Do dogs have belly buttons? How does a dog's belly button bulge


Does a dog have a belly button

Dogs do have belly buttons, but they do not have a belly button, but rather a scar-like presence. Generally their belly buttons will gradually become less visible as the dog grows and develops, and if owners want to check their belly buttons, they can look for them on their abdomen. If the owner finds that the dog's belly button is enlarged, it may be an umbilical hernia, and the owner needs to promptly send the dog to the hospital for examination and treatment.
Have you dog owners ever thought about your dog having a belly button? As a frequent contact with dogs, I don't seem to have thought about this issue inside my daily contact. When jerking off, I didn't pay attention to whether my dog had a belly button or not. It was only when I was in biology class with my cousin that I suddenly remembered the question of whether dogs have belly buttons. We'll talk to you today

The so-called belly button is actually the umbilical cord that connects animals to their mothers, and is left as a scar on the body after shedding. The placenta and the umbilical cord are the organs responsible for transporting nutrients to the babies. Generally speaking, in the newborn baby can begin to breathe independently, these organs will lose their original role. What should be done at this time is to cut the umbilical cord in various ways. And these umbilical cords will gradually shrink in the next few weeks, what remains is what we call the belly button.

This process is not unique to humans, all mammals will have a similar process. The exceptions are, of course, the kangaroo as the representative of the pouched animals and the platypus as the representative of the oviparous mammals. Dogs, however, are normal mammals, and in the case of mother dogs, they will chew through these umbilical cords themselves once their pups have left the womb. The umbilical cord shrinks more quickly in dogs than in humans, so it dries up and falls off in one to three days. Of course, you can understand this if you can see the dogs as newborns.

One of the reasons why people don't find out that dogs have umbilical cords is because they are very small. The reason is very simple, compared to humans, puppies do not need as much nutrition, so their umbilical cord will become smaller, so in the size of the problem, the dog belly button is even very difficult to find the existence of.

In addition, the dog's belly button is difficult to find the reason there are reasons, that is, the dog's belly button is not like the human, there will be a protrusion or concave appearance. In most cases, it is a very flat scar. And this scar will be covered by the dog's body hair to cover. If you find that your dog's belly button is raised or sunken, it may be a hernia or malocclusion problem. If the abnormality is serious, you may need to go to the vet for identification.

So the question is, where do we look for the dog's belly button? Generally speaking, the belly button should be in the dog's abdomen, which is generally an area just below the rib cage. A dog's belly button should be a small, round and oval scar that grows on top of the skin. In some cases, there will be similar hair marks on the dog's coat. Of course, if the owner can patiently run his or her fingers over the dog's belly, in most cases, the owner will be able to feel the unusual spot.

The belly button is something that is not very attractive to dogs. Instead, it will be interested in the human belly button. Because the human belly button will have the owner's smell. If the owner does not have the habit of cleaning their belly button, then the smell inside will become more intense, and the dog may also be used to licking the owner's belly button because of the smell.

Of course, dogs have belly buttons is a very common thing, owners should not be curious about the dog. Because not every dog likes to be stroked their belly button. In some cases, the dog is likely to feel unhappy because the owner strokes his belly button. There is even a possibility that the dog may attack the owner. So owners still need to be careful with their dog's belly button.

Do dogs have belly buttons? How does a dog's belly button bulge

Reasons why dogs' belly buttons are hard to find

Dogs' belly buttons do not appear as a bulge or a depression like humans' do. In most cases, it's a very flat scar. And this scar will be covered by the dog's body hair.
If you find that your dog's belly button is raised or sunken, you may have a hernia or poor closure. If the abnormality is more serious, it may need to be identified by a vet.

How does a dog's belly button bulge

A dog's belly button bulges because the dog has an umbilical hernia, so the belly button appears as a small, hemispherical bulge. Umbilical hernia is a major health risk for dogs and can even lead to death if left untreated. Small umbilical hernias can heal themselves, while larger umbilical hernias need to be treated surgically in the hospital.
The dog's belly button bulge how to do this strange disease can be cured?
Dogs with bulging belly button are suffering from umbilical hernia
The dog's belly button bulge is the dog has an umbilical hernia, which is very detrimental to the growth and health of the dog. Umbilical hernia is divided into congenital and acquired. Dogs with defects in umbilical development, umbilical hernia is not closed, incomplete closure or after the umbilical cord off, the umbilical cord root tissue and umbilical ring adhesion healing is not strong enough to cause the umbilical scar tissue. The dog's intra-abdominal pressure increases due to overeating, constipation, etc., and the intestinal canal or large omentum protrudes outward through the weak umbilical ring to form an umbilical hernia.

What is the danger of umbilical hernia to dogs?
A dog with an umbilical hernia will develop a hemispherical bulge in the umbilicus that is not painful and will decrease in size or even disappear when pressed or laid on its back. Abdominal pain and localized hardening of the swelling may occur when the hernia contents become adherent. The dog may become restless, have no appetite, have an elevated body temperature, and in severe cases, go into shock or even die.
Dogs belly button bulge how to do this strange disease can be cured
How to treat a dog with an umbilical hernia
If a dog has an umbilical hernia, if it is a small umbilical hernia, most of them will not have clinical symptoms and generally do not need treatment. Dogs have a strong self-healing ability and will gradually heal and disappear after a few months. If the umbilical hernia is large, the contents of the hernia will tend to adhere or become embedded as the disease progresses. It is recommended that the owner take the dog to a veterinarian for diagnosis and, if necessary, surgery as soon as possible.

How to care for a dog with an umbilical hernia
Dogs have little sense of satiety, the owner should not feed it too much food to prevent the dog from overeating. You can feed fruits and vegetables to supplement your dog's vitamins and probiotics to promote digestion and prevent constipation. If the dog is treated through surgery, the owner should take good care of the dog for ten days after the surgery. Reduce its diet and limit the dog to strenuous exercise to prevent excessive abdominal pressure leading to premature rupture of the umbilical hole risk and recurrence. The owner should always observe the wound, do anti-inflammatory work and keep the wound clean so that it can heal faster.
  • Category:Dogs Diseases
  • Views:691 Views
  • Release Date:2022-06-22 17:23:38
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