonella and bacillus are very dangerous to dogs. And the frequent feeding of raw meat can cause the dog's primitive instincts, which in turn promotes aggression.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:403 Views
  • Release Date:2022-06-17 17:06:52
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