Are dogs nocturnal?


I. Dogs Prefer Daytime Sleep

We, humans, have become the masters of all things, and this position makes us always look at everything in the world from our point of view. It is also easy for those who have a dog to consider their dog's feelings from their point of view, so it is easy to have a misunderstanding. This misunderstanding can be as big as a disease, or as small as a sleep problem.

As far as I know, many pooper scoopers consider everything when raising a dog, but ignore the dog's sleep problem. Some pooper scoopers believe that dogs and we humans are sleeping at night, so during the day, even in the home bouncing, there will be no disturbance of the dog's rest.

What's more, when you see a dog lying on the ground squinting, you will also go up and suddenly wake the dog up. You asked him why he did this, he said with a disinterested face: "Do not worry, the animals are sleeping at night, it just squinting is just tired of playing, a scare and will not be a big deal."

Oh? Really? Animals like dogs sleep at night? But you know what, your behavior is just your dog, based on their habits want to speculate on the dog's life pattern.

I have to state here: first of all, although the dog will sleep at night, it does not only sleep at night. Secondly, dogs do not simply sleep, they can also do the same as we humans to deep sleep. Finally, if a dog is awakened from its sleep, there are potentially serious consequences.

Are dogs nocturnal?

II. Your dog's beauty sleep

1. What is a dog's sleep like?

To understand the secrets of your dog's sleep, we might want to look at two aspects. One aspect is the type of dog sleep and the other aspect is about the time of dog sleep.

Do dogs sleep at night like humans? Need to know that dogs prefer daytime sleep, do not disturb better
1. The type of sleep of dogs

In the 1990s, some psychiatrists came up with a concept of sleep called "segmented sleep".

Experts believe that humans who slept before the 19th century are segmented sleep, that is, every night from about nine to ten o'clock, then go to bed, sleep for 3 to 4.5 hours before waking up. At this time, the time has come to midnight, humans are probably awake for an hour and then go back to sleep, sleep time the continued for 3 to 4.5 hours until dawn.

Such a sleep method with the invention of some artificial light such as electric lights gradually withdrew from the stage of history. But this way of sleeping is of great reference because the so-called segmented sleep is the norm throughout nature.

Do dogs sleep at night as well as humans? Need to know that dogs love daytime sleep more, do not disturb better
Let's take dogs as an example, according to the article "Sleep and biorhythms as a function of age in the dog" written by B.M. Zanghi, we can learn about the types of sleep in dogs. Although the dog's sleep type is also a segmented sleep type, it has a higher frequency of sleep interruptions compared to humans. Generally speaking, some dogs will take a nap in the morning, then enter a period of frequent activity, and by noon most dogs will enter a period of deep sleep, which will take place several times during the day, and at night the dog will sleep for several hours.

The reason why dogs have to choose this way of sleep and their ancestors, canine ancestors survive in the wild, surrounded by no shelter, naturally can not let themselves sleep through the whole night. So they tend to use a phased sleep will sleep the needs of the apportionment, coupled with the day at noon is often the highest temperature of the day, both natural predators or prey are less out, when not to sleep more?

2. The length of sleep for dogs

I then cited the article "Sleep and biorhythms as a function of age in the dog" to explain to you the length of sleep of dogs.

Generally speaking, the length of sleep of dogs can be divided into the following three age stages.

When dogs are still in the 1~2 week puppy period, their average daily sleep length is about 16~18 hours.
When dogs grow to 3-8 weeks, their average daily sleep is about 14-16 hours.
When dogs reach 8 weeks and beyond, their sleep duration is further reduced to an average of about 12 hours per day.
Do dogs sleep at night like humans? It is important to know that dogs prefer daytime sleep and are better off undisturbed
Such a way of sleeping can be found everywhere in nature, only we humans have adopted the sleeping style of sleeping the whole night because we have entered the modernization journey. In our human view, of course, the daytime is the time to move, but if the movement is too much, but really will disturb the dog's daydream.

The daydreaming mentioned here is not a metaphor, because dogs really do dream.

2, the dog's dream
The mainstream explanation for dreams in the scientific community is that the brain is still active during sleep, and the activity of these nerve cells makes the reproduction of the creature's daily memories, and because this reproduction is generated during the dormant period of the brain, it is inevitable that distortions will occur.
Human sleep is divided into two major parts: REM sleep and non-REM sleep, and dreams usually occur during REM sleep. The physiological structure of the dog's brain is very similar to that of humans, so their dreaming mechanism is also very similar to that of humans.
When dogs dream, because of the nerve cell activity in the brain, the spinal nerve reaction, so the dog in the dream will appear some body movements, such as trembling, twitching, barking and so on. However, it is worth noting that if the dog has problems with its brain bridge, it will not be able to inhibit the movement of the spinal nerves properly, and perhaps it will show symptoms of sleepwalking.

The above is about dog sleep and dog dreaming related content, as long as according to these contents, it is not difficult to see what harm randomly waking up the dog will do.

3銆乄hat will be the consequences of waking the dog to sleep?

The most direct and best understood consequence of waking your dog from sleep is that it can put your dog in an irritable mood.

This irritable mood can not only wake up, as mentioned earlier, the reason why dogs take segmented sleep, is the ancestors in the wild in ancient times left the genetic memory. In the wild if the dog is woken up, it proves that a new situation has arisen and needs to be dealt with immediately. But at home the dog is woken up and can't find anything worthy of its attention. On the one hand, the body's instincts tell the dog to stay alert; on the other hand, the eyes tell the dog that it can't find a target, which, of course, makes it depressed.

Another disadvantage of waking up your dog during the day is that it can cause a serious lack of quantity and quality of sleep. Because of the influence of the internal biological clock, it is difficult for dogs to sleep through the night, so as long as the dog does not get enough sleep during the day, his whole day's sleep will be ruined.

Finally, waking the dog to sleep may also bring harm to the pooper scooper himself. This is because when dogs are in REM sleep, they are in a dream world based on their daily memories. These memories can be memories of play or memories of aggression. If the shoveler rashly wakes the dog, the dog that has not fully awakened from the dream state may make some aggressive behavior to hurt the shoveler.

So, although we humans have become the spirit of all things, there are still many differences between creatures. In the process of raising a dog, we must not be able to do our own dog, to respect the habits of the dog. Only in this way, the dog will be healthier and we can save more trouble.
  • Category:Dogs feeding
  • Views:437 Views
  • Release Date:2022-08-04 10:44:44
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